Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Well, I have seen my a Hubbard tank for the first time. I've seen the Hubbard tank, and I'm soooooooooooooooooo thankful that I did get to see it. Video will be on the blog tomorrow. It's on YouTube, but I'm kind of tired to post it tonight, and besides, I want to keep ya all waiting. LOL! I got to see the tank, well the TANKS, because there were TWO tanks, I got to place my hand in the tanks, I got to turn on the turbine being that these tanks were just cleaned and filled with water, and I gave a lecture on the history of the tank, and it's methods of use for Both Burn patients, and The Polio patients back when Polio reared it's ugly head. I was not really  expecting there to be water in it   much less for them to  fill the tank up and let me turn on the whirlpool,  but  that's how things worked today.

I'm so thankful.

I mean, when I saw water in the tank, I was a lil shocked, and when he turned on the whirlpool, and then allowed me to turn it on, I was really shocked, but very thankful.

Our Lord Jesus does answer our prayers.

This is proof right here.

He answered my prayer to see a Hubbard tank, He answered my prayer to see a harpsichord, and has answered so many other prayers.

I can't begin to describe how wonderful this day has went.

It's gone beyond wonderful.

Thank you for reading another blog post, and may God bless you.

REMEMBER, ONLY HE, can love you Perfectly!!

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