Sunday, April 17, 2016

A very strange and realisticc dream!

As you know, in the medical field things have to be done very careful. for example, in anesthesia, every medication has to be labeled propperly, and color coded. For example, the Propofol syringe usually has a yellow  label, as it's a Hypnotic. Narcotics such as Morphine and Fentanyl get blue labels, and Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, NMBAs, get red labels, such as Rocuronium, Vecuronium, or Cisatricurium.

Well, Propofol as a lot of you already know is a milky white medication of 10mg/ml and it's easy to seethis, however, it does not matter whether It's easy to see, or not, because IT MUST have a label. In my dream it was the one medication that was not labeled and I was being induced for anesthesia. They had connected the anesthesia machine to the trach, and I was on SIMV/PS and then I remember I was fixing to induce my anesthesia as I always do! Looking at the syringe I noticed it was not labeled, and I WENT OFF! I remember saying, "WHY is this medication NOT labeled?" They got defensive and said, "Well don't get upset at us, we just didn't label it because It's white and we don't need to!" then I woke up from the dream.

WORD OF CAUTION!! Regardless of whether it's a colored medication, or a clear medication, YOU MUST label your syringes of all yourmedications PROPPERLY!! YOU MUST make certainty that they are labeled correctly as one unlabeled syringe or one mislabeled syringe could lead to disaster. Especially in a stressful situation where medications MUST be administered quickly as in code situations, or Rapid Sequence Intubations, if you did not label that syringe, or those syringes, you might give Epinephrine when you meant to give Fentanyl, or give Vecuronium when you meant to give Midazzolam. The first would possibly KILL THE PATIENT when his heart rate sky rocketed, and he went into Hypertensive Crisis.

The syringes must be labeled. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!

Thank you for reading my blog post, and god bless you.

Remember, ONLY HE, can love you PERFECTLY!!

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