Hello. It's my prayer that all who read this blog are doign well. This last couple of days has found me on the vent CONTINUOUSLY. If I'm off, I desat massively, I:E, 30s, 40s! This has caused me to be very very tired, and so I'm now 24/7 vent dependant. If I'm on the vent, I'm doing fairly well, so On the vent, I stay.
Other than that, i'm loving life, listening to harpsichord videos on YouTube, and yesterday I watched a bunch of drones getting shot of the sky on YouTube, and a few horrific drone crashed. Horrific meaning, they either went through the window of some building, hit somebody in the head, or did other things that any drone Operator knows a drone should NEVER DO. These drones sometimes just get out of control, and whilst people getting hurt is not exactly FUNNY, I have gotten some good laughs, watching some of the damage these Drones can do. I watch these videos on YouTube all the while allowing my ventilator breaths one by one enter my lungs with a very pleasant drone that us ventilator users know only the LTV has. The LTV is a turbine driven ventilator, so It has a really pleasant drone to it, and the breaths are administered very very smoothly.
In other news, this weekend has been quiet, except for the desats and the complete ventilator dependant status. I'm very thankful that things are going smoothly otherwise.
Thank you very much for reading another Blog Post, and May God bless you and Keep you.

You are about read the blog of Peter Johann. In this blog I talk about numerous things including my love for classical music, my love for my savior Jesus Christ, and my interest in the medical field. I love life for what God gave me, and so I will share my life with you, and all the blessings I have received.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Drones, TheRIGHT way, and the WRONG way!
You're inside your house playing a harpsichord, and all of the sudden, one of your friend who comes over every once in a while who's been there for about an hour comes into your harpsichord room and says, "Hey, James, there's a Drone hovering over your propperty, over your house and It's just hovering there, and I see what looks like a camera on the drone! It's been there for about five minutes, and It appears that It's possibly trying to spy on you. I don't know where the owner is!"
You have just finished playing "Capriccio, BWV 992," and so you get up from your harpsichord, and you go out to see what in the world is happening, and sure enough, There's a drone hovering over your propperty, not moving, just hovering. Now You're quite a bit ticked off.
"Why in the world would somebody be hovering over your propperty, just hovering there, not moving, not doing anything except just hovering there?"
"What is this thing doing here?" you ask yourself!
You're not very pleased right now, and you look around to try to find the drone's operator but you see no such man in sight.
You decide to take matters into your own hands, and so you go grab your gun that you have a license for owning, and you carefully aim, and FIRE at the drone after making sure that there are no people in the way of where you're about to shoot. You shout, "CLEAR," and FIRE!!
The first and only shot hits the drone, and it falls to the ground nowhere near where anybody is standing, considering there's nobody in sight of the area where You're located. After the drone has fallen, you put your gun away, and go out and there are several people who are now on the propperty next to your house, and they got the drone, and when you come out they say, "Are you the person who shot down our drone that we were flying?" You say, "Yes, I am, and I'll tell you one thing, I'm not sorry I did this either, because your drone was HOVERING OVER MY PROPPERTY!!!!
The next thing you know you're being arrested. Why? Because you shot down Somebody's drone that was hovering, WHERE?
This drone was hovering over your yard and you're thinking something along the lines of, "Is that camera activated, and is it being used to spy on me?"
Here's what I think about drones. They are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY AWESOME, IF used PROPPERLY, and if used with EXTREME CAUTION.
If you're going to go into a large field and practice flying your drone away from other people unless your friends are with you, then with them, well that's OK.
If you're going to use it to spy on somebody, or you're untrained and you're using it carelessly, there's a problem, and a BIG problem. There's a HUGE issue, because It's just like recording somebody without them knowing it. There are certain reasons that might be something you have to do. I hope you're never in that kind of situation where you have to do that, but you might find yourself facing that kind of situation. But if you're going around recording people just because you want to do it, It is WRONG, especially if they don't know it.
You can't just take your own drone and say, "Oh, I wonder what we can see over here where there's a house and well, there's gotta be something good going on here!" That's WRONG.
If you have the person's permission, and they are OK with it, SURE, you can go right ahead and do it after getting at least ORAL, but even better, WRITTEN Permission. I'm not saying you have to go composing a huge consent form stating all of the risks of the flight and stating every single detail about what's going to happen, and what could happen whilst you take your drone and hover it over somebody's house, butseriously, just randoml taking your own drone and spying on somebody's own propperty, that is NOT YOUR own propperty, I feel is WRONG, and yeah, whilst shooting the drone down is dangerous, because not only are there guns involved, but the drone could fall and hit somebody. To solve the gun issue, I'd recommend using NON-LETHAL devices like paintball gun, or something less likely to do damage and even better, I'd recommend NOT SHOOTING down the thing, but I can understand where the KY man who was arrested after doing so came from.
As much as I love drones and stuff, there's right ways to use these new tools and there's wrong ways to use them. As the drone's operator, this is very important to keep in mind.
YOU, the drone's operator need to keep in mind that as that drone belongs to YOU, you as it's owner, are COMPLETELY responsible for it's use and It's where abouts. When flying your drone, you must be able to see it's location at all times, or if you have visual problems and you actually have a drone keep a responsible friend with you to help you guide it safely, and before You take it on any flights, I recommend performing a few safety checks just as they do in the medical field. Before they put somebod on Cardiopulmonary bypass, they check the circuit, they check the machines, the monitors, the Heater/Cool, they verify Heparin and Protamine are prepared, and ready they evaluate for any risks that look like they could occur prior to, during, and after the initiation of Bypass! They verify that everything is propperly connected and organized.
In the anesthesia field, anesthesia machines undergo daily checks to make sure they are ready for use, and that everything on this machine is propperly functioning. They perform checks on the monitors, the circuit, the pipelines, the tanks, the ventilator, and the manual ventilation system. They eprform checks on the readiness of medications, including emergency medications.
The same should go with you drone. You should verify that your rotars are propperly attached and that the battery is propperly in place, you verify that your controller is in CONTINUOUS communication whilst you are operating the drone, and you verify that you zero the drone so that in the event things start to go wrong, you can quickly bring that drone back to where it first took off! You verify that your drone's controller is propperly charged and that you can see the screen well should it have a screen on board the controller!
Next you verify that where you're going to fly it is free of people that could be injured if the thing were to become out of control, or if something were to go wrong. You verify that your safety as well as other's safety is PUT FIRST!! SAFETY ALWAYS COMES FIRST.
You verify that the drone is completely ready and that you are completely ready in the event that things don't go quite as planned. You verify everything that you can, and then, ONLY THEN, do you fly the thing.
If you do find a drone hovering over your propperty well it's highly likely that you weren't asked permission. There are several means to take this situation into your own hands.
If you have some type of object and the drone is close enough, you can throw a ball or something to knock it down, OR you could call law enforcement and ask them to come take a look at this, but then by the time they have arrived, the drone may already be gone.
I honestly recommend you use something NON-LETHAL to take this thing down, unless you can find the operator quickly, then Don't use anything, and try to talk to THEM about this situation first of all.
That doesn't always work out as planned, but at least PRAY that it does, because if you can avoid coming in contact with the drone with any objects, It's a GREAT idea to do so.
Not too much longer from today, I'm going to be flying a drone, and I can feel the heat from the event, because It's VERY close. When I fly this drone, I'll have people watching me, and guiding me as I'm actually flying it. I'll be under continuous monitoring, and will be very very cautious, whilst I'll be PROFOUNDLY EXCITED. I'll be flying it and possibly Singing the Melody to the Postillion's Post Horn, but all the while, I'll be fully aware of what I'm doing, and obviously, whilst I'll be profoundly excited with tanks of excitement flooding my system, I will keep my excitement from going into my operation of the drone.
This means I'll keep my excitement from interfering whilst I actually have the controls of this drone in my hands.
Just thinking about the upcoming event makes me VERY VERY happy!! Beyond description! I know it's coming, and It's coming in VER QUICKLY!
Well Here I have gone again, DRONING on about Drones.
I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL day, and that God blesses you more than you had ever imagined.
Remember people, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Harpsichord not on the stage, and a massive desat after I got home!
Well, the harpsichord was not on stage today.
I got my suit on and got dressed up thinking the harpsichord would be ready today and I'd be able to play the thing. LOL! I got a lil TOO excited. When Heather arrived, I took my ventilator's suitecase which is like 70lbs and after grabbing the suction machine and my HME I flew through the kitchen Plowing straight into Poor Heather with the suitecase on wheels in the process. I did not see her, she did not see me until It was too late. I heard a "WOAH," from her, and started laughing VERY hard. Anything with a harpsichord, I'm gonna get, and I'm going to go for it at FULL SPEED!! We got my Aqua massage CPT therapy done, and went to the University, and when we got to the music department, we asked, and guess what. The harpsichord had been wheeled off stage into a classroom. Now, guess what. The classroom had a class that was IN SESSION. There gots that plan. LOL. I felt sorry for the poor lady who had to break the news for us, bcause I could sense sadness and disappointment in her voice when she had to tell us that news. I wasn't happy, but hey, no use getting mad over it. LOL! We don't want a seen of man jumps over counter and attacks lady in music department of the University. I never get that angry. LOL. So we asked when we could come back, and here's the AWESOMe part that made me so happy.
This isn't the end of the harpsichord playing for me. It's gonna happen. It's GOING TO HAPPEn AGAIN. It's coming after May 16th when cclass will be OUT, and the Harpsichord will be there for me to play on a regular basis. YEAH, You all heard me. A REGULAR BASIS!!!! This is AWESOME NEWS. So did I get mad? NOPE, No reason to get MAD!! q Come on, It's only for a short while, and then I get to play that thing REGULARLY!! I get to play it AGAIN. I'm so happy.
So, Once again, I SAY AMEN!!!! I praise God, and this is wonderful news for me!
Ya know, hey, So, they didn't have the harpsichord available at the university. Yeah it was not very pleasant hearing the news, but since It's going to be free after May 16th, I'll have the opertunity to play it on a regular basis, and so this means that from now till then I have plenty of time to practice new pieces and get better. This means that my second time being after May 16th will have better music than it would be if the second time would be today, cause by May 16th and after I'll have A LOT of time to practice new Bach pieces. So I'm thankful for this. Yeah, disappointing things happen, but the best thing we can do is take the good that we find in it, and make the good BETTER!!
That's why. I can practice my pieces I already know how to play, begin learning new pieces, and by the time It's time to actually polay the harpsichord, I'll have more to play in my musical library, thus, It'll be better.
It'll make that second Harpsichord experience which could have been today, but will be somewhat later, a better session, because it just means that I have more practice time, I can get more pieces down, thus making this upcomng Second time at that harpsichord, LONGER, and BETTER!!!!
So I'm very happy with how today went. I didn't attack the lady, cause even though It sounds funny, that would be VERY VERY FAR from something funny. So, we SAY AMEN, and we go on, and wait for the upcoming harpsichord experience.
It's coming. IT IS COMING!!! It is going to come, and I KNOW IT. It's about a month away, but I can feel the heat from it, and It's HOT.
In other words, haver I came home from being out with Heather, during which time I had to suction myself like six times, but I checked my O2 because I was feeling weak, and It was in the 50s. On the vent, I went, and On the ventilator I STAY. r
Now what can I do sitting in my room on my ventilator? It's obvious. My keyboard is to the left of my computer, and somewhat behind me. Turn my chair to the left, move over somewhat, and START PRACTICING. Practicing for WHAT? THE TWO BIG EVENTS. The event I have not talked about yet, AND the second round at the REAL Harpsichord.
It means May is gonna be an AWESOME month packed with GIGANTIC EVENTS!! I feel them coming, and they are coming VERY QUICKLY!! O, and I have some Dr's. Appointments too.
Thank you all for reading my recent blog, and may God bless you, and keep you.
REMEMBER guys. ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my suit on and got dressed up thinking the harpsichord would be ready today and I'd be able to play the thing. LOL! I got a lil TOO excited. When Heather arrived, I took my ventilator's suitecase which is like 70lbs and after grabbing the suction machine and my HME I flew through the kitchen Plowing straight into Poor Heather with the suitecase on wheels in the process. I did not see her, she did not see me until It was too late. I heard a "WOAH," from her, and started laughing VERY hard. Anything with a harpsichord, I'm gonna get, and I'm going to go for it at FULL SPEED!! We got my Aqua massage CPT therapy done, and went to the University, and when we got to the music department, we asked, and guess what. The harpsichord had been wheeled off stage into a classroom. Now, guess what. The classroom had a class that was IN SESSION. There gots that plan. LOL. I felt sorry for the poor lady who had to break the news for us, bcause I could sense sadness and disappointment in her voice when she had to tell us that news. I wasn't happy, but hey, no use getting mad over it. LOL! We don't want a seen of man jumps over counter and attacks lady in music department of the University. I never get that angry. LOL. So we asked when we could come back, and here's the AWESOMe part that made me so happy.
This isn't the end of the harpsichord playing for me. It's gonna happen. It's GOING TO HAPPEn AGAIN. It's coming after May 16th when cclass will be OUT, and the Harpsichord will be there for me to play on a regular basis. YEAH, You all heard me. A REGULAR BASIS!!!! This is AWESOME NEWS. So did I get mad? NOPE, No reason to get MAD!! q Come on, It's only for a short while, and then I get to play that thing REGULARLY!! I get to play it AGAIN. I'm so happy.
So, Once again, I SAY AMEN!!!! I praise God, and this is wonderful news for me!
Ya know, hey, So, they didn't have the harpsichord available at the university. Yeah it was not very pleasant hearing the news, but since It's going to be free after May 16th, I'll have the opertunity to play it on a regular basis, and so this means that from now till then I have plenty of time to practice new pieces and get better. This means that my second time being after May 16th will have better music than it would be if the second time would be today, cause by May 16th and after I'll have A LOT of time to practice new Bach pieces. So I'm thankful for this. Yeah, disappointing things happen, but the best thing we can do is take the good that we find in it, and make the good BETTER!!
That's why. I can practice my pieces I already know how to play, begin learning new pieces, and by the time It's time to actually polay the harpsichord, I'll have more to play in my musical library, thus, It'll be better.
It'll make that second Harpsichord experience which could have been today, but will be somewhat later, a better session, because it just means that I have more practice time, I can get more pieces down, thus making this upcomng Second time at that harpsichord, LONGER, and BETTER!!!!
So I'm very happy with how today went. I didn't attack the lady, cause even though It sounds funny, that would be VERY VERY FAR from something funny. So, we SAY AMEN, and we go on, and wait for the upcoming harpsichord experience.
It's coming. IT IS COMING!!! It is going to come, and I KNOW IT. It's about a month away, but I can feel the heat from it, and It's HOT.
In other words, haver I came home from being out with Heather, during which time I had to suction myself like six times, but I checked my O2 because I was feeling weak, and It was in the 50s. On the vent, I went, and On the ventilator I STAY. r
Now what can I do sitting in my room on my ventilator? It's obvious. My keyboard is to the left of my computer, and somewhat behind me. Turn my chair to the left, move over somewhat, and START PRACTICING. Practicing for WHAT? THE TWO BIG EVENTS. The event I have not talked about yet, AND the second round at the REAL Harpsichord.
It means May is gonna be an AWESOME month packed with GIGANTIC EVENTS!! I feel them coming, and they are coming VERY QUICKLY!! O, and I have some Dr's. Appointments too.
Thank you all for reading my recent blog, and may God bless you, and keep you.
REMEMBER guys. ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 25, 2016
Harpsichord, LESS THAN 24 hours away!! YEAHHHHHH!!!
Well, the harpsichord is less than 24 hours away. THANK THE LORD!!!!!! I'm dying to go back and play it again, and so long as they let me, that's happening tomorrow. I'm just so excited. I can finally play "Aaron's Minuet," on the harpsichord, and can finally play a few other compositions of my own. But I gotta tell you, this just cannot come fast enough. I love the feeling of the keys of the harpsichord. Last time I played a took time to sit there and absorb what was happening. I was sitting at the Harpsichord, playing on a REAL HARPSICHORD. Well, that's gonna happen again tomorrow. I'm so happy.
I hope the night goes by fast, and that tomorrow's early hours just fly by like they've done today, because I gotta get to that harpsichord, and I gotta do it A.S.A.P.!!!!!!
In other words, I'm now on the vent unless I'm outside for a few minutes helping Dad, or unless I take about a two minute burst off the ventilator to go out and say Hi to Mom, and Dad.
Yesterday when I was off the ventilator, after coming home from church, I had a massive desat to 32% and I got really dizzy, and my vision got blurry, so that ends the question of whether I need the vent 24/7 or not, because, ummmmm, If I'm desatting like that off the vent, "NO DOUBT, I DO!!" So, looks like On the ventilator is WHERE I STAY!! I'm just glad that I can still play my keyboard whilst I'm on my ventilator, and move around at the computer like I'm doing right now.
In other words, In like a spell where I felt like I was powered by rocket fuel, last night, as I was thinking about the harpsichord trip Tuesday, and getting to play "Aaron's Minuet," on a REAL harpsichord, I just learned two more beautiful pieces from that Notebook we pianists, and harpsichordists, as well as maybe some dronists, know and LOVE. That Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY
What are those two pieces I learned in that rage last night?
"Bist Du Bei Mir," Or "When Thou Art Near," by Johann Sebastian Bach, Ohhhhh, and ANOTHER MINUET IN G MAJOR by Johann Sebastian BACH!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like we're having more and more of those massive rocket fuel tank filled spells.
I have been in my room most of the day listening to harpsichord works!!
That's one thing I do when I'm happy.
It's one thing I do almost ALL THE TIME NOW!!!!
In other words, Thank you for praying for little Aaron. On his latest blog post, he's doing much better, and so we Praise the Lord for That wonderful blessing.
May God bless every single one of you, and may you all have a wonderful rest of the day.
Remember ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!
I hope the night goes by fast, and that tomorrow's early hours just fly by like they've done today, because I gotta get to that harpsichord, and I gotta do it A.S.A.P.!!!!!!
In other words, I'm now on the vent unless I'm outside for a few minutes helping Dad, or unless I take about a two minute burst off the ventilator to go out and say Hi to Mom, and Dad.
Yesterday when I was off the ventilator, after coming home from church, I had a massive desat to 32% and I got really dizzy, and my vision got blurry, so that ends the question of whether I need the vent 24/7 or not, because, ummmmm, If I'm desatting like that off the vent, "NO DOUBT, I DO!!" So, looks like On the ventilator is WHERE I STAY!! I'm just glad that I can still play my keyboard whilst I'm on my ventilator, and move around at the computer like I'm doing right now.
In other words, In like a spell where I felt like I was powered by rocket fuel, last night, as I was thinking about the harpsichord trip Tuesday, and getting to play "Aaron's Minuet," on a REAL harpsichord, I just learned two more beautiful pieces from that Notebook we pianists, and harpsichordists, as well as maybe some dronists, know and LOVE. That Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY
What are those two pieces I learned in that rage last night?
"Bist Du Bei Mir," Or "When Thou Art Near," by Johann Sebastian Bach, Ohhhhh, and ANOTHER MINUET IN G MAJOR by Johann Sebastian BACH!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like we're having more and more of those massive rocket fuel tank filled spells.
I have been in my room most of the day listening to harpsichord works!!
That's one thing I do when I'm happy.
It's one thing I do almost ALL THE TIME NOW!!!!
In other words, Thank you for praying for little Aaron. On his latest blog post, he's doing much better, and so we Praise the Lord for That wonderful blessing.
May God bless every single one of you, and may you all have a wonderful rest of the day.
Remember ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Well, Friday night, as we were going to the orchestra, I kept thinking about how much I wanted to play the harpsichord again, and told Heather!! It's gona happen again. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Tuesday, we are going up to the University of Campbillsville, and we'll talk to the person who allowed me to play last time, and I HOPE they will let me play it again. There is such a unique and profound experience sitting at a real Harpsichord. Sitting at the instrument and playing on the actual, real harpsichord. It's so profound that words do NOTHING to describe how it feels!!!! I'm soo excited. I'll be able to play "Aaron's Minuet," on a REAL Harpsichord, and my fiend Heather will be there to watch me do it!!!! She will be there in real time and I'll announce what I'm going to do, and then I'll DO IT!!! I will play the Minuet I composed for Aaron on a REAL Harpsichord. I'm SOOOOOOO EXCITED. It's the highlight of this week.
If you get to play on a REAL harpsichord, trust me, YOU MUST consider yourself profoundly profoundly blessed, because YOU ARE!!!! The harpsichord is such a wonderful instrument that has the most unique and beautiful sound.
In other words, I'm plugging quite a bit. Last night whilst we were watching "Thunder Over Louisville," I had a CCOMPLETE plug, and at first I did not know what was happening because all of the sudden my LTV 1150 ventilator sounded It's "HIGH PRESS," alarm and It stopped giving me a breath. I knew it was attempting to give me breaths, but they weren't going in. I disconnected the circuit, and what do you know? COMPLETE MUCIOUS PLUG!!! I got it out easily. I'm good at working quickly to get those things out. I had three more I believe in the middle of the night Maybe it was two. But thanks to the IN LINE suction system that goes in line with m ventilator circuit, I got the plugs out quickly!!
I'm desatting if I get off the vent, so I'm on it continuously now, but other than that, life is wonderful. I find it easy to look at the good things in life, and be very very thankful for them. Afterall, why do I find it easy? BECAUSE IT IS!!! It could ALWAYS BE WORSE!!
In other words, I'm beginning on a very peaceful piece in E Flat, and a series of other pieces. These are for an upcoming event. A VERY VERY BIG EVENT. That is going to be discussed in more detail on a later date because It's exact date isn't yet known, but most likely It's going to take place on a Sunday!!!! It's a VERY BIG EVENT, and to say I'mexcited is an ENORMOUS UNDER STATEMENT!!! LOL
Well, I hope you all have a good day. May god bless you and keep you.
REMEMBER, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Well, Friday night, as we were going to the orchestra, I kept thinking about how much I wanted to play the harpsichord again, and told Heather!! It's gona happen again. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Tuesday, we are going up to the University of Campbillsville, and we'll talk to the person who allowed me to play last time, and I HOPE they will let me play it again. There is such a unique and profound experience sitting at a real Harpsichord. Sitting at the instrument and playing on the actual, real harpsichord. It's so profound that words do NOTHING to describe how it feels!!!! I'm soo excited. I'll be able to play "Aaron's Minuet," on a REAL Harpsichord, and my fiend Heather will be there to watch me do it!!!! She will be there in real time and I'll announce what I'm going to do, and then I'll DO IT!!! I will play the Minuet I composed for Aaron on a REAL Harpsichord. I'm SOOOOOOO EXCITED. It's the highlight of this week.
If you get to play on a REAL harpsichord, trust me, YOU MUST consider yourself profoundly profoundly blessed, because YOU ARE!!!! The harpsichord is such a wonderful instrument that has the most unique and beautiful sound.
In other words, I'm plugging quite a bit. Last night whilst we were watching "Thunder Over Louisville," I had a CCOMPLETE plug, and at first I did not know what was happening because all of the sudden my LTV 1150 ventilator sounded It's "HIGH PRESS," alarm and It stopped giving me a breath. I knew it was attempting to give me breaths, but they weren't going in. I disconnected the circuit, and what do you know? COMPLETE MUCIOUS PLUG!!! I got it out easily. I'm good at working quickly to get those things out. I had three more I believe in the middle of the night Maybe it was two. But thanks to the IN LINE suction system that goes in line with m ventilator circuit, I got the plugs out quickly!!
I'm desatting if I get off the vent, so I'm on it continuously now, but other than that, life is wonderful. I find it easy to look at the good things in life, and be very very thankful for them. Afterall, why do I find it easy? BECAUSE IT IS!!! It could ALWAYS BE WORSE!!
In other words, I'm beginning on a very peaceful piece in E Flat, and a series of other pieces. These are for an upcoming event. A VERY VERY BIG EVENT. That is going to be discussed in more detail on a later date because It's exact date isn't yet known, but most likely It's going to take place on a Sunday!!!! It's a VERY BIG EVENT, and to say I'mexcited is an ENORMOUS UNDER STATEMENT!!! LOL
Well, I hope you all have a good day. May god bless you and keep you.
REMEMBER, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Well, what an eventful night we had last night. Heather, Mindy and I went to the Orchestra in Lexington KY. It was truly wonderful. O, and I forgot to mention that my oximeter, my suction machine, and ventilator as well as it's large battery came with me. Those Sprint Packs do so well at holding the charge, and even on high vent settings it lasted me throughout the trip. I just loooooooved the orchestra. It was indescribably beautiful!! One of the first questions that I asked Heather when we got into the room where there must have been 500+ people was, "Do you see a Harpsichord?" There was none to be seen there, but anyhow, once we sat down, I got so comfortable, and UH OH, I forgot to breathe. I felt kind of strange, so I grabbed the oximeter, and put it on me, and I was in the midst of a BIG desat. Our normal oxygen saturation is between around 95% to 100% and well mine was in the 40s. My O2 sats TANK, and when I mean TANK, they do it within like five seconds if I forget to breathe. I reminded myself to breathe, and took as deep of breaths as I could, and It thankfully came back up, but I had to be very very conscious of my breathing, but other than that one desat the concert went very smoothly! I LOVED IT!!
Once it was over, we left, and went to drop Mindy off, and then Heather took me Home. I was sitting in the back with my vent on me and I had my Iphone with me, so I was playing with the harpsichord simulator that has thousands of Pieces by Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. I had myself a great time back there, and of course I was not too much noise for Heather and Mindy because I had my trach's cuff inflated so that I could not speak and could be relaxed on the ventilator and the time just flew by, as if there is one thing I know how to do, and to do well is entertain myself on long trips. Long trips are not hard on me, as I'm use to them, considering I go on them all the time for Sr's. appointments! It's natural to me.
We got home around midnight and I got my G-Tube feeding ready after getting my travel/backup ventilator plugged in, and my room's ICu vent transferred from the computer back to the bedside, and then once I was done getting ready for bed, I put the pulse ox on my foot, and after having my prayer, and getting all settled on my ventilator, I CONKED OUT!!!
I slept very well dreaming about drones and Harpsichords as I'm known to do.
Thank you once again for reading another blog post, and may God bless you and keep you.
REMEMBER, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Once it was over, we left, and went to drop Mindy off, and then Heather took me Home. I was sitting in the back with my vent on me and I had my Iphone with me, so I was playing with the harpsichord simulator that has thousands of Pieces by Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. I had myself a great time back there, and of course I was not too much noise for Heather and Mindy because I had my trach's cuff inflated so that I could not speak and could be relaxed on the ventilator and the time just flew by, as if there is one thing I know how to do, and to do well is entertain myself on long trips. Long trips are not hard on me, as I'm use to them, considering I go on them all the time for Sr's. appointments! It's natural to me.
We got home around midnight and I got my G-Tube feeding ready after getting my travel/backup ventilator plugged in, and my room's ICu vent transferred from the computer back to the bedside, and then once I was done getting ready for bed, I put the pulse ox on my foot, and after having my prayer, and getting all settled on my ventilator, I CONKED OUT!!!
I slept very well dreaming about drones and Harpsichords as I'm known to do.
Thank you once again for reading another blog post, and may God bless you and keep you.
REMEMBER, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Friday, April 22, 2016
The Concert day has arrived!
WELL, the concert day has arrived. IT IS HERE. The day when I will go to the concert with Heather and Mindy. It will take place in Lexington KY, and I will sit as close to the front as possibl and maybe I will be able to see the conductor. I love to watch the conductor as he uses his Baton to conduct during the concert. I love to watch conductors. I love to conduct myself even more
In other words, I'm doing well staying on the ventilator. Tonight on the way there, my cuff will remain inflated so I won't be able to talk to Heather and Mindy because when the cuff is inflated that blocks air from getting up to my vocal cords. In other words, the only noises that I will be able to make are with my tongue and my lips. LOL. But hey, I'll have my music to listen to on the way up there, and have my harpsichord simulator to play with, so I'm fine I might even go to sleep on the way there, and/or on the way back!!
I'm asking for special prayers for Aaron. He's just not doing well right now, and I really feel sad for him, but all I can do is pray for him and his family and that's what I do A LOT. His family is having to bag him more frequently. He just got out of the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Thank you for your prayers for him. Please pray that God will send special blessings to him and his family and that he will speak to them in the way that only Jesus Can. Please pray that Aaron can avoid another hospitalization! Please pray that God will give them pleasant music to listen to. I know when I'm sick and in the hospital music always makes me feel better. I really learned that well after my Chirare malformation reconstruction, and my trach. ESPECIALLY THE TRACH. Not being able to talk for several days whilst on the vent and recovering from the trach is something very unique and I essentially had loads of time to lie there silent and listen to my music.
Next time I end up in the hospital though, Mom is bringing my keyboard so I'll have my music to play for all the Drs., Nurses, RTs, etc, and maybe even the patients. HMMM, maybe whilst I'm in there getting better I can sit out in the hallway or somewhere out there and play for everybody. That would beat lying in bed all day. Even if I did have to stay on the vent 24/7 they could set up gas supply for the Servo vent out there and then I'd have a blast entertaining people. That's what makes me happy. Whenever I can help somebody else i my time of pain, or ilness, I'm going to do it. When you're in pain, what in the world could be better than making somebody else's day?
Thank you for listening and may God bless you, and keep you.
Remember ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
In other words, I'm doing well staying on the ventilator. Tonight on the way there, my cuff will remain inflated so I won't be able to talk to Heather and Mindy because when the cuff is inflated that blocks air from getting up to my vocal cords. In other words, the only noises that I will be able to make are with my tongue and my lips. LOL. But hey, I'll have my music to listen to on the way up there, and have my harpsichord simulator to play with, so I'm fine I might even go to sleep on the way there, and/or on the way back!!
I'm asking for special prayers for Aaron. He's just not doing well right now, and I really feel sad for him, but all I can do is pray for him and his family and that's what I do A LOT. His family is having to bag him more frequently. He just got out of the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Thank you for your prayers for him. Please pray that God will send special blessings to him and his family and that he will speak to them in the way that only Jesus Can. Please pray that Aaron can avoid another hospitalization! Please pray that God will give them pleasant music to listen to. I know when I'm sick and in the hospital music always makes me feel better. I really learned that well after my Chirare malformation reconstruction, and my trach. ESPECIALLY THE TRACH. Not being able to talk for several days whilst on the vent and recovering from the trach is something very unique and I essentially had loads of time to lie there silent and listen to my music.
Next time I end up in the hospital though, Mom is bringing my keyboard so I'll have my music to play for all the Drs., Nurses, RTs, etc, and maybe even the patients. HMMM, maybe whilst I'm in there getting better I can sit out in the hallway or somewhere out there and play for everybody. That would beat lying in bed all day. Even if I did have to stay on the vent 24/7 they could set up gas supply for the Servo vent out there and then I'd have a blast entertaining people. That's what makes me happy. Whenever I can help somebody else i my time of pain, or ilness, I'm going to do it. When you're in pain, what in the world could be better than making somebody else's day?
Thank you for listening and may God bless you, and keep you.
Remember ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Plugging, and desatting, GRRRR!!
Well with this new Sinus Infection. if I'm not plugging, I'm desatting. I've had a lot of secretion issues lately and am using my vent even to go out now, so now it's coming with me everywhere I go. I had a few plugs today as well. When I got home with Heather today I checked my O2 off the ventilator, and I was DESATTING, so Back on the vent I go, and Stay on the vent I will. I'm on new Antibiotics again for the Infection, and I'm going to be monitoring myself continuously and we'll see what happens.
Currently, I am listening to Mozart on my Iphone. I always love to listen to his Minuets you know I do it a LOT. Of course, I listen to a lot of Minuets, not just by Mozart, but by Bach, Beethoven, etc. And now I'm composing Minuets!!
Tomorrow Is the Big concert in Lexington Kentucky. For that trip I'm definitely taking the vent, and going to be on it. I'm so thankful I have an LTV and Not some old ventilator such as the Puritan Bennett LP10, or even worse the LP6 ventilator. Those things weigh around 35lbs and my LTV ventilator weighs around 13lbs and then there's the SPRING PACK which is the Battery that only weighs a few pounds.
In other words, It's only 10 days until I will most likely be flying the drone.
I'm probably going to be flying that thing on the 31st of this month and that is going to be on a Sunday.
I'm very very excited, because after that happens, I'll be able to Truthfully say that I FLEW A DRONE!! It's a very small drone, but hey, Tiny drone, Medium size drone, or GIANT DRONE, If It's a drone, well IT IS A DRONE!!
Will I be able to get off the ventilator for that? That remains to be seen.
In Other words, I am still loving life and still Enjoyin every second of it and whenever I can I play music for people as I did today at the Music store. Well one of them. There are two of them I LOOOOVE going to. The both have keyboards with awesome Harpsichord modes on them, and when I get my hands on something that sounds Like a harpsichord, It's awesome. When I get my hands on a REAL harpsichord, like I did in February, well It's indescribably awesomely awesome.
When I own a harpsichord one day, well one day when I actually have a real Harpsichord in a house that I live in, well there is nothing to come even halfway, or kind of near halfway to describing the awesomeness that'll be. When I can one day, get up at midnight, or during the wee hours of the morning, and go and play on a real harpsichord for however long I want, whether that be 10 minutes, or 10 hours straight, that'll be beyond description. When I own a real harpsichord, well I'll definitely tell you about it when that day comes.
Thank you for reading another blog post, and may God bless you, and keep you safe in his loving arms! REMEMBER!!
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
Currently, I am listening to Mozart on my Iphone. I always love to listen to his Minuets you know I do it a LOT. Of course, I listen to a lot of Minuets, not just by Mozart, but by Bach, Beethoven, etc. And now I'm composing Minuets!!
Tomorrow Is the Big concert in Lexington Kentucky. For that trip I'm definitely taking the vent, and going to be on it. I'm so thankful I have an LTV and Not some old ventilator such as the Puritan Bennett LP10, or even worse the LP6 ventilator. Those things weigh around 35lbs and my LTV ventilator weighs around 13lbs and then there's the SPRING PACK which is the Battery that only weighs a few pounds.
In other words, It's only 10 days until I will most likely be flying the drone.
I'm probably going to be flying that thing on the 31st of this month and that is going to be on a Sunday.
I'm very very excited, because after that happens, I'll be able to Truthfully say that I FLEW A DRONE!! It's a very small drone, but hey, Tiny drone, Medium size drone, or GIANT DRONE, If It's a drone, well IT IS A DRONE!!
Will I be able to get off the ventilator for that? That remains to be seen.
In Other words, I am still loving life and still Enjoyin every second of it and whenever I can I play music for people as I did today at the Music store. Well one of them. There are two of them I LOOOOVE going to. The both have keyboards with awesome Harpsichord modes on them, and when I get my hands on something that sounds Like a harpsichord, It's awesome. When I get my hands on a REAL harpsichord, like I did in February, well It's indescribably awesomely awesome.
When I own a harpsichord one day, well one day when I actually have a real Harpsichord in a house that I live in, well there is nothing to come even halfway, or kind of near halfway to describing the awesomeness that'll be. When I can one day, get up at midnight, or during the wee hours of the morning, and go and play on a real harpsichord for however long I want, whether that be 10 minutes, or 10 hours straight, that'll be beyond description. When I own a real harpsichord, well I'll definitely tell you about it when that day comes.
Thank you for reading another blog post, and may God bless you, and keep you safe in his loving arms! REMEMBER!!
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Vent use increasing and lunch with a friend!
Well today, I went with Heather and we had lunch with a friend who I took piano lesson with and who I had not seen in so many years. I told him all about the recent happenings with my health and so many other things. It was such a blessing. We talked about Hubbard tanks, Drones, classical music, and many many other things.
He remembers something very very important to mention here. This is how much I loved and still love classical music even now. Back when I took piano lessons with a very very good piano teacher well he played classical music. He had this student who played classical music very well. His name was Elton. Well, back then, when we took group lessons I actually kind of made it hard for the teacher to teach, because well I was continuously talking about classical music. He had to get onto me some because, well I just could not sto talking. I would listen when he asked me to be quiet, but well, my friend who I saw who's name was Kyle, he remembers this, and he remembers that when Elton would start playing, I would get real quiet. VERY quiet. This was something I loved. When somebody is playing classical music for me, I do get quiet. I LOVE IT!! Its one of the times that I'm actually quiet. Classical music is literally MY LIFE!! It's what I am It's what I will be forever.
In other news Heather and I went to the motorcycle shop today, and I did not get to ride a motorcycle, however I did get to get on one and sit. IT FELT Indescribable!! It felt wonderfully wonderful. Sitting on that motorcycle was such a profound moment. I remember doing it so clearly. It was a green motorcycle and as I was sitting on it, something very profound happened.
I closed my eyes, and I pictured myself going really really fast down the road on one of these things to the Fifth and Sixth movements of "Capriccio!" I remember it so clearly. It's one of those times when all of the wonderful events that have happened to me this year have come together. They've come together to make one really really really really gigantic blessing out of millions of wonderful blessings. And I still have more to encounter, as This Friday we go to the Orchestra, and then very soon, probably the next Sunday after this upcoming one which is going to be on the 31st of this month, THE DRONE!! It's just indescribable how wonderful this year has been!!
I sat on that motorcycle and It's when memories from the 24th of January when my video I had conducted for Aaron ended up being placed on his blog, started racing through my head. It's at that minute when I was on the motorcycle that memories from that night went through my head and they seem so clear as if it had just happened. I could have used a motorcycle that night to get on as happy as I was. Maybe I need to get a harpsichord and bring it with me when I fly that drone. LOL. That would not be an easy thing to bring. This year has been packed with blessing after blessing after blessing after blessing! I'm sooooooo thankful for what I've had happen to me this year, and I give god, Heather, My Friends, and my wonderful parents so much credit for it, and Aaron for the inspiration he's been for me and my music!!
In other words, I took my ventilator with me when I went out with Heather today as i was desatting and needed it. I did pretty well today, and I'm thankful for the fact that I had my ventilator.
Well, thank you for reading this blog post. God bless you all.
He remembers something very very important to mention here. This is how much I loved and still love classical music even now. Back when I took piano lessons with a very very good piano teacher well he played classical music. He had this student who played classical music very well. His name was Elton. Well, back then, when we took group lessons I actually kind of made it hard for the teacher to teach, because well I was continuously talking about classical music. He had to get onto me some because, well I just could not sto talking. I would listen when he asked me to be quiet, but well, my friend who I saw who's name was Kyle, he remembers this, and he remembers that when Elton would start playing, I would get real quiet. VERY quiet. This was something I loved. When somebody is playing classical music for me, I do get quiet. I LOVE IT!! Its one of the times that I'm actually quiet. Classical music is literally MY LIFE!! It's what I am It's what I will be forever.
In other news Heather and I went to the motorcycle shop today, and I did not get to ride a motorcycle, however I did get to get on one and sit. IT FELT Indescribable!! It felt wonderfully wonderful. Sitting on that motorcycle was such a profound moment. I remember doing it so clearly. It was a green motorcycle and as I was sitting on it, something very profound happened.
I closed my eyes, and I pictured myself going really really fast down the road on one of these things to the Fifth and Sixth movements of "Capriccio!" I remember it so clearly. It's one of those times when all of the wonderful events that have happened to me this year have come together. They've come together to make one really really really really gigantic blessing out of millions of wonderful blessings. And I still have more to encounter, as This Friday we go to the Orchestra, and then very soon, probably the next Sunday after this upcoming one which is going to be on the 31st of this month, THE DRONE!! It's just indescribable how wonderful this year has been!!
I sat on that motorcycle and It's when memories from the 24th of January when my video I had conducted for Aaron ended up being placed on his blog, started racing through my head. It's at that minute when I was on the motorcycle that memories from that night went through my head and they seem so clear as if it had just happened. I could have used a motorcycle that night to get on as happy as I was. Maybe I need to get a harpsichord and bring it with me when I fly that drone. LOL. That would not be an easy thing to bring. This year has been packed with blessing after blessing after blessing after blessing! I'm sooooooo thankful for what I've had happen to me this year, and I give god, Heather, My Friends, and my wonderful parents so much credit for it, and Aaron for the inspiration he's been for me and my music!!
In other words, I took my ventilator with me when I went out with Heather today as i was desatting and needed it. I did pretty well today, and I'm thankful for the fact that I had my ventilator.
Well, thank you for reading this blog post. God bless you all.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Such an ever so slight possibility of WINNING the humidification battle!
Well, I must say, over the last few days my respiratory status has deteriorated and I'm needing the vent more and even on the vent I've been desatting. Last night even with the High PEEP I'm using my sats didn't do what they were suppose to which was stay in acceptable ranges. My pulse oximeter went off numerous times throughout the night. Today I've not felt well at all and have beenexhausted from the lack of oxygen and Central apneas! If I was not a ventilator dependant the last several months, I am now essentially. But the good thing is I've got my vent and so that's obviously GOOD! In other words my DME provider that takes ccare of my vent stopped by to check on things and we got some orders in and talked to him about issues we are having with the DME not giving us what we need, and so he's going to try to get some success in this department.
Another and the most important thing we talked about was the fact that regardless of whether they have them or not, I NEED a Heated Wire Humidifier system. With my secretions and my Humidification needs the Fisher and Paykel HC150 is just not going to be what actually SUCCEEDS in giving me the PROPPER humidity I need with my trach. This plastic thing with a dial and a Heater plate is not even designed for invasive ventilatory support. It's for use on PAP devices such as a CPAP or biLevel type of therapy where you are no getting ventilatory support with an artificial airway, but are using a mask. If you're using a trach, than YOU SHOULD NOT be using one of these as they don't do anything to help with condensation, or they have NO WAY to set a Precise temperature. If you are a trach patient and you use a ventilator you really need a Humidifier such as the Fisher and Paykel MR850 humidifier. These have a heating wire inside the tubing and monitor the temperature to give you the precise temp that you need on the ventilator.
Well I told the RT that I NEEDED a heated wire circuit and that's just it. I explained that the HC150 was not even designed for invasive ventilatory support, and I went on to deep details of research I'd conducted, and he said that He'd see what he could do. It's up to the boss at the DME area whether this actually does happen, or whether it's another lost cause. I really hope that this does work out like I need it to so that I can finally get WARM air when I'm on the vent and no sort of cool warm air that I don't call propper humidity, because It's NOT propper humidification. Don't call something propper if it is not propper. The HC150 might be propper if you are a sleep apnea patient receiving a Low Level of CPAP, but even then I think you should be on a heated wire system. But OK, if you want to put a patient on an HC150 with a PAP machine that doesn't have a built in heated Humidification system, than you and the patient can talk about that, but to put a Patient who has a trach on an HC150 with an LTV, or any sort of ventilator that involves Invasive ventilation, It's just WRONG, and unacceptable, because not only does rainout in your circuit cause pressure fluctuations, but Water in the circuit can grow bacteria, and a trach patient has an open airway and that should be the Last thing that they need which is bacteria and infection to deal with! Not only that, if they have an LTV ventilator that water is going to pour into the exhalation valve flooding the thing and then you are going to get DISC/SENSE alarms, Autocycling, faulty exhalation valves and a whole list of other problems that the patient with a trach, or any artificial airway DOES NOT NEED!!
I know I'm droning on about this, but I cannot stress this enough!! If you are a trach patient on a ventilator, YOU NEED a Heated Wire Circuit. It reduces rain out, It gives smooth and PROPPER humidity, and It allows a set temperature to be set and monitored, so when the temperature outside tanks outside into the freezing cold temps you will not have to deal with continuous rain out and horrific humidification!
Please pray that this fight to get me the Heated Wire setup is a success because I really need this for my ventilator.
thank you very much, and God bless you, and keep you.
Another and the most important thing we talked about was the fact that regardless of whether they have them or not, I NEED a Heated Wire Humidifier system. With my secretions and my Humidification needs the Fisher and Paykel HC150 is just not going to be what actually SUCCEEDS in giving me the PROPPER humidity I need with my trach. This plastic thing with a dial and a Heater plate is not even designed for invasive ventilatory support. It's for use on PAP devices such as a CPAP or biLevel type of therapy where you are no getting ventilatory support with an artificial airway, but are using a mask. If you're using a trach, than YOU SHOULD NOT be using one of these as they don't do anything to help with condensation, or they have NO WAY to set a Precise temperature. If you are a trach patient and you use a ventilator you really need a Humidifier such as the Fisher and Paykel MR850 humidifier. These have a heating wire inside the tubing and monitor the temperature to give you the precise temp that you need on the ventilator.
Well I told the RT that I NEEDED a heated wire circuit and that's just it. I explained that the HC150 was not even designed for invasive ventilatory support, and I went on to deep details of research I'd conducted, and he said that He'd see what he could do. It's up to the boss at the DME area whether this actually does happen, or whether it's another lost cause. I really hope that this does work out like I need it to so that I can finally get WARM air when I'm on the vent and no sort of cool warm air that I don't call propper humidity, because It's NOT propper humidification. Don't call something propper if it is not propper. The HC150 might be propper if you are a sleep apnea patient receiving a Low Level of CPAP, but even then I think you should be on a heated wire system. But OK, if you want to put a patient on an HC150 with a PAP machine that doesn't have a built in heated Humidification system, than you and the patient can talk about that, but to put a Patient who has a trach on an HC150 with an LTV, or any sort of ventilator that involves Invasive ventilation, It's just WRONG, and unacceptable, because not only does rainout in your circuit cause pressure fluctuations, but Water in the circuit can grow bacteria, and a trach patient has an open airway and that should be the Last thing that they need which is bacteria and infection to deal with! Not only that, if they have an LTV ventilator that water is going to pour into the exhalation valve flooding the thing and then you are going to get DISC/SENSE alarms, Autocycling, faulty exhalation valves and a whole list of other problems that the patient with a trach, or any artificial airway DOES NOT NEED!!
I know I'm droning on about this, but I cannot stress this enough!! If you are a trach patient on a ventilator, YOU NEED a Heated Wire Circuit. It reduces rain out, It gives smooth and PROPPER humidity, and It allows a set temperature to be set and monitored, so when the temperature outside tanks outside into the freezing cold temps you will not have to deal with continuous rain out and horrific humidification!
Please pray that this fight to get me the Heated Wire setup is a success because I really need this for my ventilator.
thank you very much, and God bless you, and keep you.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
A very strange and realisticc dream!
As you know, in the medical field things have to be done very careful. for example, in anesthesia, every medication has to be labeled propperly, and color coded. For example, the Propofol syringe usually has a yellow label, as it's a Hypnotic. Narcotics such as Morphine and Fentanyl get blue labels, and Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, NMBAs, get red labels, such as Rocuronium, Vecuronium, or Cisatricurium.
Well, Propofol as a lot of you already know is a milky white medication of 10mg/ml and it's easy to seethis, however, it does not matter whether It's easy to see, or not, because IT MUST have a label. In my dream it was the one medication that was not labeled and I was being induced for anesthesia. They had connected the anesthesia machine to the trach, and I was on SIMV/PS and then I remember I was fixing to induce my anesthesia as I always do! Looking at the syringe I noticed it was not labeled, and I WENT OFF! I remember saying, "WHY is this medication NOT labeled?" They got defensive and said, "Well don't get upset at us, we just didn't label it because It's white and we don't need to!" then I woke up from the dream.
WORD OF CAUTION!! Regardless of whether it's a colored medication, or a clear medication, YOU MUST label your syringes of all yourmedications PROPPERLY!! YOU MUST make certainty that they are labeled correctly as one unlabeled syringe or one mislabeled syringe could lead to disaster. Especially in a stressful situation where medications MUST be administered quickly as in code situations, or Rapid Sequence Intubations, if you did not label that syringe, or those syringes, you might give Epinephrine when you meant to give Fentanyl, or give Vecuronium when you meant to give Midazzolam. The first would possibly KILL THE PATIENT when his heart rate sky rocketed, and he went into Hypertensive Crisis.
The syringes must be labeled. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!
Thank you for reading my blog post, and god bless you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Well, Propofol as a lot of you already know is a milky white medication of 10mg/ml and it's easy to seethis, however, it does not matter whether It's easy to see, or not, because IT MUST have a label. In my dream it was the one medication that was not labeled and I was being induced for anesthesia. They had connected the anesthesia machine to the trach, and I was on SIMV/PS and then I remember I was fixing to induce my anesthesia as I always do! Looking at the syringe I noticed it was not labeled, and I WENT OFF! I remember saying, "WHY is this medication NOT labeled?" They got defensive and said, "Well don't get upset at us, we just didn't label it because It's white and we don't need to!" then I woke up from the dream.
WORD OF CAUTION!! Regardless of whether it's a colored medication, or a clear medication, YOU MUST label your syringes of all yourmedications PROPPERLY!! YOU MUST make certainty that they are labeled correctly as one unlabeled syringe or one mislabeled syringe could lead to disaster. Especially in a stressful situation where medications MUST be administered quickly as in code situations, or Rapid Sequence Intubations, if you did not label that syringe, or those syringes, you might give Epinephrine when you meant to give Fentanyl, or give Vecuronium when you meant to give Midazzolam. The first would possibly KILL THE PATIENT when his heart rate sky rocketed, and he went into Hypertensive Crisis.
The syringes must be labeled. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!
Thank you for reading my blog post, and god bless you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
A warm Christmas makes a very SPECIAL Christmas!!
You know, It's months back and I know I'm going to drone on something from the past, but ya know, last Christmas I would have to say including christmas Eve, was my favorite Christmas Eve, and Christmas.
Why would this be the case? You might be wondering what exactly made it my favorite Christmas eve, and Christmas!! As you know, I don't like cold weather. Most of us don't. Especially me. When It's cold, the humidity tanks, and my secretion management tanks too, because of the dry air. This is something that gets complicated even further via the trach, as it already bypasses the body's natural humidification system. Also, I have trouble staying warm. If you walked in my room during the winter, you're going to hear the drone of my Infrared heater, and being that It won't exactly keep the room at the set temp of 72, It usually overshoots it by a little bit, or a lot, so you might find my room 77 degrees, which being that it's artificial heat, it decreases the humidity even further.
Well, this Christmas was special because the temperature was in the 60s and 70s. I LOOOOOOOOOVE temps in the 70s, because that's the temp I am most comfortable at, although temps in the 80s would be even better.
Not only that, my best friend Sammy came with Heather and we hung out for a few hours, and did a lot of awesome stuff whilst i droned on to him about Hubbard tanks and hummed classical music. LOL.I think It's the warmest christmas I've ever had here in the state of KY. I remember that day so clearly.
I got my aqua massage and then I payed for his because well I love doing kind things for others. After that, we went to Talko Bell, or as I'd rather call it Pachelbel for lunch! We went to the Dollar store so I could get a few things, and went to the Medicine Center so I could get some Medications for my Nebulizer. When we got home that Christmas Eve, we talked for a while and then Sammy hugged me, and he left. I was so happy I went to play the piano for an hour or so, and then went on the ventilator in my room and listened to classical music for the rest of the day. Of course, I listened to classical music all day Christmas too, because, well, that's just what I do. But that christmas Eve, and Christmas, I was able to turn the Infrared Heater OFF and so seeing the black display screen and the lack of It's drone was a very pleasant thing because It meant It was warm enough for me. Now during most of the Winter when the temps are in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, the heater's drone is what fills the room other than the drone of my ventilator. The heater has somewhat of an annoying drone at times to me, and I think that's because I realize that It's artificial heat and the reason it's there is because the temp outside is too cold to maintain the temperatures at a comfortable. That heater is going to warm the room like It is suppose to do, but at the same time, It's going to drag the humidity levels down as well. GRRRRR!!
So being able to turn off the Infrared heater was so nice. I'd probably have to say the best part was when Sammy came. I've truly been blessed to know him and to have him as my best friend.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and may God bless you, and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!
Why would this be the case? You might be wondering what exactly made it my favorite Christmas eve, and Christmas!! As you know, I don't like cold weather. Most of us don't. Especially me. When It's cold, the humidity tanks, and my secretion management tanks too, because of the dry air. This is something that gets complicated even further via the trach, as it already bypasses the body's natural humidification system. Also, I have trouble staying warm. If you walked in my room during the winter, you're going to hear the drone of my Infrared heater, and being that It won't exactly keep the room at the set temp of 72, It usually overshoots it by a little bit, or a lot, so you might find my room 77 degrees, which being that it's artificial heat, it decreases the humidity even further.
Well, this Christmas was special because the temperature was in the 60s and 70s. I LOOOOOOOOOVE temps in the 70s, because that's the temp I am most comfortable at, although temps in the 80s would be even better.
Not only that, my best friend Sammy came with Heather and we hung out for a few hours, and did a lot of awesome stuff whilst i droned on to him about Hubbard tanks and hummed classical music. LOL.I think It's the warmest christmas I've ever had here in the state of KY. I remember that day so clearly.
I got my aqua massage and then I payed for his because well I love doing kind things for others. After that, we went to Talko Bell, or as I'd rather call it Pachelbel for lunch! We went to the Dollar store so I could get a few things, and went to the Medicine Center so I could get some Medications for my Nebulizer. When we got home that Christmas Eve, we talked for a while and then Sammy hugged me, and he left. I was so happy I went to play the piano for an hour or so, and then went on the ventilator in my room and listened to classical music for the rest of the day. Of course, I listened to classical music all day Christmas too, because, well, that's just what I do. But that christmas Eve, and Christmas, I was able to turn the Infrared Heater OFF and so seeing the black display screen and the lack of It's drone was a very pleasant thing because It meant It was warm enough for me. Now during most of the Winter when the temps are in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, the heater's drone is what fills the room other than the drone of my ventilator. The heater has somewhat of an annoying drone at times to me, and I think that's because I realize that It's artificial heat and the reason it's there is because the temp outside is too cold to maintain the temperatures at a comfortable. That heater is going to warm the room like It is suppose to do, but at the same time, It's going to drag the humidity levels down as well. GRRRRR!!
So being able to turn off the Infrared heater was so nice. I'd probably have to say the best part was when Sammy came. I've truly been blessed to know him and to have him as my best friend.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and may God bless you, and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 15, 2016
An AWESOME Day, and an oximeter!
Well, I've had an absolutely amazing day, and have so much to give God praise for. I got to spend a few hours with Heather and Sammy today. Heather's friend and her kids came over to visit, and we talked classical music together. Ya see her friend listened to "Capriccio," when I first started this blog and was droning on about this piece. she has followed my blog, and I am soooooo thankful for this. Well I hung out there and got so comfortable on the couch I almost fell asleep, but I had to make sure that did not happen as I didn't have my vent with me, and well we don't need a case of SADS!!
That's Sudden Adult Death Syndrome!! BAD BAD BAD!
If I were to fall asleep especially as comfortable as I had gotten, I would most likely have went apneic, because even in light sleep I don't breathe, and well, I don't wanna give Heather any scares. I got to fly Sammy's Helicopter, for a wee bit, but that thing is almost dead. Ya see It's taken some massive falls, and hard hits, It's hit the fan, ended up being landed on Heather, well Sammy tried anyways, but Failed VERY VERY MISERABLY, and the dog has picked it up. I think It's essentially gone. that thing has taken some MASSIVE damage as the landing gear is gone, and a few other things on that toy. I stood outside and played for a minute or less and then I went back in and talked and talked droning on as I do about different things.
I listened to Sammy play his guitar, and he even made up a song about the Hubbard tank for me. I was sooooo happy.
As much as I have needed to suction, I'm so happy that I did not have to suction myself once whilst I was there. No plugging, or anything, which was sooooo nice.
I'm so thankful that Heather allowed me to come over and hang out, because I had a profoundly wonderful time.
The next big event comes most likely within the next few weeks, and that is, THE DRONE!! Yeah, It's the drone flight!! I'm beyond excited, because the thought of playing with, and flying a DRONE, is indescribably wonderful.
In other words, my DME came with my oximeter whilst I was gone, and left it on the porch so my Parents took care of it when they came home from their appointment, and when I got home, I helped get it plugged in. It's a Nonin 7500 pulse ox!! It's not a Masimo Radical 8, but hey, It's a monitor that can monitorme continuously, and has a LONG battery life, and OH, BEST OF ALL, I got the Neonatal wraps. This means, I'll be able to hook the thing up to my foot at night. The LED display is a dim green display with no brightness adjustment, and It's a bar graph indication of signal strength, so not exactly a waveform generated Pleth, however, It's small, and will fit on the piano just fine, so I'm just glad It finally came.
In other words, I've been listening to classical guitar on my Iphone since I got home.
I love classical guitar!!
I'm fixing to do my treatments and hit the sack. Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and may God bless you, and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
That's Sudden Adult Death Syndrome!! BAD BAD BAD!
If I were to fall asleep especially as comfortable as I had gotten, I would most likely have went apneic, because even in light sleep I don't breathe, and well, I don't wanna give Heather any scares. I got to fly Sammy's Helicopter, for a wee bit, but that thing is almost dead. Ya see It's taken some massive falls, and hard hits, It's hit the fan, ended up being landed on Heather, well Sammy tried anyways, but Failed VERY VERY MISERABLY, and the dog has picked it up. I think It's essentially gone. that thing has taken some MASSIVE damage as the landing gear is gone, and a few other things on that toy. I stood outside and played for a minute or less and then I went back in and talked and talked droning on as I do about different things.
I listened to Sammy play his guitar, and he even made up a song about the Hubbard tank for me. I was sooooo happy.
As much as I have needed to suction, I'm so happy that I did not have to suction myself once whilst I was there. No plugging, or anything, which was sooooo nice.
I'm so thankful that Heather allowed me to come over and hang out, because I had a profoundly wonderful time.
The next big event comes most likely within the next few weeks, and that is, THE DRONE!! Yeah, It's the drone flight!! I'm beyond excited, because the thought of playing with, and flying a DRONE, is indescribably wonderful.
In other words, my DME came with my oximeter whilst I was gone, and left it on the porch so my Parents took care of it when they came home from their appointment, and when I got home, I helped get it plugged in. It's a Nonin 7500 pulse ox!! It's not a Masimo Radical 8, but hey, It's a monitor that can monitorme continuously, and has a LONG battery life, and OH, BEST OF ALL, I got the Neonatal wraps. This means, I'll be able to hook the thing up to my foot at night. The LED display is a dim green display with no brightness adjustment, and It's a bar graph indication of signal strength, so not exactly a waveform generated Pleth, however, It's small, and will fit on the piano just fine, so I'm just glad It finally came.
In other words, I've been listening to classical guitar on my Iphone since I got home.
I love classical guitar!!
I'm fixing to do my treatments and hit the sack. Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and may God bless you, and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
A Toy Helicopter, and A DRONE??
WELL, more blessings are coming my way. WOW!!!! It's just indesccribably amazing how wonderful this year has been.
It's just been blessing after blessing after blessing after blessing.
Yeah, I'm essentially ventilator dependant 24/7 but ya know what? COME ON, at least I can move around and play my classical music and listen to it. I can always wheel my ventilator's stand around with me and plug the heater in at the piano or in the kitchen. I can sit out in the living room with my parents and watch TV with them. I can also fly a toy RC helicopter, and then pretty soon, A DRONE.
Not my drone, but a friend of Heather's drone.
OK, so let me e explain.
FIRST o of all, the Helicopter. Last week Sammy got this Remote controlled Helicopter.
He has played with it A LOT, crashed it and damaged the landing gear and some other equipment on it, and It it survives through the night and into tomorrow, I'll be flying it tomorrow afternoon.
Heather is coming to get me from my house and is going to bring me over so I can hang out with Sammy, and Her for a couple of hours, or maybe THREE hours.
I'm going to get to visit and Play with Hubbard, AND fly the Helicopter as well as a few other things.
I'm going to get to have an AWWESOME time.
Hopefully, the Helicopter will survive one more night, and I'll get to have some fun with it tomorrow. If you see me outside singing a Melody to a classical piece such as "Capriccio," or One of the Minuets, Preludes, Polonaises," from the Little Notebook For Anna Magdalena, chances are I'm also flying a helicopter.
Yeah, I do that when I'm bezerk with happiness!
IN OTHER NEWS, One of Heather's friends has aquired a DRONE. It's a small one, BUT Small or GIGANTIC, It's a DRONE. If It's a DRONE, It's gotta be cool. Well, I'm going to be going to see that DRONe soon whenever she sets up a date that he's not working. Most likely that's going to be taking place on a Sunday. I'm BEYOND exxcited. I cannot begin to describe how happy I am that this is going to be happening. I mean, I've seen and held a drone in it's Box, but I think I'm going to be FLYING this one with assistance of course. Can you believe it? A DRONe!!
We've got so many blessings that have occured this year.
The thought of flying a drone is indescribably wonderful. Then I'm going to have even MORE to drone on and drone on about.
I'm a dronist with a Doctorate in Droning!!
when I get my hands onthe controls to this DRONE, and fly the thing, I'll essentially be a PILOT, and essentially I will LITERALLY be a DRONIST!!
Being that I'm essentially using the vent 24/7 now I might have to take my ventilator, however, vent, or no vent, I'll be flying a drone!! So, whether I'm flying the drone ON my ventilator, or OFF the ventilator, If I'm flying the drone, well I'll be doing just that. FLYING THAT DRONE!!!! Words do NOTHING to describe how wonderful I feel right now.
In other words, why am I essentially on the vent 24/7 now? Because If I'm off the machine, I desat. This morning i was really feeling the effects of low oxygen saturations. SO, if I'm off the vent It seems I forget to breathe. What do we do about that? Stay on the vent, so that the machine makes sure that I'm getting air and oxygen like I'm suppose to be doing!!
In other words Tuesday, I got to see Mr. Hubbard the Crab!! I went to visit him with heather, and I talked to him for quite a while and told him about Hubbard tanks, about Harpsichords, about classical music, about Postillions, and many many more things!!
Further updates are going to be given as tomorrow unfolds, or rather after it's all over, as I'll have video and maybe pictures, but at least video!! I'm VERY VERY excited. I've gotta be careful not to fly the helicopter through any windows, or hit anybody, because Sammy has already ran into Heather, and I don't wanna do that. OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!
Well, thank you for listening to me drone on my readers. May God bless you and Keep you.
REMEMBEr, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 11, 2016
My ICU Monitor
Today I thought I'd talk to you a little bit about my ICU monitor that I have referred to in a few posts.
Most patients with a trach and a ventilator might just have the conventional Stand Alone Pulse oximeter, for example one like the awesome Masimo Radical 8, or the Nonin 9600 Oximeter, or an Ohmeda TruSat Oximeter.
I have something a lot more like what you would see in the ICU, or the NICU.
It's a full blown Intensive Care Unit Monitor that has modules for monitoring my Oxygen Saturation, which uses Nellcor, and which measures SPO2, Perfusion Index and Pulse Rate, with a Pleth display.
It measures ECCG with Respiratory Monitoring built into the ECG module, so that I can monitor my ECG and see whether I did initiate any breaths during the night, or whether I road the vent all night, which is what I always have done, and also I can monitor my Blood Pressure continuously throughout the night every few minutes.
This monitor hav alarms built into the monitor, so that if I desat, or something goes in ways that it shouldn't go, I'll get notified, and if I don't wake up, my parents will wake up.
This monitor also has a printer that is activated whenever there are alarms, or whenever I request a Print Out!
For example, when I had a desat and checked my Oxygen Saturation, the alarm not only sounded along with the blinking number, and red alarm Light, but the printer also printed out a report of the Desat and so I have that for record.
I'm very happy with this monitor as It's essentially at the level of care that I require.
The thing that I don't like is the SPO2 Probe, because It's reusable and honestly, sensors are more reliable for me if they are on my toe.
The reusables are actually capable of being placed on my toe, however It is not the absolute most comfortable placement, as a sensor like the soft Neonate wraps would be more appropriate to place on your toe.
My finger is all right, but there is usually more artifact when I'm on continuous monitoring, and also being that I do sleep with my hands next to my face, that LED light that is inside of the sensor does get in my eyes and also not only that, but the sensors that are like a clamp which is what I'm talking about are not really appropriate for Continuously monitoring the patient.
They need to be rotated if this is necessary.
For me, being that I need continuous monitoring, a sensor like the taped on ones, or the Neonatal wrap ones that are a soft fuzzy material that you place the actual probe inside of, are MUCH MUCH more appropriate for a situation such as mine, and also, they're much more comfortable.
So what I'm hoping to get is the stand alone oximeter with the Neonatal Wraps to that I will be much more comfortable and can move my feet around more freely without disturbing the signal.
I will then use the ICU monitor for ECG/RESPIRATORY monitoring, and also for Blood Pressure Monitoring and for Printing out significant desats.
If I'm ever in a situation where I need Duo Saturation Monitoring, this will be good as well.
There are cases where that actually gets done ya know.
If I had other modules on my monitor I could do stuff like Monitoring my CO2, and if I were in actual ICU I could have modules for Arterial Line monitoring or even Swan Ganz or Central Venous Monitoring.
In essence, this monitor is LOADED with stuff.
It also has calculators so that Oxygenation and Ventilation calculations can be conducted and even Drug Concentrations.
It has THREE priorities of alarms.
The Low Priority as a very short beep about 28 Times Per Minute.
This would indicate something like a Sensor being taken off, for example, if I were sleeping and the pulse ox sensor somehow got pulled off me it would indicate that It was accidentally taken off.
The Medium Priority alarm is something a little bit more serious in nature, and there is a Yellow light that you will see on the front of the monitor.
The High Priority alarm is a red light and a much louder alarm and higher in pitch.
If my heart rate starts tanking, you're eventually going to hear this alarm.
If I have a massive desat, you're going to hear this alarm.
My monitor does not have a battery, so If I need continuous monitoring, that means I have to be confined to where the monitor is, which is right beside my bed.
This oximeter I'm getting is going to allow me much more mobility whilst being continuously monitored as It will most likely have a battery.
LOL, If It doesn't, It will get one, because I love being mobile and that includes when being monitored.
I love my mobility.
I might have respiratory issues that cause pretty significant desats, and I might have to use a vent 24/7 soon, but I'm always going to be as mobile as possible.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and My God Bless You.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Today I thought I'd talk to you a little bit about my ICU monitor that I have referred to in a few posts.
Most patients with a trach and a ventilator might just have the conventional Stand Alone Pulse oximeter, for example one like the awesome Masimo Radical 8, or the Nonin 9600 Oximeter, or an Ohmeda TruSat Oximeter.
I have something a lot more like what you would see in the ICU, or the NICU.
It's a full blown Intensive Care Unit Monitor that has modules for monitoring my Oxygen Saturation, which uses Nellcor, and which measures SPO2, Perfusion Index and Pulse Rate, with a Pleth display.
It measures ECCG with Respiratory Monitoring built into the ECG module, so that I can monitor my ECG and see whether I did initiate any breaths during the night, or whether I road the vent all night, which is what I always have done, and also I can monitor my Blood Pressure continuously throughout the night every few minutes.
This monitor hav alarms built into the monitor, so that if I desat, or something goes in ways that it shouldn't go, I'll get notified, and if I don't wake up, my parents will wake up.
This monitor also has a printer that is activated whenever there are alarms, or whenever I request a Print Out!
For example, when I had a desat and checked my Oxygen Saturation, the alarm not only sounded along with the blinking number, and red alarm Light, but the printer also printed out a report of the Desat and so I have that for record.
I'm very happy with this monitor as It's essentially at the level of care that I require.
The thing that I don't like is the SPO2 Probe, because It's reusable and honestly, sensors are more reliable for me if they are on my toe.
The reusables are actually capable of being placed on my toe, however It is not the absolute most comfortable placement, as a sensor like the soft Neonate wraps would be more appropriate to place on your toe.
My finger is all right, but there is usually more artifact when I'm on continuous monitoring, and also being that I do sleep with my hands next to my face, that LED light that is inside of the sensor does get in my eyes and also not only that, but the sensors that are like a clamp which is what I'm talking about are not really appropriate for Continuously monitoring the patient.
They need to be rotated if this is necessary.
For me, being that I need continuous monitoring, a sensor like the taped on ones, or the Neonatal wrap ones that are a soft fuzzy material that you place the actual probe inside of, are MUCH MUCH more appropriate for a situation such as mine, and also, they're much more comfortable.
So what I'm hoping to get is the stand alone oximeter with the Neonatal Wraps to that I will be much more comfortable and can move my feet around more freely without disturbing the signal.
I will then use the ICU monitor for ECG/RESPIRATORY monitoring, and also for Blood Pressure Monitoring and for Printing out significant desats.
If I'm ever in a situation where I need Duo Saturation Monitoring, this will be good as well.
There are cases where that actually gets done ya know.
If I had other modules on my monitor I could do stuff like Monitoring my CO2, and if I were in actual ICU I could have modules for Arterial Line monitoring or even Swan Ganz or Central Venous Monitoring.
In essence, this monitor is LOADED with stuff.
It also has calculators so that Oxygenation and Ventilation calculations can be conducted and even Drug Concentrations.
It has THREE priorities of alarms.
The Low Priority as a very short beep about 28 Times Per Minute.
This would indicate something like a Sensor being taken off, for example, if I were sleeping and the pulse ox sensor somehow got pulled off me it would indicate that It was accidentally taken off.
The Medium Priority alarm is something a little bit more serious in nature, and there is a Yellow light that you will see on the front of the monitor.
The High Priority alarm is a red light and a much louder alarm and higher in pitch.
If my heart rate starts tanking, you're eventually going to hear this alarm.
If I have a massive desat, you're going to hear this alarm.
My monitor does not have a battery, so If I need continuous monitoring, that means I have to be confined to where the monitor is, which is right beside my bed.
This oximeter I'm getting is going to allow me much more mobility whilst being continuously monitored as It will most likely have a battery.
LOL, If It doesn't, It will get one, because I love being mobile and that includes when being monitored.
I love my mobility.
I might have respiratory issues that cause pretty significant desats, and I might have to use a vent 24/7 soon, but I'm always going to be as mobile as possible.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and My God Bless You.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Desatting, and vent use increasing!
Today I'd have to say I spent maybe at the most, three and ahalf hours off the vent in total. I went to church with my parents and loved it. I had trouble breathing some during church though but still enjoyed church as always. Well, when I came home, I checked my Oxygen sat, and it was around 85-87% and I got the print out from the monitor and showed Mom. Well obviously I knew what would be happening. I'd be going on the ventilator. Well that's just what I did. Inflated my cuff, and went on the ventilator after pulling it over to my computer and then after getting on the vent, I loaded up my YouTube drone playlist of favorite drone videos and watched those for a couple of hours. And then I listened to various versions of "Capriccio," and at 17:00 or 5:00 P:M for those who are still use to 12 hour format, I took my vent into the room where there's a free TV, and watched "Intervention from 5:00 P:M until 11:00P:M and now I'm here fixing to go to bed.
I'm desatting more and more.
At this point, if this keeps up, the time I'm on the vent might be increasing rapidly and I might be a 24/7 hour vent dependant before long.
But I'm still going to make the best of the wonderful life that I have, because It is truly wonderful.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post.
God Bless you.
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
I'm desatting more and more.
At this point, if this keeps up, the time I'm on the vent might be increasing rapidly and I might be a 24/7 hour vent dependant before long.
But I'm still going to make the best of the wonderful life that I have, because It is truly wonderful.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post.
God Bless you.
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
Hubbard the Krab!
I feel so honored and blessed. The truth is, I am honored and blesses. I'm blessed more than words can describe. I'm so thankful for all that i have. I could drone on and drone on about what's happened this year.
All the events that've come one by one, have just made this year such an indescribably wonderful year.
It all goes from my classical music video being put on the blog of a special needs child, to playing on a harpsichord, to seeing and holding a drone, to seeing, touching, hearing, and sticking my hand inside a Hubbard tank, to so sooooo many more blessings.
Yesterday I added another one to the list.
Another GIGANTIC one to that ever increasing list.
My best friend Sammy went to Florida for a vacation.
I believe he got two new krabs, but what i am certain of, is he has named one of them Hubbard.
Hubbard the krab.
I have known he was going to do that for quite a while now, since the week prior to the performance of "Aaron's Minuet!"
In fact the date I learned this was the 17th of March which was the day prior to Trisomy 18 Awareness day.
I remember when I first learned of this thing that was going to happen, I was beyond happy.
Heather and I were at the Tan Shack and I had just gotten my Aqua massage to clear my lungs of the secretions.
Well something brought it up, and I remember so clearly heather saying, "When Sammy gets his new Crabs, He is going to name one of them Hubbard!" Immediately I remember my heart started racing. I was over the moon. To keep myself from screaming with utter joy, I started walking up and down the hallway to the rhythm of several Pieces, "Capricccio," being one of them. And then I was just standing at the counter conducting to an orcchestra that was playing in my head.
It was just indescribable.
If I would have had a piano there, NO DOUBT, I would have HAD to play "Capriccio," because I was BEYOND HAPPY!!
Well, yesterday, what Heather Said was going to come to past, in fact, did just that.
It came to past!!
I received pictures of Hubbard and let me tell you, He's a cutie.
Now that is one cute Krab.
I'm starting on a Minuet in B Flat Major for Hubbard the Krab.
This Minuet is called, "Hubbard's Minuet, in B Flat Major!!"
Words do nothing to describe how happy I was last night.
My best friend Sammy named his krab HUBBARD.
What a blessing!!!!!!
No doubt I played "Capriccio," several times last night, but I lost count of how many times.
It's just another blessing I gave thanks to God for.
God truly is a PERFECT GOD, and His Mercies and Blessings are new every single day.
I truly wish there were words to describe how thankful I've been for this year filled to capacity with blessings.
We need to spend every day with God and thank him for his Never ending blessings.
This recent blessing just adds to the already GIANT list that's certainly come my way.
Only the Lord knows what else is in stock for me.
And I wait upon the Lord to reveal the next blessing, and then when it happens, what do I do?
Well, what WILL I do?
What I always do when stuff like ths happens.
Give thanks to God above, because He is great and mighty.
His love is never ending.
His love is PERFECT.
God bless you all and May you all know how mighty our Lord truly is.
Remember guys.
All the events that've come one by one, have just made this year such an indescribably wonderful year.
It all goes from my classical music video being put on the blog of a special needs child, to playing on a harpsichord, to seeing and holding a drone, to seeing, touching, hearing, and sticking my hand inside a Hubbard tank, to so sooooo many more blessings.
Yesterday I added another one to the list.
Another GIGANTIC one to that ever increasing list.
My best friend Sammy went to Florida for a vacation.
I believe he got two new krabs, but what i am certain of, is he has named one of them Hubbard.
Hubbard the krab.
I have known he was going to do that for quite a while now, since the week prior to the performance of "Aaron's Minuet!"
In fact the date I learned this was the 17th of March which was the day prior to Trisomy 18 Awareness day.
I remember when I first learned of this thing that was going to happen, I was beyond happy.
Heather and I were at the Tan Shack and I had just gotten my Aqua massage to clear my lungs of the secretions.
Well something brought it up, and I remember so clearly heather saying, "When Sammy gets his new Crabs, He is going to name one of them Hubbard!" Immediately I remember my heart started racing. I was over the moon. To keep myself from screaming with utter joy, I started walking up and down the hallway to the rhythm of several Pieces, "Capricccio," being one of them. And then I was just standing at the counter conducting to an orcchestra that was playing in my head.
It was just indescribable.
If I would have had a piano there, NO DOUBT, I would have HAD to play "Capriccio," because I was BEYOND HAPPY!!
Well, yesterday, what Heather Said was going to come to past, in fact, did just that.
It came to past!!
I received pictures of Hubbard and let me tell you, He's a cutie.
Now that is one cute Krab.
I'm starting on a Minuet in B Flat Major for Hubbard the Krab.
This Minuet is called, "Hubbard's Minuet, in B Flat Major!!"
Words do nothing to describe how happy I was last night.
My best friend Sammy named his krab HUBBARD.
What a blessing!!!!!!
No doubt I played "Capriccio," several times last night, but I lost count of how many times.
It's just another blessing I gave thanks to God for.
God truly is a PERFECT GOD, and His Mercies and Blessings are new every single day.
I truly wish there were words to describe how thankful I've been for this year filled to capacity with blessings.
We need to spend every day with God and thank him for his Never ending blessings.
This recent blessing just adds to the already GIANT list that's certainly come my way.
Only the Lord knows what else is in stock for me.
And I wait upon the Lord to reveal the next blessing, and then when it happens, what do I do?
Well, what WILL I do?
What I always do when stuff like ths happens.
Give thanks to God above, because He is great and mighty.
His love is never ending.
His love is PERFECT.
God bless you all and May you all know how mighty our Lord truly is.
Remember guys.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
New kind of Car!!
Could you imagine a car with a harpsichord built inside of it, or at least on the back? It'd be soooooooooo cool. What would call it? A harpsicar of course.
I could invent one of these things and then anybody who can play a harpsichord can play one of these things whilst riding along in the car. You could be playing Minuets, and Preludes and "Capriccio," whilst you are traveling with a driver that ya know doesn't really feel like talking and so kind of makes the time drone on slowly. You might even entertain the driver a wee bit with the music! JUST BE CAREFUL, because if the driver falls asleep, You're in DEEEEEP TROUBLE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WATCH THE ROAD MAN. CRASSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OOPS. I played the driver to sleep. Woooops. I need an ambulance here, cause I think my driver's injured.
so, if you're going to play a harpsichord in your car, well watch for the sleepy driver and If he starts nodding off, WAKE HIM UP.
The Harpsicar would be the new kind of car that everybody's going to want, or at least everybody that loved classical music and has an addiction to it like I do.
Thank you for listening/reading my post once again, and May God's blessings be with you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
I could invent one of these things and then anybody who can play a harpsichord can play one of these things whilst riding along in the car. You could be playing Minuets, and Preludes and "Capriccio," whilst you are traveling with a driver that ya know doesn't really feel like talking and so kind of makes the time drone on slowly. You might even entertain the driver a wee bit with the music! JUST BE CAREFUL, because if the driver falls asleep, You're in DEEEEEP TROUBLE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WATCH THE ROAD MAN. CRASSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OOPS. I played the driver to sleep. Woooops. I need an ambulance here, cause I think my driver's injured.
so, if you're going to play a harpsichord in your car, well watch for the sleepy driver and If he starts nodding off, WAKE HIM UP.
The Harpsicar would be the new kind of car that everybody's going to want, or at least everybody that loved classical music and has an addiction to it like I do.
Thank you for listening/reading my post once again, and May God's blessings be with you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
If you drone about this, and you drone about that!
If you drone about this, and you drone about that, and all you do is drone, and drone, and drone some more, chances are, you are a dronist with a Doctorate in droning.
droning on and droning on is AOK in my book. Of course, I have a Doctorate in droning, so It's what I do. I drone about the wonderful music that is Classical music. I drone about Minuets and Preludes. I drone about pianos and Sonatas. I drone about Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and Chopin. I drone about the harpsichord. Ahhhhh, that beautiful instrument called the harpsichord. I JUST LOVE, that harpsichord. The beautiful sound that comes from the harpsichord. The beautiful melodies that are often played on these wonderful wonderful instruments. the feeling as your hands touch the keys, and as you play each note to play out a piece such as a Minuet, or the wonderful "Capriccio, BWV 992!"
I drone on about Hubbard tanks. Well I drone on about drones.
I drone on and drone on, and drone on, and drone on not stopping. I continue droning for only the Lord knows how long.
It's what I do.
I drone on about the Postillion and his post horn.
I drone on about motorcycles and their relationship with fast classical pieces. D drone on about everything, and anything.
I am a DRONIST, with a Doctorate In Droning.
thank you for listening to me drone on, and may God bless you, and keep you.
droning on and droning on is AOK in my book. Of course, I have a Doctorate in droning, so It's what I do. I drone about the wonderful music that is Classical music. I drone about Minuets and Preludes. I drone about pianos and Sonatas. I drone about Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and Chopin. I drone about the harpsichord. Ahhhhh, that beautiful instrument called the harpsichord. I JUST LOVE, that harpsichord. The beautiful sound that comes from the harpsichord. The beautiful melodies that are often played on these wonderful wonderful instruments. the feeling as your hands touch the keys, and as you play each note to play out a piece such as a Minuet, or the wonderful "Capriccio, BWV 992!"
I drone on about Hubbard tanks. Well I drone on about drones.
I drone on and drone on, and drone on, and drone on not stopping. I continue droning for only the Lord knows how long.
It's what I do.
I drone on about the Postillion and his post horn.
I drone on about motorcycles and their relationship with fast classical pieces. D drone on about everything, and anything.
I am a DRONIST, with a Doctorate In Droning.
thank you for listening to me drone on, and may God bless you, and keep you.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Guillain Barre Syndrome, GBS!
Aidan presents to the ER with tingling and weakness that seems to have gone upwards from his feet to how hands and arms over the last few days.
It all started with a stomach virus that had flu like symptoms for 48 hours with vomiting and severe nausea.
Aidan was so exhausted, but then the stomach virus cleared up.
Three days later after the stomach virus cleared up, Aidan woke up with mild tingling in his feet, but over the next 48 to 72 hours this has now moved to his hands arms, and he feels so weak and is in quite a bit of pain.
He goes to the Dr. and the Primary Care Physician sees quite noticable weakness in his limbs, and his speech is somewhat slurred.
She sends him to the Emergency Room, and STAT pages a Neurologist.
EMGs and NCVS evaluations are conducted, and then A Lumbar Puncture reveals VERY High Protein levels.
What is this?
The Neurologist comes in and explains to Aidan that He has, "guillain Barre Syndrome!"
In this neurological inflamatory disorder, the patient's own immune system attacks the Myelin sheath that protects the Nervous system.
This is essentially like tearing the covering of an electrical wire to pieces.
When this occurs, Nerve conduction slows, or in severe Cases, STOPS.
GBS can occur in mild cases that just result in mild paralysis of the limbs, or can be in it's most severe forms where it renders the patient completely paralyzed, unable to move, or speak, and renders their respiratory muscles completely incapacitated thus requiring the use of a mechanical ventilator, and also rendering the patient completely unable to swallow and requiring a feeding tube.
I've been reading quite about this disorder lately, and find it very interesting, as It's unlike any other disorder.
I'm also reading about one of the treatments which is known as Plasmapheresis.
Further discussion will be conducted later on these treatments.
I thought I'd share a wee bit on this disorder.
It's as if your immune system gets confused and starts attacking the Myelin Sheath.
Usually this follows a viral like ilness, so if you were sick with flu like symptoms and got well, or you start feeling weak and tingly and maybe even lose sensation, there is a chance you could have Guillain Barre syndrome, or GBS.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post.
I hope you have a good day, and May God bless you, and keep you safe.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
It all started with a stomach virus that had flu like symptoms for 48 hours with vomiting and severe nausea.
Aidan was so exhausted, but then the stomach virus cleared up.
Three days later after the stomach virus cleared up, Aidan woke up with mild tingling in his feet, but over the next 48 to 72 hours this has now moved to his hands arms, and he feels so weak and is in quite a bit of pain.
He goes to the Dr. and the Primary Care Physician sees quite noticable weakness in his limbs, and his speech is somewhat slurred.
She sends him to the Emergency Room, and STAT pages a Neurologist.
EMGs and NCVS evaluations are conducted, and then A Lumbar Puncture reveals VERY High Protein levels.
What is this?
The Neurologist comes in and explains to Aidan that He has, "guillain Barre Syndrome!"
In this neurological inflamatory disorder, the patient's own immune system attacks the Myelin sheath that protects the Nervous system.
This is essentially like tearing the covering of an electrical wire to pieces.
When this occurs, Nerve conduction slows, or in severe Cases, STOPS.
GBS can occur in mild cases that just result in mild paralysis of the limbs, or can be in it's most severe forms where it renders the patient completely paralyzed, unable to move, or speak, and renders their respiratory muscles completely incapacitated thus requiring the use of a mechanical ventilator, and also rendering the patient completely unable to swallow and requiring a feeding tube.
I've been reading quite about this disorder lately, and find it very interesting, as It's unlike any other disorder.
I'm also reading about one of the treatments which is known as Plasmapheresis.
Further discussion will be conducted later on these treatments.
I thought I'd share a wee bit on this disorder.
It's as if your immune system gets confused and starts attacking the Myelin Sheath.
Usually this follows a viral like ilness, so if you were sick with flu like symptoms and got well, or you start feeling weak and tingly and maybe even lose sensation, there is a chance you could have Guillain Barre syndrome, or GBS.
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post.
I hope you have a good day, and May God bless you, and keep you safe.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Harpsichord HD and a word on the HC150 humidifier!
You're not going to believe what I have on my Iphone 5C right now, as of yesterday. An awwwwwwwwwwesome app called "Harpsichord HD!" This app is loaded with pieces. It has I believe 1,500 pieces by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. This thing is LOADED!! OHHHHHH, and BEST OF ALL! IT HAS My FAVORITE piece. If you're keeping up with my blog, and/or what I post on Facebook, well then you know what that is. The only reason you would not know what this is is if you don't even know me, you don't check my Facebook posts, and you must never have seen my blog, or saw it, but never checked it, much less follow it. LOL. We all know what that piece is.
It's on my Iphone in many versions too, and the app has it!!
What is that piece?
None other than "Capriccio, Sopra, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother" by Johann Sebastian Bach.
It's on the app, and whilst it's a wee bit faster than it really should be, it sounds of WONDERFUL quality. I LOVE the version.
This app has my favorite Minuets too!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
And my favorite Polanaise from The Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook, that is in D MINOR.
This app has it all, or so it seems.
In other words, I got another app known as "AIRVO!"
It's a High Flow Humidification Simulator from Fisher & Paykel!!
Fisher & Paykel is HUGE when it comes to high flow humidification, and vent humidification!
They also make PAP Therapy equipment.
I would have to say their biggest success would have to be in the ventilator Humidification.
They manufacture WONDERFUL humidifiers like the F&P MR850 which is an amazing Humidifier for ventilated patients.
This humidifier allows for two modes both for Non-Invasive and Invasive Ventilation, the Non-Invasive ventilation being somewhat lower temperature than the Invasive Mode, and It has a VERY easy to read digital display.
Well Fisher and Paykel also has a HUGE down side and that is one little humidifier that I would have to say, "IF YOU ARE ON A VENT, and you get this thing, PLEASE, DO WHAT YOU CAN, to get something else, because if you're a ventilator user, THIS IS A COMPLETELY unacceptable means of humidification.
This humidifier?
The HC150 Humidifier!
What is this thing like?
No way to adjust set temperature and all you have is a button and a dial which by the way is HORRIBLE.
The dial is sooooo loose that if you barely move the humidifier the dial gets adjusted and then the button is VERY easily accidentally turned off.
How do you know it's on?
A very very very very dim green LED.
Trust me!
If you have the option of avoiding this one, My VERY SERIOUS ADVICE IS, "AVOID IT!!"
There's no heated wire circuit.
You will have to manually fill the thing yourself because there's no sterile water bag!
You will have to deal with horrific condensation, and possibly water going DIRECTLY into your lungs!
You will have no idea immediately if it's on or off until it gets hot or ccold!
If you require the maximum amount of humidification meaning the dial has to be set to the complete right as it must be in my case, well You're going to have to check and check often to see that it didn't get accidentally moved to the slightest bit, because it happens A LOT!!
If you are somewhat like my case, it still won't be what would call "GOOD," humidity, but It'll be what you're going to get.
If you use an LTV ventilator, you're going to have to use a water trap otherwise you're going to get continuous "DISC/SENSE," alarms when water that condenses in the circuit drenches the poor exhalation valve and confuses the vent and then if you use a High PEEP level like Is the case with me, These will literally be a VERY PROFOUND annoyance, and a severe disturbance of your sleep.
If you use this humidifier, I really do pitty you, because I know IT IS NOT PLEASANT.
But anyhow, I've gone to a completely different path when I was going to talk about the AIRVO, and here I go DRONING on about the HC150 which honestly is just a heater plate inside plastic with a simple little dial and a small button!
The Airvo is a device that delivers Heated Humidified air to patients requiring high flow humidity either via nasal prongs, via a conventional face mask, or with a tracheostomy setup.
It has a heated circuit and it also has a direct temperature setting.
It can be used with oxygen or room air.
The Airvo 2 is a hospital grade humidification device, whereas the new "MY AIRVO," is a home use device that can be used comfortably in the patient's home.
Well anyhow, there is a free simulator application that the Apple store happens to have.
It allows me to set the flow rate in L/Min, the Temperature as well as adjust the Oxygen Flow Rate, and I TRULY LOVE this wonderful app.
It's absolutely amazing.
Well that's my blog post for today, and It's another droner as I'll say, because I droned on for quite a while about the HC150!
Thank you for listening/reading this app, and God Bless you, and your family.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
It's on my Iphone in many versions too, and the app has it!!
What is that piece?
None other than "Capriccio, Sopra, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother" by Johann Sebastian Bach.
It's on the app, and whilst it's a wee bit faster than it really should be, it sounds of WONDERFUL quality. I LOVE the version.
This app has my favorite Minuets too!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
And my favorite Polanaise from The Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook, that is in D MINOR.
This app has it all, or so it seems.
In other words, I got another app known as "AIRVO!"
It's a High Flow Humidification Simulator from Fisher & Paykel!!
Fisher & Paykel is HUGE when it comes to high flow humidification, and vent humidification!
They also make PAP Therapy equipment.
I would have to say their biggest success would have to be in the ventilator Humidification.
They manufacture WONDERFUL humidifiers like the F&P MR850 which is an amazing Humidifier for ventilated patients.
This humidifier allows for two modes both for Non-Invasive and Invasive Ventilation, the Non-Invasive ventilation being somewhat lower temperature than the Invasive Mode, and It has a VERY easy to read digital display.
Well Fisher and Paykel also has a HUGE down side and that is one little humidifier that I would have to say, "IF YOU ARE ON A VENT, and you get this thing, PLEASE, DO WHAT YOU CAN, to get something else, because if you're a ventilator user, THIS IS A COMPLETELY unacceptable means of humidification.
This humidifier?
The HC150 Humidifier!
What is this thing like?
No way to adjust set temperature and all you have is a button and a dial which by the way is HORRIBLE.
The dial is sooooo loose that if you barely move the humidifier the dial gets adjusted and then the button is VERY easily accidentally turned off.
How do you know it's on?
A very very very very dim green LED.
Trust me!
If you have the option of avoiding this one, My VERY SERIOUS ADVICE IS, "AVOID IT!!"
There's no heated wire circuit.
You will have to manually fill the thing yourself because there's no sterile water bag!
You will have to deal with horrific condensation, and possibly water going DIRECTLY into your lungs!
You will have no idea immediately if it's on or off until it gets hot or ccold!
If you require the maximum amount of humidification meaning the dial has to be set to the complete right as it must be in my case, well You're going to have to check and check often to see that it didn't get accidentally moved to the slightest bit, because it happens A LOT!!
If you are somewhat like my case, it still won't be what would call "GOOD," humidity, but It'll be what you're going to get.
If you use an LTV ventilator, you're going to have to use a water trap otherwise you're going to get continuous "DISC/SENSE," alarms when water that condenses in the circuit drenches the poor exhalation valve and confuses the vent and then if you use a High PEEP level like Is the case with me, These will literally be a VERY PROFOUND annoyance, and a severe disturbance of your sleep.
If you use this humidifier, I really do pitty you, because I know IT IS NOT PLEASANT.
But anyhow, I've gone to a completely different path when I was going to talk about the AIRVO, and here I go DRONING on about the HC150 which honestly is just a heater plate inside plastic with a simple little dial and a small button!
The Airvo is a device that delivers Heated Humidified air to patients requiring high flow humidity either via nasal prongs, via a conventional face mask, or with a tracheostomy setup.
It has a heated circuit and it also has a direct temperature setting.
It can be used with oxygen or room air.
The Airvo 2 is a hospital grade humidification device, whereas the new "MY AIRVO," is a home use device that can be used comfortably in the patient's home.
Well anyhow, there is a free simulator application that the Apple store happens to have.
It allows me to set the flow rate in L/Min, the Temperature as well as adjust the Oxygen Flow Rate, and I TRULY LOVE this wonderful app.
It's absolutely amazing.
Well that's my blog post for today, and It's another droner as I'll say, because I droned on for quite a while about the HC150!
Thank you for listening/reading this app, and God Bless you, and your family.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Went with heather for a wee bit, but did not feel that great today!
Well, I went with Heather today for a while, but had not felt that great today with some breathing issues, do we did not do the full day like we usually do. My breathing was acting up and I was sort of tired. We came home after I'd gotten my Aqua massage, which is what helps me clear out my secretions better, after we'd went to the Cellphone repair place, and a few other places, and then last we stopped at Crystal Music, and GUESS WHAT!! They had another keyboard with a VERY realistic harpsichord mode set up for me. I LOOOOOOOVE that sound. I played my favorite pieces and then we left.
When we got back, I took a breathing treatment minus the IPV, and suctioned myself really good whilst heather looked at some stuff online in Regards to S.O.F.T. That is "Support Of Families With Trisomy!" I talked about S.O.F.T. a while back in a post or two.
But for the most part of the day, I have not done much except listen to classical music, and of course PLAY IT!!
I told Heather a funny story that the pastor at the church told us, and I don't feel like droning on tonight, so I'll keep this short, but tomorrow, or sometime I'll tell you the story.
You might, and then again, Might NOT, get a good laugh out of it.
Thank you for listening/reading another blog post.
God bless you all.
When we got back, I took a breathing treatment minus the IPV, and suctioned myself really good whilst heather looked at some stuff online in Regards to S.O.F.T. That is "Support Of Families With Trisomy!" I talked about S.O.F.T. a while back in a post or two.
But for the most part of the day, I have not done much except listen to classical music, and of course PLAY IT!!
I told Heather a funny story that the pastor at the church told us, and I don't feel like droning on tonight, so I'll keep this short, but tomorrow, or sometime I'll tell you the story.
You might, and then again, Might NOT, get a good laugh out of it.
Thank you for listening/reading another blog post.
God bless you all.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The word TANK!!
The word TANK is kind of an interesting word. There are many ways of using the word tank. For example, a Gas tank, or a fuel tank, or the septic tank. A HUBBARD TANK!! These are Nouns.
Now let's look at other ways tank is used.
If we tank a patient that usually means that this patient is going to the Tank Room that is somewhere near, or IN the Burn Unit. This is where they go for debridement. So now days, tanking a patient usually means wheeling them underneath a shower setup for their debridement process which is in fact a very painful process. They use to use the Hubbard tank, but due to research that was conducted Now they have switched to a shower method and that's just as painful, but is not as risky as the old Hubbard tank was because there is not as much bacteria spread as with the Hubbard tank.
If something is tanking, It means it is falling rapidly!!!!!! For example, "His oxygen sat is tanking," Or "When we got him into the Ambulance, His Blood Pressure tanked and he went into Pulseless Electrical Activity!"
OR, "The temperatures are going to tank tonight and we're going to get well below freezing!"
There are other ways to use the word tank, but those are the Main ways that this word is used.
What can you do if something is tanking? UNTANK IT!! LOL
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post. may you have a great day, with the Lords blessings pouring out on you. Remember!
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!
Now let's look at other ways tank is used.
If we tank a patient that usually means that this patient is going to the Tank Room that is somewhere near, or IN the Burn Unit. This is where they go for debridement. So now days, tanking a patient usually means wheeling them underneath a shower setup for their debridement process which is in fact a very painful process. They use to use the Hubbard tank, but due to research that was conducted Now they have switched to a shower method and that's just as painful, but is not as risky as the old Hubbard tank was because there is not as much bacteria spread as with the Hubbard tank.
If something is tanking, It means it is falling rapidly!!!!!! For example, "His oxygen sat is tanking," Or "When we got him into the Ambulance, His Blood Pressure tanked and he went into Pulseless Electrical Activity!"
OR, "The temperatures are going to tank tonight and we're going to get well below freezing!"
There are other ways to use the word tank, but those are the Main ways that this word is used.
What can you do if something is tanking? UNTANK IT!! LOL
Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post. may you have a great day, with the Lords blessings pouring out on you. Remember!
ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!
very Soon, I'm going to an concert!
Soon, and VERY soon this month, I'll be going to a concert with my friends Heather, and Mindy. I'll be so excited. It'll be AWESOME. I love my classical music and particularly the last couple of months since the events that've taken place here lately, It's almost all I think about. It's almost all I do is listen to classical music, or PLAY classical music. It's who I am now. but the plans are to go this month I think It's on a Friday, but I'll be taking my ventilator, my suction machine, and of course myself. I'll probably be in the back seat and might even conk out, so It's important that I'm on that vent, because when I'm asleep, I do NOT breathe as observed on the Trends from my ICU monitor. Of course if I'm on the vent period I usually don't breathe, but especially in my sleep.
I'll probably take my music to listen to on my Iphone If I can ever get my Iphone fixed that is, and so Heather and Mindy will be in the front, and me, my vent, and my suction machine as well as my music will be in the back. I'm so excited, because right now, classical musicc is the highlight of my life.
Further updates are going to follow as to the progress of things.
I'm going to be calling my DME today as they have not responded to the script mailed in Last Friday for my extra pulse ox. Hopefully medicaid and/or medicare isn't going to do what they sometimes like to do, and hopefully they won't give me all this, "O, we're not gonna cover the price for the oximeter!" LOL. If that occurs I've already spotted the oximeter and sensor I'll be getting on Ebay if that is what ends up being the case, but I hope it isn't, because I couldn't find the Neonatal wraps for the Ohmeda oximeters on Ebay and I really would hate to put another clamp probe onto my toe, because well sometimes those cause soars and are not the most comfortable. LOL OWWWWWWWWWWW. I could get an earlobe sensor, but I kinda don't want anything on my ear when I'm sleeping as those are somewhat uncomfortable for me.
My toe and my foot are the most comfortable sights for oximeter probes for continuous use, and probably the most accurate as I don't really move much at all when I'm sleeping and Like to hold onto my ventilator circuit when I am asleep.
In other words, yesterday me and heather went to Cundiff's and we were there for a good two hours and I was playing on their keyboards and playing with the different harpsichord modes. OHHHHHHH, I just adore the most beautiful sound that comes from the harpsichord.
Just to own my own harpsichord would be indescribably wonderfully wonderful. It'd be AWWWWWWWWWESOMe! But I don't see how you'd fit one in my house much less find a spot for it. LOL
Thank you for reading another blog post. May God bless you and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
I'll probably take my music to listen to on my Iphone If I can ever get my Iphone fixed that is, and so Heather and Mindy will be in the front, and me, my vent, and my suction machine as well as my music will be in the back. I'm so excited, because right now, classical musicc is the highlight of my life.
Further updates are going to follow as to the progress of things.
I'm going to be calling my DME today as they have not responded to the script mailed in Last Friday for my extra pulse ox. Hopefully medicaid and/or medicare isn't going to do what they sometimes like to do, and hopefully they won't give me all this, "O, we're not gonna cover the price for the oximeter!" LOL. If that occurs I've already spotted the oximeter and sensor I'll be getting on Ebay if that is what ends up being the case, but I hope it isn't, because I couldn't find the Neonatal wraps for the Ohmeda oximeters on Ebay and I really would hate to put another clamp probe onto my toe, because well sometimes those cause soars and are not the most comfortable. LOL OWWWWWWWWWWW. I could get an earlobe sensor, but I kinda don't want anything on my ear when I'm sleeping as those are somewhat uncomfortable for me.
My toe and my foot are the most comfortable sights for oximeter probes for continuous use, and probably the most accurate as I don't really move much at all when I'm sleeping and Like to hold onto my ventilator circuit when I am asleep.
In other words, yesterday me and heather went to Cundiff's and we were there for a good two hours and I was playing on their keyboards and playing with the different harpsichord modes. OHHHHHHH, I just adore the most beautiful sound that comes from the harpsichord.
Just to own my own harpsichord would be indescribably wonderfully wonderful. It'd be AWWWWWWWWWESOMe! But I don't see how you'd fit one in my house much less find a spot for it. LOL
Thank you for reading another blog post. May God bless you and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
In times of hard ship and times when It seems nothing goes right!
In Times when you are at your worst and Life seems to be going wrong in every way possible, Cling to God the Father and Rest assured that he will help you through it all. He has promised that He will NOT give you what you cannot bear and what he does allow you to go through he WILL help you to bear it all. He will be there and as the solid Rock, He's there for you to stand on. Trust in the All mighty and the Healer and Ask him for his guidance and TRUST ME, He WILL give it to you.
Whether it be a death of a very dear loved one or friend, or whether it be an ilness you or your family faces. Maybe It's troubles with other people that treat you wrong. Maybe It's troubles with finances. Maybe It's just sadness from where you know not of which it came from. Whether It's a stressful job you've just taken care of, are taking care of currently, or will have to take care of in the Future.
God CAN AND WILL help you through it all, and all that you have to do is to Ask him the Heavenly Father to help you, and trust me. HE WILL. God will never leave you, or forsake you.
Remember that song I've talked about before. "There's Not a friend like the Lowly Jesus! NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE! None Else Can Heal All Our Soul's Diseases, NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE.! Jesus Knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the Day Is Done. There's Not a friend like the Lowly Jesus. NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE!!"
I LOVE that song. My favorite version would have to be the instrumental Piano Version that Gale Jones Murphy Plays. Trust me. It's so beautiful!!
God's love is Beautiful.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Whether it be a death of a very dear loved one or friend, or whether it be an ilness you or your family faces. Maybe It's troubles with other people that treat you wrong. Maybe It's troubles with finances. Maybe It's just sadness from where you know not of which it came from. Whether It's a stressful job you've just taken care of, are taking care of currently, or will have to take care of in the Future.
God CAN AND WILL help you through it all, and all that you have to do is to Ask him the Heavenly Father to help you, and trust me. HE WILL. God will never leave you, or forsake you.
Remember that song I've talked about before. "There's Not a friend like the Lowly Jesus! NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE! None Else Can Heal All Our Soul's Diseases, NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE.! Jesus Knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the Day Is Done. There's Not a friend like the Lowly Jesus. NO NOT ONE, NO NOT ONE!!"
I LOVE that song. My favorite version would have to be the instrumental Piano Version that Gale Jones Murphy Plays. Trust me. It's so beautiful!!
God's love is Beautiful.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
What an interesting dream I had last night.
Not only did I set my vent alarm off quite a bit last night with coughing and a few other reasons I can't remember because of the half sleep state, but I had the strangest dream.
This dream was that I was in a huge building and was playing on a harpsichord.
What was I playing?
UMMMMMMM, None other than Bach's "Capriccio, BWV 992," my friends.
Well I was in the process of playing the very first movement when all of the sudden my friends Heather and Mindy started talking about drones flying overhead.
They were saying things abuot the drones being overhead and whilst they were talking what did I Do?
Well, I kept on playing my Harpsichord.
Normally in real life, if I ever heard that drones were overhead whilst I was playing a harpsichord, when I heard the word DRONE, my heart would speed up, and I'd probably play the piece and once that piece had been played I'd say, "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH DRONES???"
And then I'd probably end up jumping up and going to see what was going on.
Who knows, what I would do if I were faced with a tough situation like that.
But then I woke up.
I wonder if with all of the drone news that has been occuring here lately, if I'll be seeing some drones around my house one of these days.
Hmmmmm, that's a good question.
I mean, these drones are all over the news now days.
Drones being shot down, drones crashng into odd places, even injuries being caused by thesethings, and other strange events with these new toys.
I don't really call them toys, because of their nature.
One wrong move whilst one of these things are in the air, and you could lose control of it, and then if somebody is wherever it actually ends up falling, THAT WOULD BE AWFUL!!!!!!
It's not unheard of for a drone to crash into somebody and/or some injury related to a drone.
Well, that's what's going on for today.
I hope you have a good day, and may God Bless You And Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!
Not only did I set my vent alarm off quite a bit last night with coughing and a few other reasons I can't remember because of the half sleep state, but I had the strangest dream.
This dream was that I was in a huge building and was playing on a harpsichord.
What was I playing?
UMMMMMMM, None other than Bach's "Capriccio, BWV 992," my friends.
Well I was in the process of playing the very first movement when all of the sudden my friends Heather and Mindy started talking about drones flying overhead.
They were saying things abuot the drones being overhead and whilst they were talking what did I Do?
Well, I kept on playing my Harpsichord.
Normally in real life, if I ever heard that drones were overhead whilst I was playing a harpsichord, when I heard the word DRONE, my heart would speed up, and I'd probably play the piece and once that piece had been played I'd say, "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH DRONES???"
And then I'd probably end up jumping up and going to see what was going on.
Who knows, what I would do if I were faced with a tough situation like that.
But then I woke up.
I wonder if with all of the drone news that has been occuring here lately, if I'll be seeing some drones around my house one of these days.
Hmmmmm, that's a good question.
I mean, these drones are all over the news now days.
Drones being shot down, drones crashng into odd places, even injuries being caused by thesethings, and other strange events with these new toys.
I don't really call them toys, because of their nature.
One wrong move whilst one of these things are in the air, and you could lose control of it, and then if somebody is wherever it actually ends up falling, THAT WOULD BE AWFUL!!!!!!
It's not unheard of for a drone to crash into somebody and/or some injury related to a drone.
Well, that's what's going on for today.
I hope you have a good day, and may God Bless You And Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!
Monday, April 4, 2016
Postillions and Post Horns!!
Well, another beautiful day has greeted me. The last couple of days have been really nice outside, and I'm very very thankful.
Well, in recent days I've learned some new words.
I've actually known these words for a while, but lately I'm talking about Postillions and Post Horns A LOT. LOL. Why?
Bach's Piece, "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother," has six movements as those who are following my blog know by heart probably by now. Well the fifth movement is the call from the Post Horn which is played by the Postillion and this post horn I believe signals the horse's arrival and it calls for Bach's Brother notifying that the horse is there and It's time for him to DEPART. Well It's a post horn call, and if you listen really really closely you can hear the echo from the horn as It calls out. But here lately I've come to love the words Postillion and Post Horn!!
So If you're with me and all of the sudden I start saying something along the lines of, "I'm the Postillion, Playing the POST HORN," well It's going to be said in a weird accent, and You might at first have NO IDEA what I'm saying, but You'll learn very quickl what I said, and WHY.
I'm hopelessly addicted to classical music, I know.
What's A Postillion?
Well Here's a Wikipedia Link that has just the answer.
I would copy the text, but I don't know if that would go against copyright laws or what.
But anyhow, I think in the next blog post, I'm going to discuss what exactly takes place in this story that lies inside of the piece Known as "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother," by Johann sebastian Bach!!
I think that everybody should know all about this piece and why here lately I'm droning on about Postillions.
So If I say something that sounds very very strange, than most likely It will be, "I'm the Postillion, Playing the POST HORN!!"
It might be something somewhat rephraised different, but still along the Lines of the Postillion and the Post Horn.
Yeah, the last couple of months I've done some strange things.
Like in JAN of this year I was talking in a German accent at the music store and I think we got some strange looks, and then in FEB of this year leaving the music store I saw the catws that I think live there, and well Heather was really close to my head and well I kinda meeeeyeeeeeeowwwwed really loud and It kinda hurt her ear.
But ya know, I get very very happy when I'm talking and/or playing Classical Music.
The last couple of months have been filled with event after event after event after event.
First and perhaps biggest of all, My classical music video gets put onAaron's Blog which has just caused me to need to talk Non-Stop about classical music and which is mainly why It's all I really talk about now days. That event was probably the BIGGEST event this year if not in my life.
Second of all, I play on a REAL harpsichord.
Third of all I play on a Piano Forte.
Fourth of all, I see, touch, and hear a Hubbard tank.
Fifth of all, I see and hold a drone.
Sixth of all, I compose a Minuet for Aaron.
Seventh of all I just live better with my trach.
8th of all, My dear friend Sammy is about to name one of his krabs HUBBARD!
Ninth of all, a Geneticist listens to my minuet and says I aut to play it at "S.O.F.T."
That's "Support, Of Families With Trisomy!!"
Ya know what goes through my mind every day?
This year has just been packed with blessing after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, and I'm more than thankful to God for all of this.
I mean, I wish I could give him as much praise as he deserves and more.
So all of these things have caused my addiction into classical music to go through the roof.
This stuff is my life, and It is always going to be.
Thank you once again for reading my blog post, May God Bless you and Keep You, and OH, REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!
ONLY HE, can Love You PERFECTLY!!!!!
Well, in recent days I've learned some new words.
I've actually known these words for a while, but lately I'm talking about Postillions and Post Horns A LOT. LOL. Why?
Bach's Piece, "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother," has six movements as those who are following my blog know by heart probably by now. Well the fifth movement is the call from the Post Horn which is played by the Postillion and this post horn I believe signals the horse's arrival and it calls for Bach's Brother notifying that the horse is there and It's time for him to DEPART. Well It's a post horn call, and if you listen really really closely you can hear the echo from the horn as It calls out. But here lately I've come to love the words Postillion and Post Horn!!
So If you're with me and all of the sudden I start saying something along the lines of, "I'm the Postillion, Playing the POST HORN," well It's going to be said in a weird accent, and You might at first have NO IDEA what I'm saying, but You'll learn very quickl what I said, and WHY.
I'm hopelessly addicted to classical music, I know.
What's A Postillion?
Well Here's a Wikipedia Link that has just the answer.
I would copy the text, but I don't know if that would go against copyright laws or what.
But anyhow, I think in the next blog post, I'm going to discuss what exactly takes place in this story that lies inside of the piece Known as "Capriccio, BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother," by Johann sebastian Bach!!
I think that everybody should know all about this piece and why here lately I'm droning on about Postillions.
So If I say something that sounds very very strange, than most likely It will be, "I'm the Postillion, Playing the POST HORN!!"
It might be something somewhat rephraised different, but still along the Lines of the Postillion and the Post Horn.
Yeah, the last couple of months I've done some strange things.
Like in JAN of this year I was talking in a German accent at the music store and I think we got some strange looks, and then in FEB of this year leaving the music store I saw the catws that I think live there, and well Heather was really close to my head and well I kinda meeeeyeeeeeeowwwwed really loud and It kinda hurt her ear.
But ya know, I get very very happy when I'm talking and/or playing Classical Music.
The last couple of months have been filled with event after event after event after event.
First and perhaps biggest of all, My classical music video gets put onAaron's Blog which has just caused me to need to talk Non-Stop about classical music and which is mainly why It's all I really talk about now days. That event was probably the BIGGEST event this year if not in my life.
Second of all, I play on a REAL harpsichord.
Third of all I play on a Piano Forte.
Fourth of all, I see, touch, and hear a Hubbard tank.
Fifth of all, I see and hold a drone.
Sixth of all, I compose a Minuet for Aaron.
Seventh of all I just live better with my trach.
8th of all, My dear friend Sammy is about to name one of his krabs HUBBARD!
Ninth of all, a Geneticist listens to my minuet and says I aut to play it at "S.O.F.T."
That's "Support, Of Families With Trisomy!!"
Ya know what goes through my mind every day?
This year has just been packed with blessing after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, after blessing, and I'm more than thankful to God for all of this.
I mean, I wish I could give him as much praise as he deserves and more.
So all of these things have caused my addiction into classical music to go through the roof.
This stuff is my life, and It is always going to be.
Thank you once again for reading my blog post, May God Bless you and Keep You, and OH, REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!
ONLY HE, can Love You PERFECTLY!!!!!
Sunday, April 3, 2016
My favorite Keys!
I have Several favorite keys I love. Several musical keys that pieces that are composed in these keys just sound beautiful.
I would have to say that my most favorite key happens to be E Flat and this is because IT JUST FEELS RIGHT. I also love B Flat, and that's just recently, because that's what the first, fifth, and sixth movements of, Can You guess, "Capriccio," happen to be in.
Boy, here we go droning about this piece again.
I love G Minor, beause Bach has composed several beautiful Minuets in this key and they just sound so nice in this key.
I love C Minor as well, because my favorite beethoven Piece happens to be in that key, and that's the "Sonata Pathetique!"
The first and the third movements are in this key.
I love A Flat, and I believe this is because the second movement of the "Pathetique," is in.
I love F Minor, and that's because there's a CPE Bach Minuet that is in this key as well.
Those are my most favorite keys.
So now you know keys that I'm probably going to compose most of my pieces In, because, well they just SOUND RIGHT!
Thank you all, and God Bless.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
I would have to say that my most favorite key happens to be E Flat and this is because IT JUST FEELS RIGHT. I also love B Flat, and that's just recently, because that's what the first, fifth, and sixth movements of, Can You guess, "Capriccio," happen to be in.
Boy, here we go droning about this piece again.
I love G Minor, beause Bach has composed several beautiful Minuets in this key and they just sound so nice in this key.
I love C Minor as well, because my favorite beethoven Piece happens to be in that key, and that's the "Sonata Pathetique!"
The first and the third movements are in this key.
I love A Flat, and I believe this is because the second movement of the "Pathetique," is in.
I love F Minor, and that's because there's a CPE Bach Minuet that is in this key as well.
Those are my most favorite keys.
So now you know keys that I'm probably going to compose most of my pieces In, because, well they just SOUND RIGHT!
Thank you all, and God Bless.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!
Vent settings update!
Well today I thought I'd give you an update on my ventilator settings, so that you'll know what they are currently on.
As my health changes these settings may change too.
RATE: 20
VT: 500ml
Inspiratory Time: 0.7
Pressure Support 20cmH2O+PEEP
Sensitivity: 1L/Min
High Airway Pressure Alarm: 40cmH2O
Low Airway Pressure Alarm: 18cmH2O
Low Minute Ventilation Alarm: 4.0L/Min
These alarms are set very tightly as any slight changes in compliance or increases/decreases in pressure could be a severe problem to my health as my ventilator needs are very high.
Well, there are my current ventilator settings.
There are some exceptions!
If I'm walking or I'm moving around a lot, I increase my rate to 30 and if I'm doing stuff like picking things up that are somewhat heavy, I decrease the Inspiratory Time to 0.6 and I decrease the VT to 400 so that I can increase the rate to 35BPM or sometimes to 40, but if I increase it to 40BPM I set the Inspiratory Time to 0.5 seconds.
As stated in several blog posts back, when I performmy IPV, I max the rate on the ventilator out at 80 breaths Per Minute.
If you didn't look at me and you went into my room and went by the fast rate on the ventilator, without looking at the Pressures, and the Volumes, You'd think there was a Neonate being ventilated.
A rate of 80 Breaths Per Minute is VERY fast, but to be honest with you, It's what's most comfortable for me.
I'm more comfortable on high frequencies than low frequencies.
I don't know why, but I just get very very comfortable.
Thank you for reading this blog post, and God Bless.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Well today I thought I'd give you an update on my ventilator settings, so that you'll know what they are currently on.
As my health changes these settings may change too.
RATE: 20
VT: 500ml
Inspiratory Time: 0.7
Pressure Support 20cmH2O+PEEP
Sensitivity: 1L/Min
High Airway Pressure Alarm: 40cmH2O
Low Airway Pressure Alarm: 18cmH2O
Low Minute Ventilation Alarm: 4.0L/Min
These alarms are set very tightly as any slight changes in compliance or increases/decreases in pressure could be a severe problem to my health as my ventilator needs are very high.
Well, there are my current ventilator settings.
There are some exceptions!
If I'm walking or I'm moving around a lot, I increase my rate to 30 and if I'm doing stuff like picking things up that are somewhat heavy, I decrease the Inspiratory Time to 0.6 and I decrease the VT to 400 so that I can increase the rate to 35BPM or sometimes to 40, but if I increase it to 40BPM I set the Inspiratory Time to 0.5 seconds.
As stated in several blog posts back, when I performmy IPV, I max the rate on the ventilator out at 80 breaths Per Minute.
If you didn't look at me and you went into my room and went by the fast rate on the ventilator, without looking at the Pressures, and the Volumes, You'd think there was a Neonate being ventilated.
A rate of 80 Breaths Per Minute is VERY fast, but to be honest with you, It's what's most comfortable for me.
I'm more comfortable on high frequencies than low frequencies.
I don't know why, but I just get very very comfortable.
Thank you for reading this blog post, and God Bless.
Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
A dream about a MOTORCYCLE????
Being that I'm optically challenged and that I cannot drive, I know It's strange that I would dream about a Motorcycle, but here lately I've been doing that a lot.
What do my dreams consist of when I dream about these motorcycles.
Well here lately as you know I've been addicted to classical music more than ever. I've been droning on and droning on about it continuously. I talk about Bach, and the harpsichord. I talk about Minuets. I talk about my favorite Piece that is well known to all who are around me. "Capriccio BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother!!" Obviously, It's the piece I play when I get really really happy, It's my favorite Bach piece. My dreams will consist of flying down the road on a motorcycle with my best friend Sammy and flying down the road to the Fifth and/or Sixth movement of "Capriccio, BWV 992!" Ya know the Postillion's call, and then the sixth movement that immitates the Postillion's call in a Fugue! I know, I drone on about this piece quite frequently now days. But last night was no exception. I was on a motorcycle with my friend Sammy who has blessed me more than words or anything could even begin to describe. But He was driving this time, and we were flying down the road to the fifth movementof "Capriccio!" This time like usually occurs, the movement was being played on a really wonderful sounding harpsichord. In my dream, I had my vent on, and my cuff was inflated, so my vent was in a back pack on the motorcycle with me. As we were flying down the road withour helmets on, I remember in my dream praying silently to God thanking him for the blessing of being able to be on a motorcycle. I previously had no interest in motorcycles prior to my release from the hospital, and had no interest until I got to know "Capriccio," and then really gained an interest. But the real desperate need to ride on a motorcycle came on the evening of the 24th of January which was a Sunday. That night is as clear to me now as it was back then. But anyhow, That was when Aaron's Mother put my video that I'd performed for Aaron on his blog. The feeling of happiness I got when these huge tanks of joy just poured into my system emptying themselves out into my heart, left me with several desperate needs that night. Most obvious, I wanted to play a harpsichord and on FEB 16th, 2016 that blessing came. The next was to ride on a motorcycle. That has not happened. The next few are to either run really fast, or get on a swing and swing. Ya know some of these classical pieces make me feel as if I'm swinging. for example, the Second Movement of the Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata!" I can't really run with my respiratory problems and my trach/ventilator. But ya know, to get on a motorcycle right now, or to get on a swing, would be awwwwwwwwwesome. Ya know, so much has built up, since she put my video on Aaron's blog. So much happiness and Joy. It's caused my addiction to classical music to be as profound as profound could be. In other words, I'm at the point where I KNOW, I could NOT live without classical music. I could live without soft drinks, or other things, but I am Literally a full blown adict when It comes to my classical music.
Anyhow, I woke up whilst I was praying silently on that motorcycle and I was thinking, "Where's that motorcycle, and Where is Sammy?????"
But anyhow, ya know, I keep droning on about when she put my video on Aaron's blog, and to a lot of people that might seem like a Little thing, but to me, it is A GIGANTIC THING!! The fact that she enjoyed my video that I performed for aaron enough to not only listen to it and then say It'd touched her heart, but then she goes to put it onto his blog. Now if that isn't profound, than Profound isn't even a word, because what happened that night really really filled me with tank after tank after tank after tank after tank of joy and then some. And then some more. I could keep droning on, but I'm going to use everything I have to NOT drone on about this qanymore today, but It meant a lot that she did this.
So now, I'd love to get on a real motorcycle and just FLOOR IT. Just floor the thing or somebody who's driving it just floor it, and of course we would BOTH have the ver very needed helmets, and I'd go flying down the road to Bach's fifth or sixth movement and Boy would that be awesome.
So now days what do I think about? Well I think about those musical mobiles that play classical music, I think about harpsichords, about drones, about motorcycles, and about how thankful I am, and how blessed I am. I do still think about Hubbard tanks, but my thurst to see a Hubbard tank has been quenched and I am just so thankful that it happened. I'm not talking about Hubbard tanks as much.
It could be somewhat that when she put my video on his blog, the Hubbard tank was the least of my thoughts and all I could think about was a swing, a motorcycle, or somethign really really fast, and then I had harpsichords droning along in my head, qand I heard Minuets, Preludes, Sonatas, and "Capriccio, BWV992," and It could be that I realized the Hubbard tank couldn't do anything for the massive massive massive massive amounts of happiness and joy that were just flooding my system pouring into me faster than a pressure washer shoots out the water from the tanks through the hoses, into the spraying mechanism, and out into whatever is being cleaned, and these tanks of joy were just flooding my heart like something I'd NEVER had occur before. I was the Happiest person in the Universe.
So now I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people flying down the road on motorcycles or playing Motorcycle games, and I'll picture myself on one of these things flying down the road to Bach's "Capriccio," either the Postillion's Post Horn, which is sounded in the Fifth Movement, or the Fuge that Immitates the Postillion as He Blows the Post Horn to signal the horse's arrival.
But right now, if you ask me about life and what I love to do, classical music and harpsichords as well as Motorcycles will be at the front of the discussion, and drones too. I could fly a drone to a wonderful Bach Piece, or else I'd be controlling the drone and Humming a Minuet or a Piece like, "Capriccio," whilst i was doing it.
maybe I'd be watching somebody fly a drone and would be humming a beautiful Piece, or who knows what else I'd be doing with drones related to classical music!!
All I know is that Motorcycles, Drones, and Classical music are so important to me now, and I thank god for what He has done for me this year.
I thank God for what He's done for me all of my life.
Thank you for reading yet another Droning Blog Post, and May God bless you and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can Love You PERFECTLY!!!!
What do my dreams consist of when I dream about these motorcycles.
Well here lately as you know I've been addicted to classical music more than ever. I've been droning on and droning on about it continuously. I talk about Bach, and the harpsichord. I talk about Minuets. I talk about my favorite Piece that is well known to all who are around me. "Capriccio BWV 992, On The Departure Of His Beloved Brother!!" Obviously, It's the piece I play when I get really really happy, It's my favorite Bach piece. My dreams will consist of flying down the road on a motorcycle with my best friend Sammy and flying down the road to the Fifth and/or Sixth movement of "Capriccio, BWV 992!" Ya know the Postillion's call, and then the sixth movement that immitates the Postillion's call in a Fugue! I know, I drone on about this piece quite frequently now days. But last night was no exception. I was on a motorcycle with my friend Sammy who has blessed me more than words or anything could even begin to describe. But He was driving this time, and we were flying down the road to the fifth movementof "Capriccio!" This time like usually occurs, the movement was being played on a really wonderful sounding harpsichord. In my dream, I had my vent on, and my cuff was inflated, so my vent was in a back pack on the motorcycle with me. As we were flying down the road withour helmets on, I remember in my dream praying silently to God thanking him for the blessing of being able to be on a motorcycle. I previously had no interest in motorcycles prior to my release from the hospital, and had no interest until I got to know "Capriccio," and then really gained an interest. But the real desperate need to ride on a motorcycle came on the evening of the 24th of January which was a Sunday. That night is as clear to me now as it was back then. But anyhow, That was when Aaron's Mother put my video that I'd performed for Aaron on his blog. The feeling of happiness I got when these huge tanks of joy just poured into my system emptying themselves out into my heart, left me with several desperate needs that night. Most obvious, I wanted to play a harpsichord and on FEB 16th, 2016 that blessing came. The next was to ride on a motorcycle. That has not happened. The next few are to either run really fast, or get on a swing and swing. Ya know some of these classical pieces make me feel as if I'm swinging. for example, the Second Movement of the Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata!" I can't really run with my respiratory problems and my trach/ventilator. But ya know, to get on a motorcycle right now, or to get on a swing, would be awwwwwwwwwesome. Ya know, so much has built up, since she put my video on Aaron's blog. So much happiness and Joy. It's caused my addiction to classical music to be as profound as profound could be. In other words, I'm at the point where I KNOW, I could NOT live without classical music. I could live without soft drinks, or other things, but I am Literally a full blown adict when It comes to my classical music.
Anyhow, I woke up whilst I was praying silently on that motorcycle and I was thinking, "Where's that motorcycle, and Where is Sammy?????"
But anyhow, ya know, I keep droning on about when she put my video on Aaron's blog, and to a lot of people that might seem like a Little thing, but to me, it is A GIGANTIC THING!! The fact that she enjoyed my video that I performed for aaron enough to not only listen to it and then say It'd touched her heart, but then she goes to put it onto his blog. Now if that isn't profound, than Profound isn't even a word, because what happened that night really really filled me with tank after tank after tank after tank after tank of joy and then some. And then some more. I could keep droning on, but I'm going to use everything I have to NOT drone on about this qanymore today, but It meant a lot that she did this.
So now, I'd love to get on a real motorcycle and just FLOOR IT. Just floor the thing or somebody who's driving it just floor it, and of course we would BOTH have the ver very needed helmets, and I'd go flying down the road to Bach's fifth or sixth movement and Boy would that be awesome.
So now days what do I think about? Well I think about those musical mobiles that play classical music, I think about harpsichords, about drones, about motorcycles, and about how thankful I am, and how blessed I am. I do still think about Hubbard tanks, but my thurst to see a Hubbard tank has been quenched and I am just so thankful that it happened. I'm not talking about Hubbard tanks as much.
It could be somewhat that when she put my video on his blog, the Hubbard tank was the least of my thoughts and all I could think about was a swing, a motorcycle, or somethign really really fast, and then I had harpsichords droning along in my head, qand I heard Minuets, Preludes, Sonatas, and "Capriccio, BWV992," and It could be that I realized the Hubbard tank couldn't do anything for the massive massive massive massive amounts of happiness and joy that were just flooding my system pouring into me faster than a pressure washer shoots out the water from the tanks through the hoses, into the spraying mechanism, and out into whatever is being cleaned, and these tanks of joy were just flooding my heart like something I'd NEVER had occur before. I was the Happiest person in the Universe.
So now I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people flying down the road on motorcycles or playing Motorcycle games, and I'll picture myself on one of these things flying down the road to Bach's "Capriccio," either the Postillion's Post Horn, which is sounded in the Fifth Movement, or the Fuge that Immitates the Postillion as He Blows the Post Horn to signal the horse's arrival.
But right now, if you ask me about life and what I love to do, classical music and harpsichords as well as Motorcycles will be at the front of the discussion, and drones too. I could fly a drone to a wonderful Bach Piece, or else I'd be controlling the drone and Humming a Minuet or a Piece like, "Capriccio," whilst i was doing it.
maybe I'd be watching somebody fly a drone and would be humming a beautiful Piece, or who knows what else I'd be doing with drones related to classical music!!
All I know is that Motorcycles, Drones, and Classical music are so important to me now, and I thank god for what He has done for me this year.
I thank God for what He's done for me all of my life.
Thank you for reading yet another Droning Blog Post, and May God bless you and Keep you.
Remember, ONLY HE, can Love You PERFECTLY!!!!
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