You are about read the blog of Peter Johann. In this blog I talk about numerous things including my love for classical music, my love for my savior Jesus Christ, and my interest in the medical field. I love life for what God gave me, and so I will share my life with you, and all the blessings I have received.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Choose to be happy, and to follow Christ!
Lately, I've been thinking about how much that we all have to be thankful for.
So many people just complain about the stupidest things.
There really are people that gripe and complain all the time, and that choose not to be happy.
If we would all realize just how blessed that every single one of us are, and we all realized how precious of a gift that our savior is, we would all have brighter days.
Just think about it for a lil while.
We all have Jesus Christ, who suffered and who died on that cross for us, standing there, with the nails in his hands, bleeding, for US.
He didn't have to do that.
He could have come down, and could have fled for his life, but NO, he did not do that.
Instead, our merciful Lord stood up there, and when he was being laughed at, and mocked, all he said, was "Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do!"
Can you imagine it?
Here he is being given the whole pain of the world, and every single suffering known to man, is on his shoulders, and yet he cries for forgiveness, for the ones who were doing this all to him.
If we would all just cherish what he's done, and cherished where we're going once he comes for us, and we would ask him to live inside of our hearts and to help us to be happy, oh what a wonderful world this would be.
If people would give up the worldly things like the drugs, the alcohol, and the other evil things, and they would choose to follow the Lord, the one and only true giver of happiness, each and every one of us would be a changed person, and would experience the true meaning of happiness.
I think It's absolutely heart breaking that people throw their lives away when they get into violence, drugs, and alcohol, and then they go down a very very dark road that makes me sick, and very very saddened to just think about.
They destroy their own lives, they destroy their relative's lives, and they eventually lose everything that they ever had.
They end up just literally throwing that all away.
I'm choosing to keep my eyes focused upon Jesus, and every single day, I beg for him to help me to keep a humble heart, and to keep my heart tender.
I pray for the people who've chosen to go down the dark and deadly road, that is sin, and turmoil.
Let's all take a minuet today, and let's choose to follow the one who died for us, and the one who lives for us today.
The one that will give us utter happiness, and utter peace.
I know he gives us peace, because he did give me peace when I was in the hospital after my trach, and when I couldn't speak.
I spent many hours praying to him, lying in my rotating bed, on a ventilator, listening to Bach!
I spent many many hours talking to him, and giving thanks to him for his newmercies.
You know, it was not a pleasant time, but I chose to make the best of it, and wirshiped the Lord in the Pulmonary ICU, and I did it silently.
God can hear your thoughts.
He knows when you silently and wordlessly pray to him.
It doesn't matter if you're choosing to do it silently, or if you're actually intubated in the Intensive Care Unit, with a tube in between your vocal cords, thus rendering you unable to speak.
You can pray to him, and sing to him silently, and He hears you.
You can pour your heart out to him, and he will accept it.
Thank you, May you have a blessed day, and may we all give our hearts over to the true healer.
the true Savior.
The one who has Perfect love.
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