Thursday, March 31, 2016

URGENT prayer request for Aaron!

Please take time to Pray for Aaron and his family. He was moved to the PICu last night and he's doing somewhat better but he is not on his ventilator anymore and is  on the PICu ventilator. Let me explain what this means. OK? The LTV ventilator is his, home ventilator. The 1150 is also  the same kind  of ventilator I use. It's a great ventilator in the ICu and at home, but It's limited by a few things in that it only goes up to 80 Breaths Per Minuet whereas the Drager Evita XL vent that Aaron is on goes up to  100 in conventional modes and can reach a maximum of 300 in the Mode known as "APRV!!"  The PEEP on the LTVs can only go up to 20 whereas the Evita XL ventilators if I'm right reach a High PEEP of 35cmH2O! I'd have to look at my simulator again, but the point is,  the Drager vents  have much more functions and on that vent you can control the precise amount of FiO2! When I read that Aaron was on the PICu ventilator It really saddened me, but I know that God is working through Aaron to inspire others. He's certainly worked through Aaron to inspire me to compose Music and has made classical music almost all I think about. I'm asking that you Pray for the things as follows.

Pray that Aaron will get well and will be home soon.
Please pray that Jesus will speak to Aaron's Mamma in the way that Only Our Lord, Counselor, Physician, and Savior can giving her what she needs to hear. Please please pray that Jesus will Speak to Aaron's Family and friends giving them comfort. Also, Please pray that jesus will work through that healthcare staff including cardiologists, M.D.s Respiratory Therapists, Nurses, etc and help them to know EXACTLY what needs to be done to make Aaron better. Please pray that Aaron will hear Jesus's voice and that he will  hold onto the hand of Jesus. Please pray that somehow, my Music or something I do does bless this Family somehow. I've  had Aaron put into my heart and I know it is for a reason. Guys? Friends? Please pray that somehow I can bless Little Aaron and his special family SOMEHOW. I don't know how It'd happen, but God can make that happen, yet I TAKE NO CREDIT for it. Please pray that somehow I can help  comfort Aaron and his family in some way.

Thank you for your patience with my LONG blog posts and with my continuous droning on, because afterall, I have a Doctorate in Droning as you know.

God Bless.
Remember, ONLY HE, can Love You PERFECTLY!!!!!

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