Saturday, September 22, 2018

An answered Prayer, results in a MASSIVE EVENT X 3

As you all know, on October the 2nd, 2015, I would undergo my tracheostomy which has changed my life substantially!! Well In medical literature patients with  a trach cannot go swimming. But then again, in medical literature a lot of things are said to be true, however when the Heavenly father brings on divine intervention, ANYTHING is possible. To start this story, I want to say, "On July 10, 2018 two years exactly to the day I flew a professional drone owned by a person named Jason, well two years later an even bigger event happened. I WITH MY FRIENDS HEATHER, AND SAMMY, went swimming. Now my version of swimming is sitting, and relaxing in a pool. I don't exactly swim per say, but  I WADE in the water, standing/sitting. 

   Heather Got an inflatable pool that's a wee bit over three feet high, and 15X36 wide!  Well, the top part inflates, but the only thing keeping it high is the water, otherwise, it'd fall to the ground. BEST OF ALL, this pool has a pump, and It has an awesome sound. Do you all remember the era back in the end of 2015 and most of 2016 when all I droned on about was the Hubbard tank? That was t he large stainless steel tank commonly used to treat burned pat ients back in the 70s, 80s, and some in t he 90s and used to rehabilitate polio patients in the 40s, and the 50s. This tank if you remember has a turbine based whirlpool, and often had a lift, to place patients into, and remove them out of the tank. Well, the main fascination I had with the tank was the turbine, and all of the mechanical aspects of the tank. Well this's essentially the same way with pools. for many years I've  had a facination with the way a pool's circulatory system works. Now, what in the world do I mean by circulatory system? A pool you could say almost has a heart, but not literally. It has a pump with a big motor, that goes to the pool, and from the pool via pipes, or in Heather's case as you'll learn HOSES. it removes water from the pool, ciculates it through a filter inside of the pump, and then shoots it back into the pool via a device known as a return jet. In Heather's pool there only needs to be one return jet, and not more, however, in the case of a full blown professional athletic swimming pool, there needs to be numerous pipes, and numerous jets. When I first got my trach, I was thinking my days of sitting in a pool with return jets were over with, and I'd never be able to get into a pool again. THANKS TO Heather, and Sammy, my prayers were answered of being able to swim once again, and I hve been to her pool three times. I remember the week of the event. It was all I could think about. I couldn't stop droning on about the swimming pool pump, and about seeing the pump. I listened to the Intex Easy Set pool set up, and operation video probably over 100 times, I thought about the pool,  and flooded heather with Messages about the pool, and It's pump. It's all Mom heard about that whole week before, and especially the whole day before it happened. On the morning of the event, I shot out of bed, deflated my cuff on my ventilator, removing the monitors, and my vest as well as my feeding bag from the pump, and as soon as my cuff was deflated, I shouted out, "TODAY IS THE BIG DAY!!! I AM GOING SWIMMING!!!!!" I quickly cleaned out my tubea fter taking my medicine, and then got everything else done in my morning routine. And then Heather came, and just as she expected, I was through the roof with excitement. The sky was clear, and the sun was out. I remember as I was in Heather's car shouting out "I'm on Sunshine Mountain!" As you'll learn in this blog post, and in future blog posts I really enjoy songs like "Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain," "Whisper A Prayer," "Who Built The Ark," "Zacchaeus," and "Heavenly Sunshine!" I remember on the way to her house, I kept saying, "Are We There Yet?" LOL I probably asked that five times or more. Anyhow, I remember when we got there, I changed and then I got ready as you would when getting into a pool, whether that be to swim, or in my case to sit, and enjoy myself. "Praise The Lord!" I shouted as I was walking out to the pool. I saw the Intex pump sitting by the pool not powered on yet. I was going to prime the pump before I got into the pool. Heather allowed me to do this each time I've come and the first time, we uploaded a video of me priming the pump. To do this, the pump must be turned off, and you must unscrew a small valve that is on the top to release air, and you hold it in an unscrewed position until you feel water coming out, and then the pump valve is closed right before the pump is powered on. For this first procedure, Sammy was coming out, and held his position by the outlet in which the pump cord is connected. After I primed the pump, he would turn on the pump by simply plugging in the power cable to the outlet. The YouTube video was now going on, and I explained what I would be doing, and then proceeded to do it. After I placed my hand tightly around the unscrewable valve, I slowly unscrewed it, listening first for the air, and then the water, and as soon as water began to come fourth out of the unscrewed valve, I screwed the valve closed hand tight, and confirmed the priming procedure was complete, and after I confirmed this, Heather informed Sammy that the pool pump could now be started up, at which time It was. The next step was for Heather and Sammy to enter the pool in preparation for my entrance. I listened carefully as I was instrected of the six step ladder three steps up the ladder, and then I'd descend into the pool via means of the  three steps down, and then I'd be in the pool. To sum up the plan, I'd get into the pool, stand beside, or rather in front of the return jet, and then a float with two handles, and a seat would be used to allow me to sit in the pool.    Once heather and Sammy entered the pool, I began my entrance into the pool, and began after slowly going downwards, I got use to t he cold water, and before I knew it, I was standing in a swimming pool. As I stood in the pool It hit me. MY PRAYER HAD BEEN ANSWERED, AND I WAS IN THE MIDST OF A PROFOUND BLESSING! I was stinding there in a pool with my Passy Muir valve, off the vent, breathing in the fresh air, and as I stood there I shouted out once again, "I'M ON SUNSHINE MOUNTAIN!!!!!!" And to me, in my view, I was on sunshine mountain. I was ECSTATIC!! I screamed with joy as loud as my lungs and my passy muir speaking valve would allow me to scream. I found the return jet, and stood right in front of it, with my left hand almost up against it, but not obstructing the flow. Doing that would increase the circuitry pressure inside of the pump, and could ruin it. I simply placed my hand up to the jet to feel the flow, and it was a pretty good  flow. I was use to the water and now it was time!!! DRUM ROLE PLEASE!!! Imaginary drum roll starts up in my head, as the suspense is real!! I now announce that it was time to sit down on the float device, and I did. So now, I was in the pool, with a trach covered via the Passy Muir Valve, so I could speak/sing, etc. I was sitting on the float, in t he water, and I was in the midst of the blessing that is an answered prayer! It was happening then and there. We had a trach tye and it's one of those old types of trach ties and we  tied that to the handle of the float, and the other end of the t ie to the ladder on the pool, as I had instructed them to. This was so that I could  be up against the return jet. I wanted to be right beside the flow, so I could feel it. I had some awesome sun glasses on for a bit, but then I got tired of them, because I wanted to see the pool clearly, and to look out at the pump sitting on the ground beside the pool. I sat there in that pool shouting with joy, and praising the Lord for what had happened. I was ECSTATIC!! May I say this again? I WAS ECSTATIC!!!!  After a while, Heather and I performed another video, us both singing, "Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain!" Heather has such an awesome voice!! After that, we untied the float, as I wanted to float with the current that was being induced by the pool pump. doing this was EPIC!! After this, I sat there for a bit, as the current floated me, and as Heather and Sammy watched things very VERY carefully. They watched things exactly like a Perfusionist watches an ECMO pump, or as an anesthesiologist watches their patient under anesthesia, monitoring, and ready to take action the second they even thought things could be going wrong, which NOTHING EVER DID!! Finally, it was time to get out, and so we got out of the pool, and I sat down by the pool pump, singing "Whisper A Prayer," quietly, and extremely happy! This is proof that God does hear our prayers, and he always answers them. sometimes not in the way we want, but he has our best interest in mind.   

I've been back to the pool twice since the first time, the second time in the pool, I performed "Whisper A Prayer!"   The third time, I performed "Who Built The Ark?" I tell you my friends, THREE TIMES, I've been in that pool, priming the pump each time, and singing of god's goodness. Three times, I've experienced the answered prayer, and three times I've sat there thanking god for his wonderful love, and just so Grateful that I was able to experience the pool again.

   This is my call to you my friends. If there's something you request, and something you desire, seek, and you shall recieve. Ask the Lord in prayer, because He hears you, and wants to help you!!

THANK YOU, may God bless you, and keep you, and REMEMBER!

ONLY HE, can love you perfectly!!!!

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