Sunday, March 6, 2016

Aaron's status, and a few other things!

Wednesday, Aaron had  his operation. I remember Tuesday night Mom and I had a word of prayer for Aaron. We then had another word of prayer together Wednesday morning and Wednesday night. In between those times, I was praying continuously. I have been so touched by Aaron's story and by him and his very inspiring family that He's really touched my heart. Thursday I saw the Blog Post that said he had come through the procedure well with somewhat more bleeding than expected and was requiring quite a higher amount of Oxygen bled in through the ventilator, so again Mom and I had a word of prayer for little Aaron. I've told many people about him, and on a tracheostmy Group  I have kept people updated on him. The one thing that relieved me was that his Mother said that he seemed comfortable. This gave me joy and I praised God for that. Friday however, that evening my heart felt very saddened and I wanted to cry when I read that he was not smiling and that He was still on a lot of Oxygen via the ventilator. I had also read that Labs were being obtained including Blood cultures, and so again, Mom and I had a word of prayer. I felt my heart breaking for Aaron. I just felt sad. I wrote on my Facebook status and on the Tracheostomy Group I'm now in on Facebook about the news and then a while later His mother had come back after Supper and she said that he had smiled and that the labs came back all right. This made me happy and I praised God profusely and continued to ask him to bless Aaron. Yesterday morning, I had seen that he was doing better. This made me sooooo happy and Mom and I thanked God. Yesterday when Mom and I were in the car I had a word of prayer for Aaron. Last Night before I went to bed we had a word of prayer for him. Yesterday I had to have my trach changed again. Those trach changed are not pleasant, but you know, I kept one thing in my head and Ithink that kept me from really getting upset. "IF LITTLE AARON CAN DO IT, I CAN!" Trach changes are NOT fun, but if you have a trach, they are a necessary procedure. But you know, It's just amazing How God has Put Aaron into my heart. I'm keeping my friends continuously updated on Aaron. Please continue to pray for him, and his wonderful family.

IN OTHER NEWS, My mucous plugs have been quite frequent. I'm suctioning quite a lot. I'm performing a lot of IPV treatments with my ventilator.

I do not have the actual IPV ventilator, but since my ventilator does go up to 80 Breaths Per Minute, I can actually perform a rather poor man's IPV if you will call it that.


If you know Jesus, and you have him in your life, YOU ARE NOT poor.

I love my Savior very very much, and the last couple of months, I've come soooooooooooooooo much closer to him.

The trach change and mucous plugs have caused a lot of respiratory issues but I'm using my ventilator on different settings and am taking another medication In my Nebulizer along with the Inhailed Steroid, and the Albuterol as well as the Normal Saline Nebulizer treatments. Thank you for reading this blog, and Please continue to pray for Aaron. May God Bless You, and KEEP YOU.


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