Saturday, April 16, 2016

A warm Christmas makes a very SPECIAL Christmas!!

You know, It's months back and I know I'm going to drone on something from the past, but ya know, last Christmas I would have to say including christmas Eve, was my favorite Christmas Eve, and Christmas.

Why would this be the case? You might be wondering what exactly made it my favorite Christmas eve, and Christmas!! As you know, I don't like cold weather. Most of us don't. Especially me.  When It's cold, the humidity tanks, and my secretion  management tanks too, because of the dry air. This is something that gets complicated even further via the trach, as it already bypasses the body's natural humidification system. Also, I have trouble staying warm. If you walked in my room during the winter, you're going to hear the drone of my Infrared heater, and being that It won't exactly keep the room at the set temp of 72, It usually overshoots it by a little bit, or a lot, so you might find my room 77  degrees, which being that it's artificial heat, it decreases the humidity even further.

Well, this Christmas was special because the temperature was in the 60s and 70s. I LOOOOOOOOOVE temps in the 70s, because that's the temp I am most comfortable at, although temps in the 80s would be even better.

Not only that, my best friend Sammy came with Heather and we hung out for a few hours, and did a lot of awesome stuff whilst i droned on to him about Hubbard tanks and hummed classical music. LOL.I think It's the warmest christmas I've ever had here in the state of KY. I remember that day so clearly.

I got my aqua massage and then I payed for his because well I love doing kind things for others. After that, we went to Talko Bell, or as I'd rather call it Pachelbel for lunch! We went to the Dollar store so I could get a few things, and went to the Medicine Center so I could get some Medications for my Nebulizer. When we got home that Christmas Eve, we talked for a while and then Sammy hugged me, and he left. I was so happy I went to play the piano for an hour or so, and then went on the ventilator in my room and listened to classical music for the rest of the day. Of course, I listened to classical music all day Christmas too, because, well, that's just what I do. But that christmas Eve, and Christmas, I was able to turn the Infrared Heater OFF and so seeing the black display screen and the lack of It's drone was a very pleasant thing because It meant It was warm enough for me. Now during most of the Winter when the temps are in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, the heater's drone is what fills the room other than the drone of my ventilator. The heater has somewhat of an annoying drone at times to me, and I think that's because I realize that It's artificial heat and the reason it's there is because the temp outside is too cold to maintain the temperatures at a comfortable. That heater is going to warm the room like It is suppose to do, but at the same time, It's going to drag the humidity levels down as well. GRRRRR!!

So being able to turn off the Infrared heater was so nice. I'd probably have to say the best part was when Sammy came. I've truly been blessed to know him and to have him as my best friend.

Thank you for reading/listening to another blog post, and may God bless you, and Keep you.

Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!

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