Last night really was a hard night. I was up most of the night plugging and these were complete plugs that were very quickly removed, from what I can remember. When you're life is in danger, and you're moving very quickly to remove something from your airway that shouldn't be there, time seems to be slowing down, but It's very important that you get these plugs out very very quickly. Last night would've been much better if It had been filled with dreams of Harpsichords, and Minuets, however, It would've been much worse if It had been filled with plugs I couldn't get out as quickly as I got them out. So It could've been so much worse. I'm so thankful that I got them out with my In Line suction system, as without an In Line suction system, I'd be in huge trouble. Today has gone pretty smoothly. I saw Heather and went out with her for a few hours taking Mr. LTV 1150 with me, obviously. My favorite part? I got to play some music at the Music store for her on their keyboard which I always have set to harpsichord mode. I LOVE the harpsichord obviously. I got a hair cut today, and that went well, after we made some adjustments with my vent circuit, and got me comfortable in their chair! It was such a blessing to go out with Heather even though I was not feeling good.
That made me feel somewhat better, because she always knows how to brighten my day.
I'll write more tomorrow, I'm just too tired tonight, and need to hopefully get some more sleep, because I really can't afford another night with plugs. I HATE PLUGGING!
I hope you all have a good night, and that you sleep well, and those with trach and vents, have no plugging episodes during the night.
Thank you, and God Bless.
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