Monday, April 18, 2016

Such an ever so slight possibility of WINNING the humidification battle!

Well, I must say, over the last few days my respiratory status has deteriorated and I'm needing the vent more and even on the vent I've been desatting. Last night even with the High PEEP I'm using my sats didn't do what they were suppose to which was stay in acceptable ranges. My pulse oximeter went off numerous times throughout the night. Today I've not felt well at all and have beenexhausted from the lack of oxygen and Central apneas! If I was not a ventilator dependant the last several months, I am now essentially. But the good thing is I've got my vent and so that's obviously GOOD! In other words my DME provider that takes ccare of my vent stopped by to check on things and we got some orders in and talked to him about issues we are having with the DME not giving us what we need, and  so he's going to try to get some success in this department.

Another and the most important thing we talked about was the fact that regardless of whether they have them or not, I NEED a Heated Wire Humidifier system. With my secretions and my Humidification needs the Fisher and Paykel HC150 is just not going to be what actually SUCCEEDS in giving me the PROPPER humidity I need with my trach. This plastic thing with a dial and a Heater plate is not even designed for invasive ventilatory support. It's for use on PAP devices such as a CPAP or biLevel type of therapy where you are no getting ventilatory support with an artificial airway, but are using a mask. If you're using a trach, than YOU  SHOULD NOT be using one of these as they don't do anything to help with condensation, or they have NO WAY to set a Precise temperature. If you are a trach patient and you use a ventilator you really need a Humidifier such as the Fisher and Paykel MR850 humidifier. These have a heating wire inside the tubing and monitor the temperature to give you the precise temp that  you need on the ventilator.

Well I told the RT that I NEEDED a heated wire circuit and that's just it. I explained that the HC150 was  not even designed for invasive ventilatory support, and I went on to deep details of research I'd conducted, and he said that He'd see what he could do.  It's up to the boss at the DME area whether this actually does happen, or whether it's another lost cause. I really hope that this does work out like I need it to so that I can finally get WARM air when I'm on the vent and no sort of cool warm air that I don't call propper humidity, because It's NOT propper humidification. Don't call something propper if it is not propper. The HC150 might be propper if you are a sleep apnea patient receiving a Low Level of CPAP, but even then I think you should be on a heated wire system. But OK, if you want to put a patient on an HC150 with a PAP machine that doesn't have a built in heated Humidification system, than you and the patient can talk about that, but to put a Patient who has a trach on an HC150 with an LTV, or any sort of ventilator that involves Invasive ventilation, It's just WRONG, and unacceptable, because not only does rainout in your circuit cause pressure fluctuations, but Water in the circuit can grow bacteria, and a trach patient has an open airway and that should be the Last thing that they need which is bacteria and infection to deal with! Not only that, if they have an LTV ventilator that water is going to pour into the exhalation valve flooding the thing and then you are going to get DISC/SENSE alarms, Autocycling,  faulty exhalation valves and a whole list of other problems that the patient with a trach, or any artificial airway DOES NOT NEED!!

I know I'm droning on about this, but I cannot stress this enough!! If you are a trach patient on a ventilator, YOU NEED a Heated Wire Circuit. It reduces rain out, It gives smooth and PROPPER humidity, and It allows a set temperature to be set and monitored, so when the temperature outside tanks outside into the freezing cold temps you will not have to deal with continuous rain out and horrific humidification!

Please pray that this fight to get me the Heated Wire setup is a success because I really need this  for my ventilator.

thank you very much, and God bless you, and keep you.


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