Saturday, April 9, 2016

If you drone about this, and you drone about that!

If you drone about this, and you drone about that, and all you do is drone, and drone, and drone some more, chances are, you are a dronist with a Doctorate in droning.

droning on and droning on is AOK  in my book. Of course,  I have a Doctorate in droning, so It's what I do. I drone about the  wonderful music that is Classical music. I drone about Minuets and Preludes. I drone about pianos and Sonatas. I drone about Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and Chopin. I drone about the harpsichord. Ahhhhh, that beautiful instrument called the harpsichord. I JUST LOVE, that harpsichord.  The beautiful sound that comes from the harpsichord. The beautiful melodies that are often played on these wonderful wonderful instruments. the feeling as your hands touch the keys, and as you play each note to play out a piece such as a Minuet, or the wonderful "Capriccio, BWV 992!"

I drone on about Hubbard tanks. Well  I drone  on about drones.

I drone on and drone on, and drone on, and drone on not stopping. I continue droning for only the Lord knows how long.

It's what I do.

I drone on about the Postillion and his post horn.

I drone on about motorcycles and their relationship with fast classical pieces. D drone on about everything, and anything.

I am a DRONIST, with a Doctorate In Droning.
thank you for listening to me drone on, and may God bless you, and keep you.


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