Sunday, January 31, 2016

I post about a very very special family

Hello everybody, and happy Sunday.

Today is another wonderful day, to give thanks to the Lord Our God for the blessings that he has given us, and for his mercies which are new every single day.

You know, there's a song by Gale Jones Murphy, and It's called, "His Mercies Are New, Every Day!"

It's a very beautiful song, and It's brought me to really Thank god every single day, for his faithfulness, and his new mercies.

We have an amazing God, who performs so many miracles and who loves us more than anybody could even begin to describe.

I could go on and on talking about what God has done for me, but I want to talk to you about something very special that God has put on my heart.

It's actually a someone.

His name is Aaron.

He is a young boy who has a genetic disorder known as Trisomy 18.

This disease effects numerous functions of the body, including the heart, and the lungs.

Aaron is a very special five year old boy who I believe God has put on my heart for a reason.

This past December, on a Thursday evening, I came upon his blog.

I've read many blogs of children who have special needs in the past, but this was different.

His Mother Rebekah Peterson, is the one who writes in this blog.

What caught my attention is a post in 2011 where she took Aaron to church with her.

Now Aaron has a tracheostomy, and uses a ventilator, and oxygen.

She had to take, Aaron's ventilator, his oxygen tank, his suction machine, his pulse oximeter, and other trach supplies, and then most importantly, she had to take Aaron.

She took him to church when he was a wee bit less than one year  old.

Well, she described that during the song service, she had noticed that he was waving in time with the music, and then when they would stop singing, He stopped waving.

That really  touched my heart, because, It really brought me to the conclusion that like Me, Aaron loves music.

In a later post, she had been talking about how they had been singing different parts of George Fredric Handel's Messiah, which is a work that I love very dearly.

Well she had discussed that she would also sing to Aaron.

This family quite obviously is a very musical family.

All of this touched me very very dearly, and from that evening on, I've felt that there is something very special about Aaron.

Like me, he loves life, and you know, since I've been reading his blog, classical music has been more dear to me than ever.

I find myself continuously thinking about the wonderful music that was written by these wonderful composers.

For example, "Handel, and his Messiah!"

This wonderful work of music, makes me think about our wonderful savior, who was born, who dedicated everything to serving the Lord, and who died on the cross for us.

I always love to think about what he did, when he suffered and died for all of us.

You know, when he was upon that cross, being mocked and being beaten, Here is what our savior said.
"Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do!"

You know, that prayer is so profound that no words can describe it's power.

Here our savior is, upon the cross, he had taken the pain of the world upon his shoulders, and He was now being nailed to the cross, and He asks his father to forgive the ones who were killing him.

Well, since reading Aaron's blog, I have become so much closer to my savior.

I find myself spending more time with him, and really thinking about what he did for all of us.

I also find myself continuously praying for Aaron, and his family.

I've woken up in the wee hours of the morning, and just been inspired to pray for Aaron, and his family, as well as the physicians, and nurses as well as the other healthcare staff that take care of him, including the Respiratory Therapists, the Radiologists, the Physical, Speech, and Occupational therapists, etc.

I have made Aaron apart of every single prayer that I say, every single day!

Every morning, when I wake up, I ask that the Lord will give Aaron and his family many blessings throughout the day, and that the lord will help Aaron get through the day, without any respiratory, or cardiac issues.

Every night, I pray that god gives Aaron, and his family a restful night's sleep, and that God gives Aaron wonderful music to listen to, and that he wakes Aaron and his family up that next day, refreshed, and ready to begin the new day, with new mercies, and new blessings.

I find myself playing the piano more, and wanting to learn more pieces, to spread my musical library, and to express my profound love for classical music.

When I read Aaron's blog, It really gave me time to think about how music has impacted my life.

Being that I have perfect pitch, and synesthesia, I actually see music, because I see colors to the music that I hear.

I've found myself simulating conducting more when I'm listening to music videos on YouTube.

My favorite Bach Piece, "Capriccio, BWV 992," which I've come to adore over the last several months, has become apart of me.

You know, It's stated that children with Trisomy 18 are Not compatible with life, and that saddens me, because Aaron is definitely thriving very well, and you know, seeing his blog, or rather listening to his blog, with my text to speech reader, has really brought me closer to Jesus, because I realize how powerful the savior is.

How he performs so many miracles, and how he truly loves all of us.

I wish more people knew our Lord and savior, because, if they did, oh what an impact on the world it would be.

We could all rejoice and praise God for the great things that he has done.

I've been impressed with his Mother Rebekah Peterson, because I have obviously noticed in his blog, that this is a very very dedicated family, and she strives to give her family the absolute BEST possible, and you know, I just sit here and I listen in utter amazement at how God has worked through her for this whole family.

I know, her children are indescribably profoundly blessed to have her as their Mother, and It just amazes me, and listening to her blog, I just stop, and I say to our Heavenly father, "Thank you.

Thank you Lord for giving her the courage, the strength, and the guidance she needs."

I will find myself asking God to give encouraging words to Rebekah and to tell her andher husband what they need to know to take care of the whole family!

I've found myself praying so much more, thanking God for giving us life, and for so many things.

In the beginning of January, in the wee hours of daylight, on a Monday morning, after being inspired by God, I did a special video for Aaron, and his family.

Being that they are a very musical family, I decided I wanted to do a video of me playing various pieces on the piano, for Aaron.

You know, I remember that morning so clearly.

I woke up, had my morning worship, ate my tube feeding, and then, a little bit later, went to the piano, and before initiating the recording I asked God to bless what I was doing, and to help me to bless this wonderful family.

I asked God to bless my music that I was doing, because what I was doing at that time, meant so much to me.

I had my ventilator sitting on the foot stoool behind me, and in the video you could hear the drone of the machine in the background.

I would watch the video later and realize that my velcro tie for my trach had been sticking out and it looked sort of strange but You know, I asked God to help others to look through that, and to be blessed by the music that I asked God to bless!

So, I did the video.

The quality was not the best, but It got uploaded to YouTube, and then last week on a Sunday evening, Aaron's Mother messaged me on facebook, and said that she'd seen the video.

I told her how blessed I'd been after seeing Aaron's blog, and how much I'd been praying that God would through me, bless the whole entire family.

Well, a wee bit later, a discovered that Rebekah had put my video upon Aaron's blog.

When I saw that, I about screamed with delight, and then I thanked God for what he had done.

I felt tanks of Joy emptying into my heart, and the feeling that I had, and have now, is to say the least, utterly indescribable!

Last week, and even now, I've been filled with utter happiness.

I've felt like the  Human motorcycle with turbo drive, and you know, It felt so good, because I'm addicted to helping other people.

I have a very tender heart, and I pray every day, that God will keep my heart tender, and will keep me humble.

I'd like to share the  blog with you, and the link will be below, but I just want you all to know, that God has put Aaron on my heart, and I know it's for a reason.

I believe it's to inspire me to make music, and to express my profound love for music.

God says, "Make a Joyful Noise for the Lord."

I want to do that, and we all should.

Thank you very much, may God bless you and keep you, and Please, remember Aaron and his family in your prayers, and Let's spread God's blessings all over the world.

He is mighty, and he is great, and we all should give our hearts to him, and ask him to be our leader.

If you don't know the Lord, and you have not asked him into your heart, you can take the time now, to ask the Lord to come into your heart, and to guide your life, and you can put him first in your life, and I know, He will make such a profound change in your life, and you will feel happiness, that you have never felt before.

I've always been a christian, and so have my wonderful parents.

They've taught me of the wonderful blessings that our Lord can do, and I give my wonderful parents so much credit for what they have done for me!

Here is the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful Peter, you are an amazing person!


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