Well, not much has happened lately except for the ventilator use continuing 24 hours of the day. I'm just loving life though, and continuously on YouTube listening to my classical music.
Some might ask you what it's like to be on the vent continuously! It's pretty simple for me, as I have a pole mount for my ventilator, and so I can wheel it around the house, and also most of what i do is hang out in my room on YouTube listening to classical music, or watching drone videos.
I've seen a few funny drone videos lately, and they're housed in a YouTube playlist called "Droning gone Wrong!"
But anyhow, being on the vent continuously means that 24/7 my ventilator's drone is ever present, giving me breaths at 30-30 breaths per minute, and giving me these breaths through my trach tube which has a cuff and which remains inflated whilst I'm on the ventilator. The suction system is closed, so that every single time I have to suction my trach out, It's easy to do, and I don't have to disconnect the circuit whichisn't good being performed a lot, because of the PEEP level I'm on and the increased risk of infection! as has been the casesince the trach, and will most likely be the case forever, I have the humidity setting maxed out on the humidifier, and this does the job that you're gonna get done with a Fisher and Paykel HC150 humidifier!
But life is still wonderful, because I have my warm house to live in, and my classical music and drone videos! Other than that, things have been peaceful and uneventful for me except for the desats if I try to get off the ventilator.
Thank you for reading another blog post. God bless you all.
REMEMBEr, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!
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