Friday, May 6, 2016

Ventilator still droning continuously, and plugging episodes increasing!

Well, here lately as you all know, I'm having a lot of uncalled for issues, and am tiring easier. I'm still on the ventilator continuously, and still not holding my sats above the 50s and 60s otherwise which means, it looks like on the vent is where we stay!

In other words, I'm plugging in my airways more, and suctioning to keep my airways clear is a continuous battle! I'm going to the Pulmonary Dr. that monitors my ventilation/oxygenation this upcoming week and we'll see what he has to say. Honestly, if you want me to tell you what I think is causing the plugging? It's simple.  I need a PROPPER humidifier set up and REALLY BADLY!! As you've probably read in previous posts I talk about the type of humidification I have and what I honestly think is one of the worst ways you can provide humidity to your patients who are ventilator users, and  I talk about heated wire humidifier setups and even give you an example using baby Aiden as our patient, which is not really a real patient, but is an example patient!

Central Apnea wise, I have no idea what's going on in that department, except maybe I just need the ventilator more and maybe that'll decrease at some point in time, and maybe not! BUT, HEY, I've got a ventilator to breathe forme, when my brain decides it doesn't want to remember to breathe, and I've got a wonderful family who are there making sure I have the BEST CARE POSSIBLE!!

I'm VERY thankful! Speaking of Mother's day that's comin up soon, WOW, do I have a lot of things to be thqankful for, and my Mamma is one of them! I'll post a blog post on Mother's day in regards to my wonderful mother!

In other words, I'm still loving life, playing classical music be that on the ventilator that is, and  yeah I'm just waiting for a HUUUUUGE event that's coming up in 16 days!! 16 days and counting! We're heading there, and I know it!

Thank you for reading another blog post, and may God bless you and Keep you all safe in his loving arms.


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