What an amazing day I had yesterday.
Yesterday, God answered my prayers.
Our Lord and Savior answered one of my prayers that I'd been praying desperately for a while, and especially since Saturday morning, when the desire to play a Harpsichord was so loud, it droned in my ear louder than drone can drone.
Yesterday, there at Campbellsville University, I played in a concert room on a REAL Harpsichord.
I played my favorite Minuets, and then at the end, I played my Favorite piece that has become Apart of me.
That piece that I thank God, Bach and His Departed Brother For.
"Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother!"
I played the first movement.
I'm learning the rest of the piece.
The person who allowed me to sit down at the Harpsichord, and who actually allowed me to play that beautiful musical instrument, gets so much credit.
My dear friend Heather Gets so much Credit.
My parents and so many other people get credit too, because they've really helped music to become apart of me.
As I was playing, It just felt so wonderful.
I remember every single second of that period that I was sitting at the harpsichord, and I remember how wonderful it felt.
I had to use every bit of my strength to prevent myself from screaming at the sight of the harpsichord, because at that minuet, I was certain, I was about to play with as much power as I could on that Instrument.
That beautiful instrument, that is like one that Bach, or Mozart would sit at.
I wonder how wonderful It must have felt to Bach to be able to sit at that thing for hours composing his music.
I often wonder how it felt to Bach during the days, weeks, or even months that he spent composing, "Capriccio, BWV 992!"
I wonder how Handel felt sitting there at this beautiful instrument composing so many pieces.
I wonder so many things.
As I was sitting there Playing my Favorite Piece, well the first movement, It just FELT RIGHT!
If you read all my other posts, you'll know how I've droned on about the 24th of January when Aaron's Mother Put my video that I did for Aaron on his blog.
You know, I know I'm droning on and droning on about this event, and to some of you, it might get annoying having to read about it again, but you know, that event was such a huge event to me.
That event when I looked at her last blog post after Elana had recommended that I do that, and that second when I saw my video at the bottom of that blog post, It really really really had an indescribable impact on me.
Elana did not specifically say, "Your video is on Aaron's Blog!"
She said something along of, "You might aut to go check out the last blog post, because you might see a face that you recognize!"
Elana was right about that.
I id see a face I recognized.
I can't see faces very well, but I saw enough to know it was My face.
I saw the velcro to my trach tye sticking out,and I saw part of my In-Line suction system that is connected to my ventilator's circuit.
That was enough to let me know who's face it was.
I cannot begin to describe how much happiness, and how much joy as well as how much delight filled my system at that second!
I did that video because I was touched by Aaron's blog, and How his Mother had taken him to church that day, and would sing to him.
I was touched by this family's love for music.
At that minute, when I saw my video on his blog, It felt so wonderful, that there are truly no words to describe it.
There were, and still are no ways for me to put words into how wonderful that second was when I saw my video on his blog.
It touched me, I teared up, I was being poured full of Tanks of Joy.
I was rejoicing that she had seen my video.
When I did that video, I put every single bit o f my heart into it.
I prayed before the video was conducted.
I prayed before I began the process of Uploading that video which took quite a while because of some issues I had with my YouTube account and a link that i had to click to recertify it, or something I don't remember the exact nature of the issue, but then once it was uploaded I prayed so hard that It would bless Aaron and His Family.
I prayed daily, and nightly that they would see it and that they would be blessed.
At that minute, or Minuet as I want to say, LOL when I saw my video upon his blog, the scream I wanted to utter of joy, the scream I wanted to utter of pure happiness, was sooooo profound.
The only thing that kept me from screaming was me praying to God to help me, and then running to the piano, and Playing my "Capriccio, BWV 992," and then when Mom and Dad were in bed, going to my Keyboard, and then sitting down, and playing that first movement over and over and over and over again with the curtain open and with the light out in that room
I think sitting there at the keyboard playing my favorite piece over and over and over and over again, was what calmed me down enough to actually sleep that night!
I slept very well that night feeling like I was on a massive swing, swinging at such a high amplitude.
It was that night, that has really made "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother," such apart of me.
That piece means so much to me.
I still don't know how Bach would react and what he would say if he were alive today, because Even though He was sad for his Departing Brother, I rejoice in a way, because that piece that Is near and Dear to myheart exists today, because of His brother's departure, and you know, as I was sitting at that electric keyboard in that small room that's crowded with medical equipment, but as I was sitting there playing that piece over and over and over and over again, I really had time to think about what had just happened, and I really had time to really rejoice to God about it!
I had time to really cherish that night and really Give God praise for so many things!
Yesterday, at that harpsichord, I decompressed that scream of Joy very quietly, and gracefully as I played my heart out on that beautiful instrument.
As I was playing, memories of the 24th, and the thankfullness that i felt when I had seen that video on Aaron's blog, gushed through my mind, and I played almost humming as I was playing, but not really humming as my trach was open and I didn't have a free hand to cover it and my Passy Muir Valve was not on.
Now as I sit here and I think of How wonderful this winter has been, you know, I get tired of the cold, but you know, the cold has not really bothered me this year, especially the last two months.
The last two months, since January until Now, have been full of tanks of Joy.
Tomorrow, I'll be uploading a YouTube video where I tell my Youtubers exactly what happened, and how I have been profoundly blessed with these tanks of Joy.
I thank the Lord that I got to play on a Harpsichord.
I thank the Lord for Aaron who God put into my heart because It has inspired me to make more music.
I'm so thankful for what God has given me the last couple of months,and I'm so thankful that I have a better quality of life with my Trach.
I am TRULY blessed and I can honestly say, GOD IS GREAT.
He does answer prayers.
For all of those who don't believe me, Look at what he's done for me.
He can do the same wonderful things in your life.
He can change your life in such a profound way, if you would only just accept this wonderful savior into your heart.
If you are not even considering it, Listen.
He payed on that cross, being beaten, mocked, laughed at, and the he was nailed to that cross, for US.
If you would accept him into your heart, if You would accept that savior into your heart, and you would Live for him, the one who DIED for you, You would have such a wonderful life with him, and your walk with Him, would bring you such joy.
He has brought me such joy.
He gave me wonderful parents.
He's given me a humble heart, and a very very tender heart.
yeah, I feel saddened when others are in pain, and It hurts me very greatly to see so much suffering, and this is what helps me to pray for these people.
It's what helps me to keep my humbleness and to want to help others.
I want to become more and more like Jesus, and I will become more and more like him, because the most important thing to me is Serving Him.
I'll drone on and on and on and on about Music.
I'll drone on and on about the Hubbard tank.
I'll drone on and on about drones.
But My goal in life is to put Jesus FIRST in my life, and to have him help me become a better person.
You know, as for my video ending up on Aaron's Blog, I take no credit.
God gets the credit for working through me.
Aaron and his family get the credit because they've inspired me.
My parents are going to get TANKS of credit for this because they have worked their hardest to make sure I was nurtured and brought up to serve the Lord, and that I grew up to be kind and curtious.
They worked to get me the Education that I needed.
They worked to see to it that I was not put in the Learning Disability class and that I knew the whole entire braille system, and not only that that I learn, Math, Science, English, History, and all that VERY important stuff.
They worked so hard and they sat in their room together crying because people in the school system didn't think I needed much of an education.
They did not put much effort into my education, but my parents, prayed, and they worked with everything that they had, they worked to get me what I needed.
My parents have told me that it was so hard sometimes that they would cry together.
Now, if that doesn't touch you, than Your heart must be stainless steel.
I'm so thankful that I have my parents, and when my video that I conducted for Aaron was put upon his blog, I gave God the praise for giving me such an inspiration to do this, and for giving me wonderful parents who loved me, and still love me more than I could know.
I gave God the praise for giving me a Humble, and a Tender heart.
I am so greatful for everything that I have, and yesterday, playing on the Harpsichord, was a MASSIVe event.
I know this post is long, but I'm good at droning on, and droning on, and that's what I'm going to do.
Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope that you Accept our Lord and Savior into your heart.
God bless you.
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