Tuesday, March 22, 2016

And so we say, "BYE BYE WINTER!"

Another Winter has come and gone. Another series of snow storms and a wee bit of ice. Another series of cold days and days where the drone of  my Infrared heater was continuous. However, these days for now seem to be coming to an end. Very soon, I'll be able to put the heater up ready to drone on next winter. Very soon, I'll be able to enjoy 80 and maybe even 90 degree weather with High humidity levels. Spring has come.  I'm so thankful.

But this winter has not been too bad, and in fact I've enjoyed the lovely blessings that Have come to meet me.

So many things have happened.

Aaron's Mother Put my video  I did for Aaron  on his blog.

I played a harpsichord, and a Piano forte!
I got to see, and feel a Hubbard tank, and hear the drone of it's Turbine Driven Whirlpool.
I've gotten to see my best friend Sammy so  much this winter.
I've played on some keyboards that had great and realistic harpsichord modes.
I've gotten to hold two drones, one being a big drone, and the other one being a wee little drone.
I got to spend a few hours on Christmas Eve with Sammy and can you believe It was warm on Christmas Eve and Christmas?

I believe it was like 70 degrees.

Wow, Now that is a Christmas I wish we'd have  EVERY year.

I've gotten to share Aaron's story.

So many things have happened this year.

I'm living better with my trach and ventilator and I'm like the Human Motorcycle.

Now the winter has come to a close and now Spring has come!

We're putting away our Winter coats and snow boots, and people are soon going to be filling up their pools and turning on the pumps to circulate the water inside of the pool, and maybe even turning on the heater/Coolers.

The huge Water parks are going to be opening up pretty soon and the wave pools will be activated so that tank by tank, water gets sent throughout the pool in huge waves  at intervals similar to the breaths of a ventilator.

Water slides will be activated and people will come down these things like bullets from a gun.

Hopefully nobody gets injured at  these parks and hopefully the equipment works propperly and nobody wakes up to a leaking pool that results in an evacuation from the buildings of hotels or any buildings that have swimming pools.

Ohhhhh, that'd be a mess.

We're seeing shorter and shorter nights, and longer and longer days as now the time has SPRUNG FORWARD!

Hurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, maybe us trach patients will have thinner secretions now that the Humidity levels are going to increase.

Maybe our plugging issues won't be so bad, afterall, It's not fun when you're plugging.

Such a wonderful year I feel, and I look forward to what God has to give us this year.

Thank you for reading another blog post and may God Bless you and Keep you.

Remember, ONLY HE, can love you perfectly!!!

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