Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Vent use increasing and lunch with a friend!

Well today, I went with Heather and we had lunch with a friend who I  took piano lesson with and who I had not seen in so many years. I told him all about the recent happenings with my health and so many other things. It was such a blessing. We talked about Hubbard tanks, Drones, classical music, and many many other things.

He remembers something very very important to mention here. This is how much I loved and still love classical music even now. Back when I took piano lessons with a very very good piano teacher well he played classical music. He had this student who played classical music very well. His name was Elton. Well, back then, when we took group lessons I actually kind of made it hard  for the teacher to teach, because well I was continuously talking about classical music. He had to get onto me some because, well I just could not sto talking. I would listen when he asked me to be quiet, but well, my friend who I saw who's name was Kyle, he remembers this, and he remembers that when Elton would  start playing, I would get real  quiet. VERY quiet. This was something I loved. When somebody is playing classical music for me, I do get quiet. I LOVE IT!! Its one of the times that I'm actually quiet.   Classical music is literally MY LIFE!! It's what I am It's what I will be forever.

In other news Heather and I went to the motorcycle shop today, and I did not get to ride a motorcycle, however I did get to get on one and sit. IT FELT Indescribable!! It felt wonderfully wonderful. Sitting on that motorcycle was such a profound moment. I remember doing it so clearly.  It was  a green motorcycle and as I was sitting on it, something very profound happened.

I closed my eyes, and I pictured myself going really really fast down the road on one of these things to the Fifth and Sixth movements of "Capriccio!" I remember it so clearly. It's one of those times when all of the wonderful events that have happened to me this year have come together. They've come together to make one really really really really gigantic blessing out of millions of wonderful blessings. And I  still have more to encounter, as This Friday we go to the Orchestra, and then very soon, probably the next Sunday after this upcoming one which is going to be on the 31st of this month,  THE DRONE!! It's just indescribable how wonderful this year has been!!

I sat on that motorcycle and It's when memories from the 24th of January when my video I had conducted for Aaron ended up being placed on his blog,  started racing through my head. It's at that minute when I was on the motorcycle that memories from that night went through my head and they seem so clear as if it had just happened.  I could have used a motorcycle that night to get on as happy as I was. Maybe I need to get a harpsichord and bring it with me when I fly that drone. LOL. That would not be an easy thing to bring. This year has been packed with blessing after blessing after blessing after blessing! I'm sooooooo thankful for what I've had happen to me this year, and I give god, Heather, My Friends, and my wonderful parents so much credit for it, and Aaron for the inspiration he's been for me and my music!!

In other words,  I took my ventilator with me when I went out with Heather today as i was desatting and needed it. I did pretty well today, and I'm thankful for the fact that I had my ventilator.

Well, thank you for reading this blog post. God bless you all.


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