Sunday, April 3, 2016

Vent settings update!


Well today I thought I'd give you an update on my ventilator settings, so that you'll know what they are currently on.

As my health changes these settings may change too.


RATE: 20

VT: 500ml


Inspiratory Time: 0.7

Pressure Support 20cmH2O+PEEP

Sensitivity: 1L/Min

High Airway Pressure Alarm: 40cmH2O

Low Airway Pressure Alarm: 18cmH2O

Low Minute Ventilation Alarm: 4.0L/Min

These alarms are set very tightly as any slight changes in compliance or increases/decreases in pressure could be a severe problem to my health as my ventilator needs are very high.

Well, there are my current ventilator settings.

There are some exceptions!

If I'm walking or I'm moving around a lot, I increase my rate to 30 and if I'm doing stuff like picking things up that are somewhat heavy, I decrease the Inspiratory Time to 0.6 and I decrease the VT to 400 so that I can increase the rate to 35BPM or sometimes to 40, but if I increase it to 40BPM I set the Inspiratory Time to 0.5 seconds.

As stated in several blog posts back, when I performmy IPV, I max the rate on the ventilator out at 80 breaths Per Minute.

If you didn't look at me and you went into my room and went by the fast rate on the ventilator, without looking at the Pressures, and the Volumes, You'd think there was a Neonate being ventilated.

A rate of 80 Breaths Per Minute is VERY fast, but  to be honest with you, It's what's most comfortable for me.


I'm more comfortable on high frequencies than low frequencies.

I don't know why, but I just get very very comfortable.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and God Bless.

Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!!!!!

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