Thursday, September 20, 2018

I haven't posted in a LOOOONG TIME!

Hello everybody!

You know, I was sitting here at my computer not doing much, just thinking about a Hubbard tank, and other things, and then I remembered that I had a blog, and then thought, "Oh wow, I have not posted in it in a VERY, VERY long time! OOOOOOOPS!

   So much  has happened to  me in the last year. So many blessings in life, and you know, I had not even thought about the fact that I had a blog, and had totally forgotten. 

This last couple of years have been great, with many many wonderful times, and a few sad times. My Dad passed away last august, and I miss him very much. He was an absolutely wonderful man, and I miss him, but am happy that he is not suffering at all. Dad is my HERO!

    In other words, since I last posted, I've gotten a new feeding pump, and last May of this year, I obtained a circuit support arm for my ventilator, which is now mounted on the back of the ventilator cart, and essentially it's a stainless steel arm which has a couple of areas to adjust it's angle, and the hook position. The arm holds my circuitry up, so that it does not pull on my trach, and let me be honest with you, that thing has helped MASSIVELY!! I also have a Vibracare G5 Percussor, and have been using my High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillatory Vest during the night, ALL NIGHT  to help me with oxygenation, and with ventilation as well. Sort of the way it works with a High Frequency Oscillating Ventilator, or HFOV, which is a mode of ventilation that is used in the hospital. I have since started using that, now gotten down to only 0.5 L/min of oxygen, and where my PEEP was as high as 10, it's now only 5, and this is a HUGE Improvement. Not only that, but my rate on my ventilator which had been 30 Breaths Per Minute is now at 20, and this is something I never thought would happen, because of what was very high respiratory requirements with the ventilator.

   Many wonderfully wonderful things have happened with my life in the last year, and I am Back to post more
ONE HUGE EVENT that has been happening, one massive blessing, will have to wait until the next blog post, because I want a whole blog post just about the event.


May God bless you, and Keep you, and REMEMBER, ONLY HE CAN LOVE YOU PERFECTLY!!

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