It's indescribable how wonderful that feeling was.
As you see in my previous blog post, I talked about a very special boy who's name is Aaron.
He has Trisomy 18, which I mentioned during that blog post.
Anyhow, you know, as I'd stated then, There was something about him and his love for music that really touched me, because I love Music as well.
Classical music is my life, and over the last month, it's simply become apart of me.
But anyhow, when I did that video for him, which I will post below as well, but when I did that, during the wee hours of daylight that Monday morning, I prayed so hard that God would work through me to bless Aaron and his family.
Well, Last sunday, the 24th of January I'd had a pretty good day.
My chest was not feeling good, and I was overall tired, but you know, all that has pretty much cleared up since I'm using the vent essentially all the time at home, and you know, I remember as the day droned on, I carried out tasks normally, played my beloved Bach piece, "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The departure Of His Beloved Brother," by Bach, and listened to it over and over and over and over again.
Well, you know that night, when Aaron's Mother, saw the video, and messaged me, It really touched my heart that she enjoyed it, and I replied back to her telling how much doing that video had meant to me, because I wanted to bless Aaron.
well a wee bit later, one of my great online friends, who's name is Elana, pointed out that on Rebekah's last blog post there was a face that I might recognize and that I should go check it out.
Well, you know, I did, and I was wondering what she meant.
Well, I can remember going to the blog post, reading that he was going in for another operation that week, or rather listening to the blog post with my text to speech reader, and then saying a prayer that would be the first of hundreds in regards to that operation, but then, I looked at the bottom, and I saw my video, on Aaron's Blog.
The one I did.
The one I did after praying that God would use it to bless this wonderful and very very special family.
When I saw it, it was like the most wonderful Explosion went off inside of my head.
I felt, heard, and cherished that wonderful BOOM, that I felt in my heart, because It was such a wonderful explosion of happiness, and joy that you could ever experience!
My heart began racing, well got faster, because it was already racing from Her message that said she'd seen the video, and then I just sat there for several seconds and that's when It hit me.
Aaron's Mother, thought my video was good enough to put it on his blog.
After that, I got down on my knees, and I prayed to the Great Father in Heaven, Thanking him for giving me a tender heart, and begging him to keep my heart tender, and to keep my heart humble.
It was at that minuet, Tanks of pure joy began emptying out into my heart.
These tanks were huge, and were gushing, as they had just been opened as wide as they could be.
During the following minuets, So many classical pieces began flowing through my head.
Yeah, I know, I've replaced the word Minute with Minuet, because I'm addicted to Minuets.
But anyhow, I remember joy so indescribable gushing through my heart, and so many wonderful pieces flowing through my head.
sonatas, Preludes, MINUETS, Minuettos, and so much more, and at the front of it all, was my piece that I'm known to play when I'm extremely happy.
The piece that has a soothing melody, that makes anybody who listens to it happier.
"Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother!"
Oh, I went to the piano and started playing that first movement over and over and over and over.
I don't remember what point in the awesome excitement that I started messaging one of my friends who's name is Heather on Facebook telling of the wonderful thing that happened, and then, she had to listen to me drone on and on and on and on about how wonderful that it felt to Help Aaron and His Family.
I told her that I'd uttered several prayers every day asking God to help me bless Aaron and his Family.
So many prayers, every day, and every night.
At night before I went to bed, and When I got up.
sometimes during the wee hours of the morning.
Before Every tube feeding.
Sometimes randomly during the day.
When I saw that video on Aaron's blog, the feeling of joy I got was so indescribable.
It was like a drone that drones on, and drones on, droning and droning, and it's the kind of droning you want to feel.
I remember that week being filled with so much joy, and even when I had gotten really congested and did not feel well and my secretions were thick, I overlooked that because I was just so happy.
The fact that God had helped me do something for aaron, and that addicting feeling came to me, the one that only helping other people will give you, it was just so wonderful.
yes, I am addicted to helping other people, and doing God's will.
Yes, I am addicted to classical music.
Yes, Classical music drones on and on all day long in my head, and yes I could go on for hours and hours.
I want all the people that see this blog to know how much of a wonderful feeling that doing good things for others really is.
I know, when I had seen that my video was on Aaron's Blog, the fact that even though the trach velcro tye was sticking out, and I think I had the camera at a strange angle, and the fact that evenstill, she thought my video was good enough to go upon his blog, It touched me so dearly, and I went to my great Father, and I said, "Lord, Thank you for what you have just done for me.
thank you O Lord for this wonderful feeling that I've got now.
Thank you for the tanks of Joy that are emptying out into my heart.
thank you for giving me a Tender heart, and keeping me Humble!"
The feeling was horrendously wonderful.
Aaron has become profoundly special to me, and you know, he has inspired me to really cherish classical music, and to really cherish the Heavenly Father's gift of Life, that God gives us.
He's inspired me to look at every day, and Thank him for his new Mercies, and for his PERFECT LOVE.
He's inspired me to play classical music, and to really show the world just how wonderful this music really is.
Classical music is apart of me, and now more than ever!
I know I've been droning on for quite a while, but you know, that feeling I got on that Day, January 24th, 2016 was just indescribably, horrendously, wonderfully wonderful, and I thank the Lord for that wonderful wonderful feeling.
Even now, sitting here in my room listening to "Capriccio, BWV 992," I can still feel the effects of those tanks of joy and happiness that had emptied themselves out only 10 days ago, during the wee hours of evening, or maybe it was the wee hours of night fall.
here's that blog that I'd be so happy if I could get thousands of viewers to look at, and then below the blog will be my video that I did during the wee hours of Daylight for Aaron, on a Monday morning at the beginning of January!
God's blessings be with all of you, and Let's take a minuet to do something good for another person and then cherish that wonderful addicting feeling that you are going to get when you do it.
Here's the video
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