Hello my friends.
I'm hoping and praying that you're doing well.
It's spelling might cause some confusion, because It's spelled differently than what it sounds like when you say it. In fact, some people when I first talk abot it think I'm talkin about Idaho.
But I'm not saying Idaho. But don't be alarmed, because when I first heard what I'm gonna talk about Bach in 2004 I first thought I was hearing the word Idaho, but I wasn't, and found this out 12 years later. Idaho, and Isle Au Haut are two different words, and two totally different places in the U.S.!!! So now where've I gotten the name for my piece I called "The yellow Fields of Isle Au Haut!!!!!?"
First of all, this piece i composed is in B Flat Major, and It reminds me of a walk in beautiful yellow fields.
But where did even hear about Isle Au Haut in the First place, and why is it taking me so long to get to the point? Well I know why it's taking me so long, and that's because I'm in my cycle of droning on and droning on, and droning on, and droning on.
But there's this very very beautiful song by Gordon Bock called the "Isle Au Haut Lullaby!!" Let me tell you, It's very very beautiful!! You really really should listen to it because it's so beautiful!!
But anyways, I heard that song first in 2004 and that's a long story in itself which I'm gonna drone on about in another post cause it requires lots and lots of droning about the days when I only had one nostril and when I had many reconstructive surgeries in front of me, and it was certainly before I got my trach.
But I'll get to that in a blog post especially for that, cause sometimes if you drone on about something you just need your blog post to be on that discussion, because of the heavy amounts of droning that go on.
When I first heard this song in 2004 in the wee hours of what I think was a Monday morning, It was when I was recovering from a sinus infection that as they always did at the time went down in my chest and this one actually didn't end up in Pneumonia, but the Chest X-Ray revealed some Infiltration, and atelectasis, and I had quite the road with that battle, but at the time I heard this song, I was starting to really recover.
My breathing treatments had started working, and for that I was thankful.
But in the chorus the song goes like this.
"When You See Old Isle Au Haut, Rising in the Dawn, You will play in Yellow Fields, In the Morning Sun."
Now I've always seen images when I heard music, and plus I have Synesthesia, which is another blog posts in itself but the beautiful picture I pictured Bach then was something that I just can't describe.
Finding this song, the same version twelve years later last year on my computer from the same CD, well no doubt, when I read the title, and was hearing it, it just clicked, and I knew where I was goin.
I remember so vividly the joy I felt, and even though I was on my vent, I silently let out a scream.
The picture this song paints in my head is something I can't describe.
Doing some research I've discovered that Isle Au Haut is in Maine.
I still haven't actually seen where these yellow fields are, but when I hear this beautiful song, what I picture is indescribable.
So now, one morning at my CGP700 Keyboard, I composed a piece in B Flat Major called, "The Yellow Fields Of Isle Au Haut," and in my head it takes you through a walk in a very very beautiful yellow field and in fact It takes you through a 24 hour period of walking during the day, and then resting at night when the moon is shining high in the sky and there is a warm moist wind that blows gently.
Besides I love Moisture.
It's so good for the airways, and for the lungs, but that's not the point.
If you haven't heard this song, check it out on YouTube, and trust me, if you see music in the way I do, You'll definitely see somethng indescribably beautiful!!
Honestly, I could keep droning on, but the point is, I see music in such a special way. Such an unconventional way.
I've got an unconventional taste for music, and when I hear it, I see it in such a way that words can't describe.
My Synesthesia has a big part in that, but It's really just my taste for music.
Thank you for listening to another droning blog post.
In the future, you'll definitely hear about Isle Au Haut more, and other topics related to yellow fields, and beautiful stuff like that, that bring us Bach to so many many special things about life, and about music.
May God bless you, and REMEMBER!!!
ONLY HE, can Love you PERFECTLY!!!!

You are about read the blog of Peter Johann. In this blog I talk about numerous things including my love for classical music, my love for my savior Jesus Christ, and my interest in the medical field. I love life for what God gave me, and so I will share my life with you, and all the blessings I have received.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Sunday, February 19, 2017
The Small harpsichord Concert and the Heated Wire humidifier!
Last year, I ended a post with a Slight Possibility that I might get a heated Wire Humidifier.
That next day, the DME was scheduled to come, and to come, and and this was about 14:00 when i'd already be home.
I went out with Heather, and we met Edie at the University, and I played for about 40 minutes at the harpsichord and well Heather knew that this was happening, however, Edie had no idea what I'd done and had no idea until It happened.
In fact my first public announcement was on video, and that was the first time Edie had heard it.
I kept Heather informed my small indicators to her when the camera was coming out.
Edie had no idea that I'd composed a Minuet for her Son Christopher.
By the time Edie was hearing about the piece was when video was running, and I was announcing the piece right before I played it.
By this time, the dry air from the HME was so bad I could hardly talk, however I talked a little about Edie, and Christopher, and how special they all were to me.
And then I played Christopher's Minuet in E Flat Major.
The piece I'd been composing silently the previous Tuesday whilst I was swinging.
Yeah, You probably already know I LOVE to swing.
Heather and I were swinging, and I was silently composing this piece in my head fixin to play it on my keyboard which was at home.
Heather had no idea though, and this was how it'd stay until the Tuesday after.
So, after this harpsichord concert, Edie, Heather and I went out to get something to drink.
And, whilst I was hiding my own little secret about Christopher's Minuet until I revealed it to Edie on camera, well they had something I did not know about and didn't know about until we were about to enter the University Music Department.
Well, Edie had a Friend who's name was Jason and this person had a Drone.
Not just a little drone, but a full blown drone and well I remember Heather and Edie Talking on the phone right before Edie got there, and I remember Heather saying, "No, I didn't tell him yet."
I thought she was talking about telling one of her other friends about something, but had no idea she was referring to me, and something I was going to hear very very shortly.
No doubt, I certainly put two and two together when I was fixing to enter the university, because well I found out the wonderful news that this person who had a drone had learned aboutme from Edie.
And yeah, Jason was gonna let me fly the drone.
To say I was ecstatic, was an under statement.
I screamed as loud as I could on my vent, which was not very loud, but in my head, inside my heart, I was screaming very very very very loud.
Within a month, and a few days, I would certainly be standing in a school parking lot flying a drone.
It happened on July the 10th.
But I've gotta get through a few blog posts before I get to that, so that'll come soon.
but anyhow, after we went out to have a drink, I was tired, so I bid Edie a Good bye, and then after that, Heather and I went home to Clean up my room for the arrival of what I was thinking at the time was a slight possibility of getting a heated wire Humidifier.
I wasn't holding my breath at the time, still expecting to be sleeping on the old HC150 which obviously now is history.
The HC150 is a thing of the past.
It's no more in my world.
The former DME took it soon after the new DME came to fix things.
But any ways, after we cleaned up my room, and I removed my suit, I lied down very tired.
I dozed on and off, dreaming about what I was hoping would soon be my MR730 heated wire Humidifier.
And then Angie came in, and I knew from there on out, things were gonna change, and they were gonna change because our Heavenly Father was performing a miracle, and I was about to see the old HC150 going bye bye as well as the old LTV 1150, the old Nonin 7500, the old Devilbiss Suction machine, the Old stand for the old vent, and a lot of other things.
But Angie and I have become very very great friends.
So she arrived, and set me up.
I connected the circuit with the heated wire humidifier, and she brought a stand Bach to my house for the LTV ventilator.
And It's whilst we were explaining my interest in the medical field, and I was droning on as I always do about something along the lines of HFOV, and Inhailed Nitric Oxide, well It's whilst Dad was talking about what Happened to his hospital bed when he was admitted in the year of 2010 and it's whilst I was talking about my love for medical equipment that Angie made a statement that has so much meaning to it, as it's helped me come a looooooooooong ways.
She said, "Well if you want stuff to play with, Let me know, and I'll bring you stuff to play with!!"
It's something along the lines of that, that to this day is why I have a SmartMonitor 2, and a ResMed Astral Ventilator, and why I've played with a Trilogy 100 ventilator, and now my room is filled with stuff which has turned out to help me with my breathing.
She planned on coming Bach Next Tuesday evening, and I was going to text her.
Several texts later, and droning ons later, resulted in an old cough assist, along witha Vest machine with hoses, a Small pulse oximeter, and a Healthdyne 930 being brought into my room where they still remain as of this post.
And with this new DME, you're never gonna guess what pulse oximeter I have.
The old Nonin 7500 pulse ox is now at the old DME place somewhere I know where not, but I CARE NOT WHERE IT IS!!
Now in my room, sits a Masimo Radical eight Pulse Oximeter and this thing as you well know from me droning on about it, it truly wonderful.
It's special to me.
But now I test equipment out that other families state isn't working, and I've found a few issues, and now hopefully they're fixed.
You see, the DME doesn't have time to test all that equipment. She's very very very busy, and so if I can help test equipment for her, then let me tell you, I AM GONNA DO THAT!
So one week later, one week, and two days later after getting all that equipment, A SmartMonitor 2 by Respironics Arrives at my door whilst I'm listening to "Capriccio, BWV 992," with my headphones rocking Bach and Fourth to the Music, then I hear a knock on my window, and it's my awesome Hero Angie with the monitor.
When I realized what was happening, I could have screamed at the top of my lungs I was so happy.
I could have fainted right there I was ecstatic with such joy it was very very overwhelming.
Yeah, you don't need to be an infant to hook yourself up to one of these things.
Trust me.
It works on adults too.
I know this, because well I'm hooked up to it at night, and during the day, and it monitors me perfectly, and has helped save my life a few times.
We've got so much to talk about where I suddenly left off last year.
More blog posts are soon to come, and soon to come very very often.
You would not believe how wonderful last year was, and how this year is already starting to come with blessing after blessing.
It's all to come in blog posts.
But for a start, imagine the year starting with the word I'm gonna get to fly another little drone when the Weather warms, and not only this, but well the owner of this drone, who's name is John, he's got music equipment, and he's loaded with awesomeness I'm gonna be entering head first.
Here's something to know.
If you ever see somebody flying a drone, singing "Thanks a Lot," by Raffi, or you catch somebody singing about Isle Au haut while he's in the midst of flying a drone.
That's me.
That is me.
Peter Johann. Foster.
I'm a dronist with a Doctorate in droning.
You should've seen me the day I was playin at heather's House playing on Sammy's PS Four, singing "Thanks A Lot!!!"
I had to have been a sight.
Heather went outside to do something.
I don't know what, but that day I was real happy.
But if you ever see somebody flying a drone singing, chances are it's probably me doing it.
In other words, to make this very very very very long story short, I've got another drone in the future.
And let me tell you, I think about it all the time.
I picture myself flying that drone, droning on about yellow fields, and about Isle Au Haut.
That's all coming in blog posts, and yeah, you'll get lots of droning, as I'm known to drone on, and drone on, and drone on, and drone on!
And after that's completed, I drone on, and drone on, and drone on, and drone on, some more.
And then that just keeps on going and goingand going and going.
This blog post is huuuuuuuuuuge I know, but chances are, you'll see more huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge blog posts and this might end up being such a tiny blog post compaired to what you might see in the future.
You never know about me.
I've got so much to drone on about, like concerts, and Harpsichords, and what happened one day when I just got home from church.
And what happened on the 14th of June of Last year which was a Tuesday.
But for now Let's end it with this.
God does amazing things, he works in the most amazing of ways, and he does so many wonderful things for us, and we need to draw closer and closer and closer and closer to him, and teach others about Him, and his new mercies.
We need to show kindness to others, and let them know they have a savior that they can ask to come into their hearts.
If you've been bombarded with blessing after blessing after blessing, after blessing, like bullets raining from a machine gun, then you'll know about the Lord, and what he has done, is doing now, and will always do for those who serve him.
You'll know about what it truly means to serve a True God that brings goodness, peace, and love to all his faithful servants.
You'll know what a mighty God that we all have.
May God bless you.
That next day, the DME was scheduled to come, and to come, and and this was about 14:00 when i'd already be home.
I went out with Heather, and we met Edie at the University, and I played for about 40 minutes at the harpsichord and well Heather knew that this was happening, however, Edie had no idea what I'd done and had no idea until It happened.
In fact my first public announcement was on video, and that was the first time Edie had heard it.
I kept Heather informed my small indicators to her when the camera was coming out.
Edie had no idea that I'd composed a Minuet for her Son Christopher.
By the time Edie was hearing about the piece was when video was running, and I was announcing the piece right before I played it.
By this time, the dry air from the HME was so bad I could hardly talk, however I talked a little about Edie, and Christopher, and how special they all were to me.
And then I played Christopher's Minuet in E Flat Major.
The piece I'd been composing silently the previous Tuesday whilst I was swinging.
Yeah, You probably already know I LOVE to swing.
Heather and I were swinging, and I was silently composing this piece in my head fixin to play it on my keyboard which was at home.
Heather had no idea though, and this was how it'd stay until the Tuesday after.
So, after this harpsichord concert, Edie, Heather and I went out to get something to drink.
And, whilst I was hiding my own little secret about Christopher's Minuet until I revealed it to Edie on camera, well they had something I did not know about and didn't know about until we were about to enter the University Music Department.
Well, Edie had a Friend who's name was Jason and this person had a Drone.
Not just a little drone, but a full blown drone and well I remember Heather and Edie Talking on the phone right before Edie got there, and I remember Heather saying, "No, I didn't tell him yet."
I thought she was talking about telling one of her other friends about something, but had no idea she was referring to me, and something I was going to hear very very shortly.
No doubt, I certainly put two and two together when I was fixing to enter the university, because well I found out the wonderful news that this person who had a drone had learned aboutme from Edie.
And yeah, Jason was gonna let me fly the drone.
To say I was ecstatic, was an under statement.
I screamed as loud as I could on my vent, which was not very loud, but in my head, inside my heart, I was screaming very very very very loud.
Within a month, and a few days, I would certainly be standing in a school parking lot flying a drone.
It happened on July the 10th.
But I've gotta get through a few blog posts before I get to that, so that'll come soon.
but anyhow, after we went out to have a drink, I was tired, so I bid Edie a Good bye, and then after that, Heather and I went home to Clean up my room for the arrival of what I was thinking at the time was a slight possibility of getting a heated wire Humidifier.
I wasn't holding my breath at the time, still expecting to be sleeping on the old HC150 which obviously now is history.
The HC150 is a thing of the past.
It's no more in my world.
The former DME took it soon after the new DME came to fix things.
But any ways, after we cleaned up my room, and I removed my suit, I lied down very tired.
I dozed on and off, dreaming about what I was hoping would soon be my MR730 heated wire Humidifier.
And then Angie came in, and I knew from there on out, things were gonna change, and they were gonna change because our Heavenly Father was performing a miracle, and I was about to see the old HC150 going bye bye as well as the old LTV 1150, the old Nonin 7500, the old Devilbiss Suction machine, the Old stand for the old vent, and a lot of other things.
But Angie and I have become very very great friends.
So she arrived, and set me up.
I connected the circuit with the heated wire humidifier, and she brought a stand Bach to my house for the LTV ventilator.
And It's whilst we were explaining my interest in the medical field, and I was droning on as I always do about something along the lines of HFOV, and Inhailed Nitric Oxide, well It's whilst Dad was talking about what Happened to his hospital bed when he was admitted in the year of 2010 and it's whilst I was talking about my love for medical equipment that Angie made a statement that has so much meaning to it, as it's helped me come a looooooooooong ways.
She said, "Well if you want stuff to play with, Let me know, and I'll bring you stuff to play with!!"
It's something along the lines of that, that to this day is why I have a SmartMonitor 2, and a ResMed Astral Ventilator, and why I've played with a Trilogy 100 ventilator, and now my room is filled with stuff which has turned out to help me with my breathing.
She planned on coming Bach Next Tuesday evening, and I was going to text her.
Several texts later, and droning ons later, resulted in an old cough assist, along witha Vest machine with hoses, a Small pulse oximeter, and a Healthdyne 930 being brought into my room where they still remain as of this post.
And with this new DME, you're never gonna guess what pulse oximeter I have.
The old Nonin 7500 pulse ox is now at the old DME place somewhere I know where not, but I CARE NOT WHERE IT IS!!
Now in my room, sits a Masimo Radical eight Pulse Oximeter and this thing as you well know from me droning on about it, it truly wonderful.
It's special to me.
But now I test equipment out that other families state isn't working, and I've found a few issues, and now hopefully they're fixed.
You see, the DME doesn't have time to test all that equipment. She's very very very busy, and so if I can help test equipment for her, then let me tell you, I AM GONNA DO THAT!
So one week later, one week, and two days later after getting all that equipment, A SmartMonitor 2 by Respironics Arrives at my door whilst I'm listening to "Capriccio, BWV 992," with my headphones rocking Bach and Fourth to the Music, then I hear a knock on my window, and it's my awesome Hero Angie with the monitor.
When I realized what was happening, I could have screamed at the top of my lungs I was so happy.
I could have fainted right there I was ecstatic with such joy it was very very overwhelming.
Yeah, you don't need to be an infant to hook yourself up to one of these things.
Trust me.
It works on adults too.
I know this, because well I'm hooked up to it at night, and during the day, and it monitors me perfectly, and has helped save my life a few times.
We've got so much to talk about where I suddenly left off last year.
More blog posts are soon to come, and soon to come very very often.
You would not believe how wonderful last year was, and how this year is already starting to come with blessing after blessing.
It's all to come in blog posts.
But for a start, imagine the year starting with the word I'm gonna get to fly another little drone when the Weather warms, and not only this, but well the owner of this drone, who's name is John, he's got music equipment, and he's loaded with awesomeness I'm gonna be entering head first.
Here's something to know.
If you ever see somebody flying a drone, singing "Thanks a Lot," by Raffi, or you catch somebody singing about Isle Au haut while he's in the midst of flying a drone.
That's me.
That is me.
Peter Johann. Foster.
I'm a dronist with a Doctorate in droning.
You should've seen me the day I was playin at heather's House playing on Sammy's PS Four, singing "Thanks A Lot!!!"
I had to have been a sight.
Heather went outside to do something.
I don't know what, but that day I was real happy.
But if you ever see somebody flying a drone singing, chances are it's probably me doing it.
In other words, to make this very very very very long story short, I've got another drone in the future.
And let me tell you, I think about it all the time.
I picture myself flying that drone, droning on about yellow fields, and about Isle Au Haut.
That's all coming in blog posts, and yeah, you'll get lots of droning, as I'm known to drone on, and drone on, and drone on, and drone on!
And after that's completed, I drone on, and drone on, and drone on, and drone on, some more.
And then that just keeps on going and goingand going and going.
This blog post is huuuuuuuuuuge I know, but chances are, you'll see more huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge blog posts and this might end up being such a tiny blog post compaired to what you might see in the future.
You never know about me.
I've got so much to drone on about, like concerts, and Harpsichords, and what happened one day when I just got home from church.
And what happened on the 14th of June of Last year which was a Tuesday.
But for now Let's end it with this.
God does amazing things, he works in the most amazing of ways, and he does so many wonderful things for us, and we need to draw closer and closer and closer and closer to him, and teach others about Him, and his new mercies.
We need to show kindness to others, and let them know they have a savior that they can ask to come into their hearts.
If you've been bombarded with blessing after blessing after blessing, after blessing, like bullets raining from a machine gun, then you'll know about the Lord, and what he has done, is doing now, and will always do for those who serve him.
You'll know about what it truly means to serve a True God that brings goodness, peace, and love to all his faithful servants.
You'll know what a mighty God that we all have.
May God bless you.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Gne away is the Hubbard tank Interest
Last year, you all heard about Hubbard tanks so much.
I was known to tank people, and what that meand was sending texts containing the word Hubbard tank hundreds to thousands of times.
I've done it a lot to people.
Now days, you hardly ever hear the word Hubbard unless I'm talking about the interest I use to have, or I'm showing you pictures of my time at the University last march the 8th when I saw a Hubbard tank on a Tuesday morning.
Now days, you still hear me drone on about drones, and musical mobiles, but now guess what has transpired since then.
The Croup tent or commonly called an Oxygen Tent, an Oxygen Mist tent, an Ohio Tent, a Croupette tent, a Mist tent, or other various names.
These things are not used nearly as much as they use to be, but they are still used somewhat in hospitals.
I've always had a massive interest in the medical field, so that's why I drone on about many topics like HFOV, HFCWO, HFJV, APRV, ARDS, CLRT, etc.
However,well a croup tent is something that's really gone out of favor because of the high risk for transmission of infection, and so they're not as common as they were Bach then, but then they're still used in some hospitals.
Yeah, I know what I did.
I replaced the word Back with Bach.
I do it all of the time, and I do iton purpose too, because I love doing that, and because well I can do it.
LOL, I do it all of the time.
A croup tent, is a large plastic tent that contains a compressor that supplies cold moist air and in some cases oxygen to patients who have the croup, or who might have underwent oral, or airway surgery.
I was in one when I was very ver little, but all I remember was the hissing, and the noise of the plastic when It was adjusted, or when they opened the croup tent to talk to me.
I can remember the hissing noise, however I don't think they understood the question I was trying to ask which was "What is that noise?"
They all thought I was talking about the plastic noise, but NO, I wanted to know exactly what was makingthe HISSING noise.
I've never seen a croup tent up close, much less gotten in one knowing what all the components were, but that will all be changing very soon.
My friend Angie who is an RT from my medical supply compnay has talked to a hospital that is about 40 or so miles away from where I live, and well I'm gonna get to not only see a croup tent, but help set it up, and then not only that, I'm getting inside the thing, and will experience what It's like to be inside one, and to actually remember it, considering this happened about 20 years ago when I was inside one, and I don't remember anything to be of use to me.
I'm very very excited about this.
There are some other events coming in the pipe line as well, and these are going to be discussed.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna start sorting out what I have not discussed since last year.
I've flown drones, had concerts, gotten newmachines, gotten my hands on a Trilogy ventilator, and now an Astral ventilator which is all going to be discussed very very soon with you all.
Not only this, but well I've got a lot of new compositions that've come fourth since last year's post which was left at a really shocking ending of might be getting a heated wire humidifier, and bla bla bla.
For some unknown and really unexcusable reason, I suddenly stopped posting.
No real reason, so I don't know why I did, but the days of no posts are over.
I've got quite a bit of droning that has to be done, and make no mistake about this, will be done.
Thank you for reading my Blog Posts, may God bless you, and keep you, and REMEMBER!
I was known to tank people, and what that meand was sending texts containing the word Hubbard tank hundreds to thousands of times.
I've done it a lot to people.
Now days, you hardly ever hear the word Hubbard unless I'm talking about the interest I use to have, or I'm showing you pictures of my time at the University last march the 8th when I saw a Hubbard tank on a Tuesday morning.
Now days, you still hear me drone on about drones, and musical mobiles, but now guess what has transpired since then.
The Croup tent or commonly called an Oxygen Tent, an Oxygen Mist tent, an Ohio Tent, a Croupette tent, a Mist tent, or other various names.
These things are not used nearly as much as they use to be, but they are still used somewhat in hospitals.
I've always had a massive interest in the medical field, so that's why I drone on about many topics like HFOV, HFCWO, HFJV, APRV, ARDS, CLRT, etc.
However,well a croup tent is something that's really gone out of favor because of the high risk for transmission of infection, and so they're not as common as they were Bach then, but then they're still used in some hospitals.
Yeah, I know what I did.
I replaced the word Back with Bach.
I do it all of the time, and I do iton purpose too, because I love doing that, and because well I can do it.
LOL, I do it all of the time.
A croup tent, is a large plastic tent that contains a compressor that supplies cold moist air and in some cases oxygen to patients who have the croup, or who might have underwent oral, or airway surgery.
I was in one when I was very ver little, but all I remember was the hissing, and the noise of the plastic when It was adjusted, or when they opened the croup tent to talk to me.
I can remember the hissing noise, however I don't think they understood the question I was trying to ask which was "What is that noise?"
They all thought I was talking about the plastic noise, but NO, I wanted to know exactly what was makingthe HISSING noise.
I've never seen a croup tent up close, much less gotten in one knowing what all the components were, but that will all be changing very soon.
My friend Angie who is an RT from my medical supply compnay has talked to a hospital that is about 40 or so miles away from where I live, and well I'm gonna get to not only see a croup tent, but help set it up, and then not only that, I'm getting inside the thing, and will experience what It's like to be inside one, and to actually remember it, considering this happened about 20 years ago when I was inside one, and I don't remember anything to be of use to me.
I'm very very excited about this.
There are some other events coming in the pipe line as well, and these are going to be discussed.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna start sorting out what I have not discussed since last year.
I've flown drones, had concerts, gotten newmachines, gotten my hands on a Trilogy ventilator, and now an Astral ventilator which is all going to be discussed very very soon with you all.
Not only this, but well I've got a lot of new compositions that've come fourth since last year's post which was left at a really shocking ending of might be getting a heated wire humidifier, and bla bla bla.
For some unknown and really unexcusable reason, I suddenly stopped posting.
No real reason, so I don't know why I did, but the days of no posts are over.
I've got quite a bit of droning that has to be done, and make no mistake about this, will be done.
Thank you for reading my Blog Posts, may God bless you, and keep you, and REMEMBER!
Saturday, February 11, 2017
A very long time, with No posts, with no reason not to post, and so much happening in between Bach then, and now!
Holy Cow!!! It's been MONTHS since I've posted. For some weird reason, I have stopped posting since Last MAY I believe!!! There was really no reason NOT to post, and I can't for the likes of me really give reason to why no posts in MONTHS. Considering, many many many many things have happened since the last time I've posted!! So many things that I have lost count!! So many things, I'm gonna have to post in several posts about things that happened, because they were not just little things! They were VERY VERY BIG things, and VERY VERY BIG BLESSINGS!! Talking about big things, Here's some examples of what's happened.
NOW equipped with a heated wire humidifier, Both an MR730, and MR850, now equipped with many many other pieces of equipment like a cough assist, a Vest Airway Clearance System, a Masimo Radical 8 Pulse oximeter, a SmartMonitor2 Apnea Monitor, and a drone that does not work, but that I nmed Aedan Christopher!! And that's not it!! LOL!!
And talking about harpsichords again? Yeah, I'm still droning on about classical music!!! ALL THE TIME!!!! But well last Year, on a Saturday in September, guess who got to have a full blown Harpsichord concert!! Yeah, I give so much thanks to God when I tell you I was able to have a full blown harpsichord concert at the University!!!
And then green drone I got to see fly, and fly a wee bit at Heather's House last May, well ummmmm, that's not the only drone I've flown!!! NO WAY, You wouldn't believe what happened on July 10th of the year 2016 and two days earlier than expected.
I'll never forget that awesome day after I'd come home from church!!!! Guess what!!!!!
Well You'll hear about that in a post soon!!!!
There's so much more that's happened, and so much more that's happening.
Interest wise, things have changed as well!! Now instead of droning on about Hubbard tanks, I'm droning on about Croup tents!! What in the world are those things? Well you're gonna learn about that too, and especially now that I'm gonna be seeing one soon, setting it up, and GETTING INSIDE!!! Yeah, there's going to be video, and pictures!!!!
And now where did I get about Yellow Fields of Isle Au Haut?
Well you're gonna really hear bout that as well!! As that'll be a long and droning story coming in the future!!
But I've got so much to discuss. So much to drone on about!! BUT HEY, That's OK, because I'm a Dronist, with a Doctorate in Droning!!! I drone on about this, and Drone on about that. And drone on all day, and I Drone on all night. I drone on in my sleep.
And Yeah, these next several posts will definitely be posts where I drone on, and drone on,and drone on, and drone on, because, well that is what I do!!
But for now, This is me getting Back, or as I now Put it with my friends, getting BACH to posting!!
May God bless you, and Keep you.
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